Chapter 1380

A female reporter from the international channel of Russian state television was stunned by Zhuang Jianye's words.

She did confirm from Zhuang Jianye that the UAV jamming device displayed by Osman security forces during an operation in Southwest China not long ago was zdl-16 vehicle borne UAV jammer produced by China.

But just because of this, the rhythm of the whole interview was completely in the hands of Zhuang Jianye, and then with the help of zdl-16 vehicle borne UAV jammer, he began to talk about the lofty idea of China's take-off, peace loving and economic development.

At the moment, a Russian female reporter really has more than 10000 grass mud horses in her heart. What she wants to listen to is a Mao idea. What she wants is zdl-16 vehicle borne UAV jammer, which is a super difficult product that is brilliant in the military operations in the southwest of Osman and is called as impossible in a short time by many arms manufacturers - zdl-16 vehicle borne UAV jammer!

However, Zhuang Jianye, like a philosopher, is totally blind to products. On the contrary, he is instinctively persistent in belief, culture and ideas. For 15 minutes, Zhuang Jianye, who is eloquent, is telling us how China's take-off has made great strides in promoting world peace and human development.

So many beautiful Russian journalists tried to interrupt without a chance.

You should know that the interview time Zhuang Jianye gave them was only two hours. Zhuang Jianye talked about unimportant issues for 15 minutes, and one eighth of the time was wasted. You should know that many questions were prepared for this interview with this beautiful Russian reporter. At least three crucial questions were lost when Zhuang Jianye made such a mistake.

So while Zhuang Jianye was drinking water and breathing, the Russian female reporter who finally seized the opportunity quickly asked her a question that she had been holding for a long time: "since the UAV jamming device used by Osman not long ago is the zdl-16 vehicle borne UAV jammer flying in China, Mr. Zhuang, is it not convenient for us to take a look at the real object?"

"Haven't you been looking at our zdl-16 vehicle borne UAV jammer?" Zhuang Jianye asked noncommittally, then pointed to a seat and said: "this camera can shoot all the time, how? You are so blatant in photographing the new products that we have worked hard to develop in China's take-off

This time, not only the beautiful Russian reporters who are responsible for interviewing Zhuang Jianye are confused, but also the editors and directors of the international channel of Russian state television and the field staff around them.

What's going on?

Zdl-16 vehicle borne UAV jammer in front of them?

Still facing their cameras?

So why didn't they find out?

Just as a group of Russians were full of questions, Zhuang Jianye pointed to a building like a mobile plank house. Different from other plank houses, the one behind Zhuang Jianye had two pan like antennas on it. Then Zhuang Jianye laughed and raised his chin to the two pan like Antennas: "that's the zdl-16 vehicle borne UAV jammer, But we set it in the board room, oh... By the way, this is the latest upgrade of zdl-16 vehicle borne UAV jammer, which can automatically locate the unique communication transmission signal of the oretaya quadrotor UAV, and interfere and capture the oretaya quadrotor UAV according to the determined azimuth, so this model is also called zdl-16a.... "

Listening to what Zhuang Jianye said, including the beautiful reporter, all the Russians on the scene turned their curious and suspicious eyes to the simple prefabricated house not far away. The three people who were used to take a close-up of Zhuang Jianye adjusted their angles and went crazy with the output of the prefabricated house and the antenna.

Just at this time, the Russian female reporter, who was looking at the board room, suddenly received a note from the director. The Russian female reporter turned around quickly and continued to ask, "we don't know about this zdl-16a. It happened that we brought an oretaya four rotor UAV this time. I don't know if we can test it on site?"

"No problem, on the issue of zdl-16, we are ready to accept any test at any time!" Zhuang Jianye agreed very happily.

The Russians did not procrastinate after they got the consent. They soon arranged for two people to take a car to three kilometers away to release the UAV. Soon, the location of the UAV was captured by signal recognition in the boardroom, and the jamming model was quickly released, forcing the UAV to fly towards the direction of the boardroom, and then steadily fell down to be successfully captured by the ground personnel.

The whole process is fast and efficient, without procrastination!

Russian state television naturally recorded all the pictures of the oretaya quadrotor UAV. The Russian female reporter who interviewed Zhuang Jianye nodded in praise, and immediately turned her eyes to Zhuang Jianye again. Suddenly, she asked the most sensitive question so far: "Mr. Zhuang, You just said that China's take-off was developed at the request of Osman. Is this project a part of your aircraft carrier plan? It's widely said that you once communicated with Osman deeply as the coordinator of the Varyag through the Bosporus Strait, So this zdl-16 UAV jamming opportunity will not become one of the targets of your deal with Osman for the Varyag to pass through the Bosporus Strait? "

"Carrier program? Varyag? Hehe... "Hearing this, Zhuang Jianye shook his head sarcastically:" this is the most ridiculous joke I have ever heard in the 21st century. Why do we want aircraft carriers? I said we are peace loving. What is an aircraft carrier? The real war machine, what do we want it for?

Besides, even if we want an aircraft carrier, we can't have Varyag soaking in the sea for more than ten years. If we really want to transform such an old aircraft carrier into a new one, the Kiev and Minsk we bought a few years ago should not be used as sea amusement facilities.

So I don't understand how a comprehensive commercial platform destined to become a high-end hotel and gambling industry on the sea has become our aircraft carrier plan. What else can I say about going to Osman to coordinate Varyag's crossing the Bosporus Strait? "

"That is to say, you didn't go to Osman last year for the Varyag?" Russian female reporter asked again.

"The ownership of the Varyag is not for China to take off. I don't care whether it can pass through the Bosporus Strait. I went to Osman just to see if there is potential for economic cooperation with this friendly country. After all, the friendship between our country and Osman has a long history, and I am also the person who knows Osman best in the aviation and aerospace circles so far, Therefore, after several times of communication with all sectors of Osman, we found that the people of Osman are honest and lovely. For example, the zdl-16 vehicle borne UAV jammer project provided three sets to Osman at a cost of US $100 million. We collected fees according to the cost price, and even confiscated a cent of profits. Osman was particularly moved by this. "