Chapter 1466

As everyone here knows, just half a month ago, at the Baisha missile test site in New Mexico, liberty and beauty successfully shot down a scrapped communication satellite 512 kilometers from the ground with a modified f-15c fighter and an asm-135c anti satellite missile.

This test is the second time since the free and beautiful room used F-15A to launch asm-135 anti satellite missile in 1985. Combined with the explosive development trend of global navigation satellites, the meaning of free and beautiful room is self-evident.

I don't object to countries breaking the global monopoly of GPS. After all, the rules originally formulated by freedom and beauty are there. This face is still necessary, but it doesn't guarantee that in case of any accident in outer space, such as the impact of abominable space garbage.

If there is something wrong with the navigation satellite, don't cry to your mother.

Countries and organizations committed to the development of navigation satellites have no fool who can believe in freedom and beauty.

But apart from the fact that hairy bears with anti satellite capability can take the bullshit between freedom and beauty as a breeze in their ears, there is an attitude that can't look at each other between freedom and beauty.

At the same time, in addition to showing their muscles to let the villagers of the global village see what TMD is called village bully, they also lose no time to throw out some sweet dates.

For example, for the international space station being built, freedom and beauty agreed to open the international space station to the world, on the premise that it must be implemented in accordance with the standards of freedom and beauty in the aerospace field. For example, what navigation satellites do Japan engage in?

Did you play with that? It's a waste of taxpayers' money. It's better to save this money and invest it on the international space station. Dad can help you fight a few astronauts and improve the morale of Japan's economy in the past decade?

And Lao maozi, don't always fight with big brother. You're not the Soviet Union. Are you short of money? If you are short of money, be honest and use your alliance spacecraft to help you deliver more express. Rest assured that the express fee is preferential. As long as you keep your peace in recent years and stop upgrading the anti satellite and anti missile that cost people and money in the Soviet era, everything else is easy to say.

Europe's cattle, chickens, dogs, pigs... Big brother is still your big brother. It's OK for you to engage in satellite navigation system and coordinate navigation frequency, but can your operation and maintenance entity let the capital of Wall Street play two tricks?

Don't worry, the international space station must have a... A pile of seats in your European zoo!

I almost forgot the lovely little rabbit. Did you see the big brother's muscles? Does brother's dollar smell good, too? Don't say anything. According to big brother's requirements, give up those unrealistic plans in the aerospace field. You deserve the international space station.

It can be said that the practice of slapping the freedom and beauty and giving a pile of sweet dates really makes the villagers of the global village at a loss. Especially Japan is the first to say where they want to build a satellite navigation system. It is just a supplement to big brother's GPS. After all, the area of Asia and the Pacific is too large and the signal is not good. We just do GPS signal enhancement.

Lao maozi said that as long as the money is in place, he doesn't care about the work of the express brother, but on one condition, the Russian astronauts are free.

The European zoo wanted to make a stand. However, by virtue of the alliance between Europe and the United States and the manipulation of Britain, the secret current within Europe soon surged. However, Europe can only make a little concession in the aerospace field in accordance with the requirements of the free and beautiful room in exchange for the concessions of the free and beautiful room in energy, security, import and export.

As for the last little rabbit, although cute, it is the freshest in the global village. To earn US dollars is to develop the country. Otherwise, why do you earn so much money?

Therefore, for aerospace, a future economic growth point, the top leaders in China clearly see that the dawn of the era of great navigation 500 years ago was full of danger, wealth and opportunities.

Otherwise, in recent years, freedom and beauty has successively established "blue origin", SpaceX and other private space exploration companies to undertake the space launch mission of NASA?

Think too little of the pattern of these rich people. Look at the history of those privateering fleets crossing the ocean in the era of great navigation. These space exploration companies are the privateering fleets of the new era. Only 500 years ago, the privateering ships of the West were on the ocean of the earth; The future is in wider space.

Of course, China does not lag behind in this track. For example, the commercial aerospace exploration company established "space exploration" in China's take-off as early as the mid-1990s. Later, China's take-off business was reorganized, and "space exploration" was more called "star sea", Later, in order to keep pace with international standards, Zhuang Jianye, known as the king of aerospace, the black heart expert and the little expert in naming, personally took such a domineering name as ZTM NB space exploration company.

In addition to the conventional rocket launch business, the main business is to add a manned spaceflight business, that is, use repeatable low earth orbit spacecraft to send qualified tourists into space and experience the feeling of weightlessness in space.

Of course, the one-time ticket price is by no means cheap. According to the information disclosed by ZTM NB insiders, each ticket price will not be less than $10 million.

However, this is only the superficial business of ZTM NB space exploration company, and more business is hidden under the public financial statements. After all, now ZTM NB space exploration company and China Tengfei Aerospace Technology Co., Ltd. (Group) are one unit and two brands.

Zhuang Jianye, who is also the chairman of China Tengfei Aerospace Technology Co., Ltd. (Group) and a senior party official, is the founder of ZTM NB space exploration company when he needs to engage in business similar to the private space exploration company between freedom and beauty. Wearing an iconic gray T-shirt and blue jeans, he talks to the investor before the PPT about how to suffocate his dream!

If the military or an urgent mission involving the National Space Administration is involved, the founder of ZTM NB space exploration company will change, wear dark blue ordinary work clothes and dust-proof white coat, become a serious chairman and senior party official of China Tengfei Aerospace Technology Co., Ltd. (Group), and lead the cadres and employees of the whole company to tackle tough problems.

As for whether such a change of identity will make people schizophrenic, look at Zhuang Jianye, who is now sitting in the venue. He is definitely a natural acting school.

However, because of this, everyone's attention has also focused on Zhuang Jianye, because whether it is the chairman and senior party official of China Tengfei Aerospace Technology Co., Ltd., the founder of ZTM NB space exploration company, or the main contractor of China Tengfei's anti missile and anti satellite satellite, the head of the headquarters has engraved the tight time and heavy task on his face, Who can I find without Zhuang Jianye?

The head of the headquarters did not hesitate to directly call the roll: "Xiaozhuang, what difficulties do you have over there!"

"Er..." Zhuang Jianye hesitated for a moment, then said seriously and awe inspiring: "lack of money!"