Chapter 1327

This is also something we can't do. Unlike other military products, the anti missile system is a strategic defensive weapon, which is not easy to use under normal circumstances. In addition, due to the limited number of equipment, the R & D cost can't be effectively shared, so the price is always high.

This is why even a superpower such as an extraterritorial power can't afford to eat. Even the landlords don't have so much surplus food just because they consume but don't produce.

Of course, the integration of ancestral heritage like Russia is not included. But even so, Russia can not afford the high maintenance cost every year. As a result, a lot of A-135 anti missile interceptors have been eliminated due to disrepair over the years, and several large radar stations used to track and lock down outer space flyers have been scrapped, As a result, the anti missile interception system that the Soviet Union spent a lot of money to build around Moscow has been dead in name.

Even the world's top military powers can't afford to use it, let alone an emerging country whose economy has just picked up.

Therefore, many army leaders have a lot of opinions on the high cost of the antimissile program of the Aerospace Academy, but the Aerospace Academy also has no way, because according to its operational height, the antimissile program of the Aerospace Academy is comparable to a medium range solid ballistic missile, plus some supporting systems. Even if the Aerospace Academy has made a considerable degree of system optimization, the cost is still more than 50 million yuan.

But even so, the cost is quite cost-effective in US dollars.

In addition, the NMD of a large country outside the region uses the same technology route, which makes different voices suppressed. Even so, the ultra-high cost of the antimissile solution of an Aerospace Academy has been criticized by many people.

Because of this, when these people found that the similar products developed by China's take-off only cost half of the antimissile solution cost of a certain Aerospace Institute, they could imagine that they were used to drinking the 5000 yuan Feitian Maotai from the dealers. Suddenly one day, they found that a supermarket chain had a 1499 yuan ex factory price discount version of the same model. Seriously, the occasion was not quite right, Otherwise, some of the leaders would clap their chests and yell, "how many of these things do I want?"!

Of course, many army leaders have doubts. After all, the complexity of the anti missile weapon system is there, and a certain Aerospace Academy has also shown them a series of R & D, processing and production processes. Many things are not that a certain Aerospace Academy does not want to reduce costs, but the complexity of the process makes the manufacturer have no way at all.

Let alone in China, even in the western developed countries, some production processes can not reduce the cost, because there are so many processes, unless you don't want qualified parts, it's almost the same. Because of this, the cost of the kinetic energy collision interceptor of a certain Aerospace Institute has reached 20 million yuan.

However, the kinetic energy interceptor of China's take-off is only 8 million yuan, which is 2.5 times of the difference between the two. This makes many military commanders and leaders doubt whether the kinetic energy interceptor of China's take-off is the so-called simplified version or reduced version, or even if the cost is reduced, it will not be able to be reduced to this extent.

You know, it's a kinetic energy interceptor. It's not a fragment killing warhead on ordinary air defense missiles. It's a top-level warhead that needs to meet the incoming target through its own mobility. Its precision and capability are the most advanced in the whole solar system, so it's reasonable to be expensive.

If it is really cheap, it really makes people doubt whether its real ability is competent for the anti missile requirements.

This is just like the top luxury goods. The sky high price is the normal operation. If one day there is a big sale in tears, it is estimated that many people will definitely sell it. It is not a luxury at all. It must be a fake stall.

Therefore, after chief of staff Feng reported the cost of China's take-off of lyj-15 ultra long range air defense missile and the price of replacing Kinetic Energy Interceptor as a whole under the questioning of many army commanders and leaders, many commanders and leaders raised their own questions.

The question is, where can chief of staff Feng, a military officer in charge of operations, answer these R & D and manufacturing things? He can only falter on the stage, and does not know how to answer them.

At this time, the head of the headquarters, who had not spoken for a long time, suddenly opened his mouth to help chief of staff Feng out of the encirclement: "what are you doing to embarrass Xiao Feng? He doesn't work in the ABM system. "

Then the head of the headquarters stood up from his seat and immediately reached for a sign: "turn off the screen."

Hearing this, the director of the Directing Department was stunned for a moment. He wanted to say something, but the head of the headquarters waved his hand: "this exercise is experimental in nature. It's not to test the combat effectiveness of that unit, but to explore the future tactical composition and application of combat methods of our unit. Compared with combat, some things that can cause discussion are more valuable, What's more, we should also make a decision on the choice of the anti missile and anti satellite system. This strategic defense weapon, which is comparable to the most important weapon of our country, really can't be delayed. "

After listening to the remarks made by the head of the headquarters, many heads and leaders of the armed forces are surprised. Has the headquarters made a choice in the anti missile system? Otherwise, how did the anti missile program of a Aerospace Academy pass?

How to suddenly say what choice to make?

This is not a contradiction!

However, only chief of staff Feng on the stage knows that the statement of the head of the headquarters is not contradictory. The reason is very simple. Other army heads and leaders think that it is enough to equip an anti missile and anti satellite system with the domestic financial and technical level. But the head of the headquarters is on the contrary. What he has been focusing on in this regard is a big country outside the region.

In addition to NMD, there is also a set of TMD in a big country outside the region. The two complement each other, just like F-15 and F-16; Like the MiG-29, the Su-27 is a high-low combination, so that a large country outside the region can completely intercept almost all the launch vehicles in intercontinental, long-range, medium range and short-range.

However, China only regards medium range ballistic missiles as potential imaginary enemies and hopes to solve all problems with one set of solutions. What about long-range launch vehicles? What about the intercontinental launch vehicle?

Is there no real threat in China?

You should know that a series of high-performance long-range launch vehicles such as militia III, Trident II and M51 are not vegetarian.

Because of this, the anti missile and anti satellite system conceived by the head of the headquarters is actually the same as the architecture of a big country outside the region, and also adopts the high-low matching mode.

A certain Aerospace Institute is the core research and development unit, which is responsible for high-end anti missile interception system. The main combat target is the long-range intercontinental launch vehicle with a range of more than 5000 km. Based on this, the cnmd defense system is established.

With China Tengfei as the core research and development unit, it is responsible for the middle and low-end anti missile interception system. The main combat target is the midcourse interception of 1500 km to 5000 km medium range launch vehicles, and the ctmd defense system is constructed with this as the core.

The combination of cnmd and ctmd is the complete anti missile and anti satellite defense system in the head of the headquarters!