Chapter 1344

At the moment when the firelight lit up from the screen, the whole hangar was extremely quiet. No matter how many army leaders and leaders were present, they did not expect that the ty-22 stealth UAV, which should be the seed of a bomber, was an important point of anti carrier combat.

Yes, what we did in the video just now is nothing else. It's a simulation drill of attacking aircraft carrier.

However, the testing party is not the army, but China's take-off as the research and development party.

Because of this, the launch vehicle of high-speed warhead is not a ballistic missile, but a simulated warhead launched by the modified trj-700 regional airliner.

Even so, the whole process has basically constructed a complete anti carrier combat system, in which the space-based satellite provides the general orientation of the target, and continuously passes through the top of the satellite to track the moving aircraft carrier, and then the UAV follows up, dynamically tracks the aircraft carrier under the guidance of the satellite, and provides accurate target data at the same time.

After our anti carrier attack weapon is launched, the UAV can also provide assistance in relay guidance and precise guidance.

It can be said that in the whole anti aircraft carrier process, UAV plays an important role in the final hit of satellite data and attack ammunition.

It can be said that without the node of UAV, the whole anti aircraft carrier combat system will become fragmented and not a system at all.

With the help of UAV, the combat effectiveness of the whole system will be highlighted immediately. It's like a satellite in space. Under the catalysis of UAV, the missiles in hand can achieve an unexpected chemical reaction effect, achieving the super effect of one plus one greater than two.

Of course, this node can be achieved by using large UAV platforms such as ty-2 or uav-8, but the question is, what is the survival probability of this kind of UAV in the face of the super existence of aircraft carrier battle group?

It is estimated that before flying to the designated place, it will be shot down by the carrier based fighter of the aircraft carrier battle group.

After all, the air defense capability of the aircraft carrier battle group is the highest in the world today. There are not only shipborne high-performance radar, but also shipborne early warning aircraft, and then the multi-layer protection of Shipborne fighters. Coupled with the air defense missiles carried by the escort ships, the whole aircraft carrier battle group is like a hedgehog full of thorns. Anyone who chews it will be killed.

So let alone half of the UAVs, which are better fighters, are shot down as targets in the face of the powerful comprehensive strength of the aircraft carrier battle group.

This is also the important reason why the domestic anti aircraft carrier combat theory has been put forward for nearly a decade, and the anti aircraft carrier offensive weapons have been substantially developed for five or six years, but still have not formed a complete anti aircraft carrier combat capability.

We should know that anti carrier operation is never a simple thing that can be accomplished by firing a few missiles towards the aircraft carrier, but requires a complete combat system.

First of all, we must find the aircraft carrier. After all, the maneuverability of the aircraft carrier is there, and it will never be there for you to fight. Some people asked, how big is the aircraft carrier? It is not easy to find it?

If the area of the ocean is as large as that of the land, it may be easier. The problem is that the area of the ocean is several times that of the land, so the difficulty will be doubled. In addition, with the aircraft carrier running at full power on the sea, the difficulty will be increased exponentially to the top level.

It's like fighting mosquitoes in the dark room on a summer night. There are only one or two mosquitoes in such a big room. It's not easy to find them in a short time.

It's the same thing to look for an aircraft carrier in the ocean.

Fortunately, during the cold war, the Soviet Union waded a practical way out with its arms investment regardless of cost, that is, to deploy a large number of marine reconnaissance satellites in space to specially monitor the movements of aircraft carriers.

Naturally, China is not as crazy as the Soviet Union, but it still has the ability to use several reconnaissance satellites and resource exploration satellites to conduct key reconnaissance in key areas between the first island chain and the second island chain.

If the aircraft carrier can be found, the next step is to strike. It is difficult to break the thick protective layer of the aircraft carrier battle group in the traditional mode of operation. However, as the saying goes, the world's martial arts can only be fast. As long as the attack weapons reach a certain speed and the aircraft carrier's various protective measures are too late to respond, the direct GG is naturally the best choice.

Therefore, in the Soviet era, heavy supersonic anti-ship missiles were vigorously developed, while in China, hypersonic anti-ship missiles were further used.

Finally, the most critical step is to effectively integrate the investigation force and the attack force, so as to play a one plus one greater than two enhancement effect.

In this regard, the Soviet Union did not do well enough. The integration of the two systems was too complicated, involving the ground satellite receiving station, the command center of the naval command, the tu-142 anti submarine patrol aircraft in the air, the aircraft carrier and nuclear powered cruiser at the core of the fleet.

The overlapping organizations and nodes lead to the lengthy and complex chain of command and operation, so that a command often needs four or five repeated broadcasts to reach the grass-roots level.

Because of this, the Soviet Union had great limitations in anti carrier operations.

It's not that the Soviet Union didn't want to change this. The problem is that with the level of technology at that time, the Soviet Union is already the most powerful anti aircraft carrier force in the whole solar system. If we want to improve it, we can go further.

The problem is that technology has improved and the Soviet Union has disintegrated.

In this respect, we have to say that we have caught up with a good era. Thanks to the continuous promotion of Moore's law, large-scale integrated circuits are becoming smaller and smaller, and their functions are becoming more and more powerful. In the past, three or four nodes relay things, one platform and one node can effectively complete.

It can be said that the technical obstacle hindering the Soviet Union from completing the evolution of anti aircraft carrier combat system is not a problem in the post Cold War era. However, China has caught up with a good era in system integration, but it has fallen into a very embarrassing situation in terms of platform due to the shortcomings of the past few decades.

Looking all over the country, there is no node platform with high survivability in front of the aircraft carrier battle group.

This makes the country even more embarrassed than in the Soviet era, that is, it is impossible to integrate the reconnaissance and strike forces, let alone the construction of the anti aircraft carrier combat system.

But at this time, China's soaring ty-22 appeared in front of the public, and showed them the excellent ability of ty-22 to integrate reconnaissance and strike.

That's all. The most important thing is that ty-22 is not an ordinary UAV, but a real stealth UAV, which is of great significance in the whole anti carrier combat system.

We should know that the air defense capability of the aircraft carrier battle group is not much different from that of the important ground air defense. It is difficult to find the stealth target, or it is not sensitive to the stealth target.

In this case, ty-22 stealth UAV solves the most important problem of node platform, which is survivability.

In addition to its 18000m altitude and 8400km range, we can imagine that the vast airspace between the first island chain and the second island chain will inevitably become the private space for ty-22 stealth UAV to fly freely in the future!