Chapter 1322

With such a great strategic significance, as long as the hearts of some people will be excited, not to mention Liu Xiaolin, a commander of the air defense forces.

So Liu Xiaolin picked up the wine bottle and helped Zhuang Jianye to have a drink. Then he said without concealment: "so, the lyj-15 ultra long range surface to air missile system we received this time is equipped with kinetic energy collision kill warhead?"

"Theoretically, yes!" Zhuang Jianye took the wine cup and drank it. He immediately pinched two snails and pecked out the meat inside. After putting down the shell of the snails, he wiped his hands with a paper towel: "if I were the head of the headquarters, I would nod and do this."

Liu Xiaolin, who was still a little excited in his heart, felt a little stuttered when he heard Zhuang Jianye's words, so he quickly asked, "Lao Zhuang, what do you mean by that?"

What does "can" mean? The headquarters felt that the technical maturity of our kinetic energy collision kill warhead still needed to be improved, so they rejected the anti missile scheme of lyj-15 ultra long range surface to air missile system. "

When he said this, Zhuang Jianye's cheeks were red and his eyes were tearful, as if he had been wronged in every way.

Seeing this, Liu Xiaolin was stunned for a moment. Then he laughed. He picked up his wine cup and touched Zhuang Jianye, and directly turned the conversation aside. Zhuang Jianye, of course, knew that his poor acting skills had been seen through by others, and he didn't care. He drank wine with Liu Xiaolin on his own.

However, in the following conversation, both sides intend to avoid the anti missile scheme of lyj-15 ultra long range surface to air missile system.

However, although there is not a word to talk about this aspect again, their words have never been far away from this topic.

There is no way. As a commander of an air defense unit, Liu Xiaolin naturally cares about this aspect, but he knows very well that many things can not be decided by a front-line commander. Therefore, in the face of Zhuang Jianye's blatant appeal, Liu Xiaolin is out of instinct resistance.

Yes, Zhuang Jianye came to see Liu Xiaolin today for a drink and not only to have a cool chat, but also to have a profound meaning in every word and deed of the people in this position.

So it's not easy.

In fact, Zhuang Jianye's drinking with Liu Xiaolin is not only to enhance their feelings, but also to pass the boring time. The most important thing is to hope that Liu Xiaolin can make some different "discoveries" during the training of lyj-15 ultra long range surface to air missile system in China's take-off, and then show them in his report to the superior.

For example, lyj-15 ultra long range surface to air missile system has very strong performance to enhance its capability; Another example is lyj-15 ultra long range surface to air missile system, which has great anti missile potential.

Of course, it would be better if, after taking over, his troops could make some development in this area and show their skills in the exercise.

In a word, Zhuang Jianye hopes that Liu Xiaolin can become the advertising spokesman of China's take-off anti missile and anti satellite system, and expound the advantages and characteristics of lyj-15 ultra long range surface to air missile system's anti missile scheme from the perspective of a front-line air defense commander.

This is much better than the lobbying effect of Zhuang Jianye running to the headquarters building with a PPT to grind his lips.

Because the heads and leaders of the headquarters still attach great importance to the opinions of the front-line commanders. After all, the equipment is not for the heads, but for the front-line commanders in the specific operation, how the equipment is, whether it is good or not, and whether it can be used. Sometimes the heads may not have the right to speak as much as the front-line commanders like Liu Xiaolin.

This is the main reason why Zhuang Jianye came to Liu Xiaolin.

Where does Liu Xiaolin know the twists and turns in this? When he heard that it was related to the headquarters, he felt that the level was too high. Even Zhuang Jianye, a central management cadre, could not make it. He could become a front-line commander?

Then Liu Xiaolin is still a front-line commander. He has long been the head of the headquarters.

Liu Xiaolin's worry is that Zhuang Jianye can't see it. To be honest, whenever there is a possibility, he wants to go to the headquarters himself and get back the list of anti missile and anti satellite. The problem is that he has worn his feet flat and dried up his saliva. He wants to take off his clothes and play rogue in the headquarters, but the head of the headquarters and leaders don't even look at him, Despite Zhuang Jianye's tossing and turning like monkey sun, the headquarters just said, "your scheme is too low in technical maturity. We won't consider it for the moment!"

