Chapter 1456

No wonder the head of the navy would react like this. He thought it was a great disadvantage. Isn't it expensive? I thought the navy was the one who broke a penny into eight pieces more than ten years ago? Do you see that the Varyag has come home? Who do you despise?

"You say the number, the navy is not the navy in those days. The problems that can be solved with money are not problems!"

When the head of the Navy said this, it was called a heroic dry cloud. The feeling of local tyranny filled the whole room. He almost didn't move Zhuang Jianye. He said without hesitation: "12 billion yuan..."

"Ten... Two billion...?"

After listening to Zhuang Jianye's offer, the head of the Navy immediately felt that his sense of local tyranny was instantly replaced by a pain called meat pain. Even the old man with a voice was like a big piece of flesh in his heart.

But on second thought, if the navy can really achieve the ability to make dumplings, 12 billion is worth it, even if it is a little expensive, so he bit his teeth and nodded his head: "as long as the development cycle of the ship can be shortened by more than 30%, 12 billion is 12 billion..."

"No, chief, the 12 billion I said is just the cost of building and daily maintenance of our wcznb database dedicated to manufacturing mode, because all manufacturing mode architectures can be implemented only based on the industrial data in wcznb database, and our China Tengfei's principle for wcznb database is that users should buy the right to use wcznb database for at least 10 years at a time, and we come to the door for free The annual maintenance service fee is 1.2 billion yuan, 12 billion yuan in 10 years... "

Listening to Zhuang Jianye's words, the leaders and heads of the Navy were straight in the face. Especially when Zhuang Jianye said that he would help users build the database for free, several angry people wanted to go up and strangle Zhuang Jianye's neck and shout: "It's like taking advantage of us. The database maintenance fee of 1.2 billion yuan is two times higher than that of TM's Oracle and Cisco, which are foreign first-class data service providers... Please be a person, Zhuang heixin!"

This time, Zhuang Jianye, like a blind man, turned a blind eye to the reaction of the leaders of the Navy and continued to say: "Of course, due to our good cooperation with the Navy and shipbuilding for so many years, our latest jsnb-v 3.0 enhanced industrial design software, jshnb-ii 2.0 three-dimensional model design software, jshzb-iii 1.0 Lenovo design platform and jszb-iv 4.0 virtual reality technology digital pre installation software can be provided to the units in need free of charge.

If necessary, even large-scale mechanical equipment equipped with our brand-new wchzb-iii professional industrial control software can be provided to relevant parties at cost price. However, in the next decade, China Tengfei will be solely responsible for the upgrading of these software, equipment maintenance and production line support, and the annual cost is not high, that is, 4 billion yuan will be enough... "

In the first half of the sentence, several ugly Navy chiefs improved slightly after listening to it. They thought Zhuang Jianye was too small to be measured although he spoke loudly. They knew that those concessions were given to the Navy. Several software were the key core of automation and intelligence. The development cost alone was a sky high price, and it was a great discount to the Navy for free.

As a result, the navy is still glad that the sky high maintenance fee behind Zhuang Jianye directly makes the bosses call themselves stupid and naive. As expected, there is no free lunch in the world. The software can be taken free, and even the equipment installed with professional industrial control software can be wholesale without making money, but the maintenance service fee behind is surprisingly high.

4 billion a year, 40 billion in ten years. If you add 12 billion in database maintenance service fees, the shipbuilding industry needs to contribute 52 billion yuan to China's take-off in ten years.

Of course, several Navy leaders immediately wanted to find other data maintenance providers to replace China's take-off, but this idea was ruthlessly cut off as soon as it sprouted from their head.

You leave the creator of China take-off to use the new manufacturing model of China take-off. It's like 45 feet have to wear 37 shoes. You deserve it.

You should know that the reason why others dare to play like this is that they have formed a complete closed loop in software and hardware, and firmly grasp the core technology of the whole model. Only in this way, China Tengfei will not care about the profit of the hardware, but will focus on the follow-up service, where is the inexhaustible sea of profits.

Even once ordinary people form habits, it is not easy to change, especially in the industrial field. A manufacturer recognizes a brand of machine tools. Even if they are damaged and scrapped, they will think of buying another set of similar equipment of that brand.

Only in this way can we adapt to the operating habits of workers who have already started, process qualified parts and integrate them into the whole huge production chain.

China's take-off obviously has such a huge consumption inertia that only belongs to the industrial field, so it bets on the subsequent huge service fees in its unique field.

Because now, in addition to China's take-off, find a second one, but once you use China's take-off and form a habit, it is tantamount to establishing a high degree of dependence on China's take-off.

Although the maintenance contract is only 10 years, who dares to peel off China and take off alone after 10 years? You can't sign a service contract with China Tengfei for the next 10 years and continue to supply it step by step every year.

This is good. If China makes a technological breakthrough and makes two major upgrades, will the relevant enterprises follow or not?

If you don't follow, if your competitors are upgraded and their production efficiency is raised, you will fall into passivity; If you follow, it is bound to give China a large upgrade service fee.

In short, China's take-off relying on this new manufacturing model is not the most popular one hammer deal at present, but holding a long-term meal ticket that can't be eaten, and it's still like a top meal ticket lying counting money.

For enterprises, it is no different from another unavoidable tax, the same take-off tax as value-added tax!

The leaders of the navy are not without talents. Naturally, they can see the real intention of Zhuang Jianye's operation. To tell the truth, the total price of 52 billion is scattered among dozens of backbone enterprises of large shipbuilding industry, and the burden is not much. The key to the problem is that once contaminated, they have to pay taxes for life, which is unacceptable to many Navy leaders.

But I can't refuse. Who makes China take off is that unique.

As a result, Zhuang Jianye kept saying when many Navy leaders were tangled: "Our preferential strength this time is unprecedented, which is limited to these three days. Of course, as a conscientious enterprise, we China take-off will never be difficult. If someone finds a better data maintenance company, the software and hardware equipment I just mentioned should still be free, the cost price or the cost price.

After all, our purpose has always been that business can not be benevolent and righteous. Just like today, leaders and leaders made a special trip to China to take off against our immature shipborne aircraft. We are very happy. Seriously, we really remember this friendship for a lifetime... "

"Xiaozhuang, the carrier plane will be handed over to you and China will take off..." Zhuang Jianye just said half of his words. The head of the Navy exchanged eyes with the left and right, and then made a direct decision in the stunned crowd: "it's settled today!"