Chapter 1305

Among them, China Tengfei, as the main investor, accounted for 62% of the shares, and the Institute of Electronic Science and technology x, with a contribution of 1 billion yuan and related patented technology and talent team, accounted for 38% of the shares.

On this basis, zsnb integrated circuit manufacturing Co., Ltd. purchased 76 Domestic 200 nm lithography machines from whzb founded by Luan Heping. After multiple exposures, the 160 nm process chip manufacturing process can be completed, which is enough to meet the 180 nm process requirements of X Research Institute of electronic technology.

You know, at this time, the 180 nm process is quite advanced. The process used by Intel's latest Pentium 3 series processor is 180 nm.

Because of this, the 180 nm technology is really one of the most advanced technologies in the world at this time. It can be seen how high the performance of the long-range search radar of the anti missile and anti satellite system developed by X Research Institute of electronic technology is.

Of course, there are still many deficiencies in domestic photoresists. For example, the scrap rate is twice as high as that of the photoresists produced by asmel company in the same period, and the power consumption is also twice as high. Moreover, the quality of finished products is one grade lower than that of chips produced by European and American equipment.

However, no matter how the domestic equipment at least solves the current demand of China's take-off for mobile long-range precision radar, it doesn't matter if the quality is a little bit poor, and then it will be improved slowly. The first high-end chip manufacturing equipment in European and American countries doesn't have today's situation overnight, and it's only slowly accumulated that they finally form today's ultra-high profits?

This process is very long and painful, but at least China Tengfei and X Research Institute of electronic technology have taken a key step. The rest is crazy brush experience, and then slowly upgrade.

However, no matter what happens in the future, at this stage, through this cooperation, China Tengfei has not only realized the mass production of high-end chip equipment, but also mastered the core technology of radar.

Because of this, China Tengfei was able to boldly join its own integrated electronic detection system in its own product line.

On the one hand, it is because China Tengfei hopes to realize certain cash flow on the basis of the anti missile and anti satellite system. Of course, the top anti missile and anti satellite system cannot be sold.

However, there is no need to worry about the various low-end reduced configuration types. Of course, they can be sold as much as they can. Naturally, these low-end surface to air missile systems need to be supported by corresponding radar systems. It is not impossible to cooperate with other electronic technology research institutes, but the cost is relatively high.

Therefore, China Tengfei, who has obtained the relevant technology, simply blocks this piece of cake in his own arms and completely eats it. It's not that China Tengfei is so overbearing that it has to go through the road to let others have no way to go.

It's that they are under great cost pressure. The tens of billions of investment in semiconductors are not strong winds. Every cent is the real money of China Tengfei. If the era of Tengfei group is still good and the international environment is relaxed, they can only be afraid of dirty and tired, and can always get foreign exchange from the international market.

However, China's take-off, which is now included in the XX act, is restricted in many international trade activities, which makes the earning of foreign exchange less convenient and rich than before.

This is also the reason why China's take-off has gradually turned to the simultaneous development of the military and the people, and has begun to ignore the Military Morality of madly manufacturing military products. This thing is different from civil products, and there are a lot of restrictions. Military products only need to be approved by the purchasing country. With the so-called common standards, trade rules do not want to do anything at all.

The problem is that if you want to gain a foothold in this field, fast iteration and ultra-high cost performance are always the only way to success. Just because of this, in order to maximize profits, China's take-off can do it by itself, never by others.

On the other hand, it is also the most important reason to cooperate with the headquarters to study the important subject of dealing with stealth targets. Before, China Tengfei was just a simple manufacturer of aerospace products, but now it has mastered the electronic technology, so the headquarters will not let it go.

Therefore, it also issued a task list to China Tengfei, so that China Tengfei could make use of its advantages of producing stealth fighters and matching relevant electronic equipment to see if it could find out a set of effective methods to deal with stealth targets that could be accepted by the army.

This job doesn't look like much, but if it doesn't work well, it's very bad.

The reason is very simple. If the army's exercise is to hit its own shield with its own spear, then China's take-off is to hit its own pot with its own hammer.

The anti stealth detection system is ready. How can you let China take off the next generation fighter that has been laid out in recent years?

If the stealth fighter Zhenlong II of China's take-off at this stage is still arrogant, so that the troops have no way to explain to the headquarters, to tell you the truth, this balance is still very difficult to grasp.

However, Zhuang Jianye still finds the supporting point that makes China take off completely tenable in this difficult situation, that is, the comprehensive upgrade of the product line.

And that's why the headquarters held this experimental confrontation exercise. Both sides are new equipment and new tactics, and no one knows which is the mainstream in the future war.

In this case, it's better to have a good touch on the exercise field and test the effectiveness of the equipment with actual combat actions.

China has the final say that Zhuang Jianye has chosen the right to give the troops. No matter what the election is, it has nothing to do with China's take-off. My product is good, but it is not suitable for the army to decide. So the equipment that is not equipped can not represent the technology that China can take off, but it can only say that it can not meet the needs of the troops at this stage, but never mind that it can not satisfy the needs of other countries' army. As a result, domestic sales have changed into exports. At least they can earn a lot of foreign exchange.

Of course, Xue Weidong doesn't know the little 999 behind these things. What he resents deeply now is that China's take-off is making so many messy things. Why? So much so that he is now under a lot of pressure in the face of this exercise.

Also under pressure is Xue Weidong's opponent Liu Xiaolin. This time, Liu Xiaolin's troops are not just a battalion's s s-300pmu2 air defense missile system.

Instead, an improved red flag-2 air defense missile company and four mobile air defense units composed of Doyle M1 short-range air defense missile system were strengthened.

Cooperating with the 35mm antiaircraft guns of the two reinforced companies, a three-layer dense Antiaircraft Firepower network has been formed in the far, middle and near areas. In order to better simulate the integrated antiaircraft system, the headquarters has allocated four Su-27 fighters as interceptors, which are under the command of Liu Xiaolin at any time to support antiaircraft operations.

It can be said that the force under Liu Xiaolin's command has far exceeded the scale of a battalion. It should be called an integrated air defense brigade. With the detection system that can detect stealth targets, the combat strength of the whole force is of the first-class level in the world.

However, Liu Xiaolin, the commander of such an army, did not feel complacent. On the contrary, he stood in front of the air defense situation board with his brow locked tightly. He was worried. He could not help but face the "golden helmet" of the whole army rather than the ordinary air force attack troops.

If Liu Xiaolin's strength was half a year ago, he would not have been so worried. But now that he is equipped with the "golden helmet" troops of the air force systematized by China's take-off, Liu Xiaolin really dare not say that he is sure to win!