The problem is that China's take-off is not taken into consideration, and the antimissile scheme of a competing Aerospace Academy is treated equally. As a result, the headquarters has not delayed the research and development of the antimissile scheme of a Aerospace Academy, but also has additional funds in the next two fiscal years, even through Zhuang Jianye's inquiry, At an internal meeting, a Aerospace Academy has decided to finalize their anti missile interception system and equip the troops before 2005.

This is tantamount to saying that the headquarters has in fact chosen the fixed launching position anti missile docking system of an Aerospace Academy, but it has not been publicly stated.

As for the investment in China's take-off, it is only decreasing year by year. The reason why it has not completely broken the old tradition of China in such major equipment projects is that there must be an alternative to the finalized equipment.

Just like the zhi-11 and the zhi-12 in those years, the zhi-12 and its turboshaft engine launched by Tengfei group at that time were just the spare tire of the zhi-11. What the world did not expect was that Tengfei group developed the zhi-12 by biting its teeth. It not only achieved its first flight ahead of the zhi-11, but also participated in many tests and exercises in succession, so as to get the approval of the army.

As for the former Tianxuan's son, zhi-11, who hasn't even produced an engineering prototype so far, the headquarters has to readjust its R & D deployment. The main development object of zhi-12, which has been mass produced and improved for several rounds, and the direct-11, which has not yet completed the engineering prototype, is regarded as an alternative and becomes a hard pressed spare tire.

The attack of zhi-12 against zhi-11 has also become a good story in the domestic aviation industry.

Nowadays, the anti missile and anti satellite system of China's take-off has become a de facto spare tire, and many cadres and workers of China's take-off who participated in the project hope that their anti missile and anti satellite system can achieve a surprising counter attack as the zhi-12 did a few years ago.

However, some people with a little vision think that the idea of China's take-off is wishful thinking. The reason is very simple. The NMD anti missile interceptor of a foreign power has been tested and successfully launched.

The NMD anti missile interceptor is not so much an interceptor as a small solid carrier rocket.

Since a foreign power has set an example for the whole world in this respect, as the largest American fan, it is impossible for China to take such a ready opportunity to cross this river called antimissile behind a foreign power.

Because of this, it is reasonable to choose the antimissile scheme of a certain Aerospace Institute, because their antimissile system is similar to the NMD antimissile interceptor of a large country outside the region. In this case, the headquarters naturally prefers the antimissile scheme of a certain Aerospace Institute.

Only in this way, China's take-off will be a bit awkward. If China's take-off can be broken by itself, it will not be as good as the example set by a foreign power.

The problem is that China's take-off has this idea, but it does not have this strength.

That's all. What happened at night is that a big country outside the region made several adjustments to TMD while actively promoting the NMD test. The latest one was that at the beginning of the year, a big country outside the region cut off both the land-based theater missile defense system and the sea based theater defense system.

The reason is that the technology maturity is too low and the R & D funds are seriously overspent, which makes the Lords of Congress dissatisfied and stops funding.

As for the shelves of land-based and sea based theater missile defense systems that have been built, the decision-making department of a large foreign country, with the consent of the Congress, places its heavy responsibility on the in-depth improvement of "Patriot" and "standard 2" air defense missiles.

It doesn't matter that a big country outside the region makes this adjustment. It is directly tantamount to cutting corners on China's take-off.

We should know that before China's take-off, it can push forward its own projects, that is, it claims that a big country outside the region is developing the same type of equipment, so the technological path is feasible, and their China's take-off is also touching the head of a big country outside the region.

As a result, a big country outside the region actually said that the technological path was immature and abandoned itself, which made China's take-off more embarrassing and embarrassed to grandma's house.

Even a big country outside the region has run away. Do you still insist on China's take-off, and do you want to continue Zhuang Jianye? I know you Zhuang Jianye is the king of understanding in the aviation industry. The problem is that antimissile is aerospace, but I haven't heard that you Zhuang Jianye is the king of understanding in the aerospace industry.

As a result, China's anti missile take-off plan, which has lost its theoretical basis and has been branded by a foreign power with the label of insufficient technology maturity and cost overrun, has been basically knocked into the cold palace by the industry, and it is difficult to have a chance to turn over.

This is also the reason why Zhuang Jianye, a promising and disadvantageous enterprise, can't get support even if he plays tricks at the headquarters. A big country outside the region has already made it clear that they can't make it. Just let China take off? Who believes!

It is estimated that in addition to China's take-off, no one really believes it.

It took eight years to invest nearly 20 billion yuan in the project of two thousand technicians. No one was willing to stand on it.

What's more, it's still to maximize the interests and make profits higher than all the Chinese cadres and workers who have taken off?

What's more, even if the cadres and employees of China take-off are appointed, how can it be possible for China take-off to develop from a small factory on the verge of bankruptcy to Zhuang Jianye, who now spans the two major businesses of aerospace and is worthy of being a giant in China?

So Zhuang Jianye's operation immediately staged.

Since the anti missile and anti satellite system has become the spare tire, it does not mean that the relevant technology is the spare tire, and the anti missile and anti satellite system is not favored by the headquarters, then China Tengfei will not be favored to use the technology accumulated on the anti missile and anti satellite system for ordinary air defense system?

You know, the lyj-2000 medium and long-range air defense missile system developed and produced by China Tengfei to replace the old s-75 red flag-2 air defense system has a very good reputation in Kazakhstan.

With the growth of public praise, China's take-off actively aimed at the former Soviet Union's republics and former Soviet style weapon users, and carried out precise marketing. It soon received 32 sets of orders of 780 million US dollars from Tajikistan, Azerbaijan and Syria.

It has become one of the few profitable products of China's take-off in the aerospace field.

Taking advantage of this trend, Zhuang Jianye firmly established the human equipment that China has the ability to design advanced air defense missiles, and made this human equipment deeply rooted in the hearts of the people through various channels.

At the same time, with the help of public opinion, Zhuang Jianye began to hype the concept of air defense operations under the new situation, and put forward a series of new ideas in combination with the new three strikes and three defenses. The core is how to deal with the enemy's most core early warning aircraft, strategic reconnaissance aircraft and aerial refueling aircraft, which hide in a far-reaching depth, but play a vital role in the war situation. So as to form a certain consensus on this kind of new concept. On this basis, Zhuang Jianye lost no time in launching the lyj-15 ultra long range surface to air missile system, which was built by using the technology accumulated in the anti missile and anti satellite system. As like as two peas in China, the missile's length is 7.8 meters, and its missile diameter is 0.6 meters. It is almost the same as China's takeoff anti satellite system interceptor. The difference between the missile launches and the Anti Ballistic Missile anti satellite system interceptor launches is the latest N15 developed by China, which is used in the Trident D5 submarine launched ballistic missile equipped with a large foreign country. Lyj-15 ultra long range surface to air missile system uses a simplified version of propellant containing part of N15. Of course, this is not the most important. The key point is that the zbf-110 kinetic energy collision interceptor, which took China seven years to develop, is used with the anti missile and anti satellite system interceptor; Lyj-15 ultra long range surface to air missile system uses Dual-mode Guidance Seeker upgraded from anti radiation missile seeker. The launching mode is vertical launching and high throwing trajectory. The lyj-15 ultra long range surface to air missile system actually climbs to an altitude of 35 km, and then falls like a ballistic missile. Then, according to the radar guidance, it pours at the early warning aircraft and other campaign strategic targets in depth. When it reaches a certain distance, the dual-mode seeker opens, Then, according to the radar, communication and other electronic signals scattered by the early warning aircraft and other special support aircraft, they rushed directly. The whole operation mode is not so much air defense missile as long-range anti radiation missile with the concept of air defense missile. The only difference is that the anti radiation missile hits the ground radar, while the lyj-15 ultra long range surface to air missile system hits the sky flying radar. With the concept of maturity, reliability and consensus, as well as the practical equipment developed according to this concept, it's just like setting up a good stove, preparing a good table of wine and vegetables, waiting for invited guests to come to the table. It's really considerate. To tell you the truth, the headquarters likes manufacturers like this most. They don't have to worry about anything. They all make it clear to you. The headquarters just need to take the real object and evaluate it. This good thing can't be found even with lanterns. As a result, the test and evaluation of lyj-15 ultra long range surface to air missile system soon started. Naturally, the result is not enough to say. It completely conforms to the headquarters' definition of the new concept of air defense and can be tested. In this way, under the operation of Zhuang Jianye, a knock on the door of the headquarters is held in his hand!