Chapter 1479

Let alone delaine, any official of the European space agency would be furious at what merlinz said.

The reason is very simple. Where merlinz wants to protect Europe's on orbit satellites, it is clearly the threat of red fruit. There is no clearer virtue of Russia after the collapse of the Soviet Union than Europeans.

If not, Europe will not significantly reduce military spending and increase welfare spending in recent years. It is not clear that the sick bear of Russia can't even care about itself. How can it have the capital to do things?

The problem is that it's one thing to know, but the refutation came to his mouth, but delaine swallowed it back. There's no way. Who can make Europe a head shorter than freedom and beauty.

The complex entanglements and geographical factors are not clear in one sentence or two. In a word, just know one thing, that is, Europe's defense, economy, science and technology and even culture are heavily dependent on freedom and beauty.

After the end of the cold war, Europe's sense of autonomy has increased, especially after the European community is formed into the EU, the euro is issued and a unified European market is constructed.

Some European elites with strong sense of autonomy are imagining to get rid of the dependence between freedom and beauty and rise again as the core of the world.

In order to achieve this goal, European countries have made concerted efforts to make use of the euro, advanced technology and freedom and beauty to play a vivid and colorful game all over the world, and even once gained the upper hand.

However, freedom and beauty are not vegetarian. A Kosovo war directly ended the momentum of the rapid development of the euro; The Iraq war in 2003 was a premeditation to bind the euro to oil and become an international solution currency, which was directly strangled in the bud.

Coupled with the protracted subsidy dispute between Airbus and Boeing; The settlement exchange rate of financial services business; The authority of rating agencies and other issues, that is, Europe and the United States have been old friends for many years. In other relations, they have long torn their old faces.

But even so, with the hegemony of reaching the peak of national strength after the cold war, freedom and beauty have become more and more tough towards Europe. Because of this, Europe, which has felt pressure in recent years, has become more and more difficult.

For example, the "Galileo" satellite navigation system talked about this time did not show much at first. Coupled with the impact of 9 / 11 on freedom and beauty, Europe felt that it could take the opportunity to develop obscene.

I didn't expect that freedom and beauty are not without ideas, but wait until there are substantive actions in Europe.

After all, playing PPT, fooling people, freedom and beauty is an old hand. The truth of saying without practicing fake skills is better understood by freedom and beauty than anyone else.

Sure enough, when Europe launched the first navigation test satellite, merlinz, a former McDonnell Douglas executive and a second-hand dealer in international space accessories, now the vice chairman of the Congressional space business committee of freedom and beauty came to Europe and directly told Europeans that the "Galileo" satellite navigation system can be available, but all data information must be open, Then it is connected to the upgraded GPS III satellite navigation system of free beauty room.

This is tantamount to taking the Galileo satellite navigation system as the backup system of GPS III.

For free and beautiful rooms, there are many benefits. For example, GPS III does not need to spend high prices to launch redundant backup satellites; For another example, after the "Galileo" satellite navigation system is strengthened, the navigation accuracy and efficiency of GPS III will be higher and faster.

However, for Europe, the gains outweigh the losses. Europe is not Japan. Why do you back up your freedom and beauty?

Naturally, it is a euphemistic refusal.

Of course, in the face of the strength between freedom and beauty, Europeans have to make compromises on other issues, such as excluding a large country in the east from the core technology, and opening the frequency band module of the "Galileo" system; Another example is to provide special funds to study the compatibility with GPS.

It can be regarded as resolving the problems created out of nothing between freedom and beauty one by one. Originally, I thought that freedom and beauty could be individuals. If merlinz, who has been a second dealer in aerospace parts for many years, had a bottom line, it would not have been possible to resell China's aerospace spare parts to North Korea and Iran.

So for merlinz, as long as he can achieve his goal, it doesn't matter whether he is a man or not!

So after all the reasons and means were exhausted, merlinz simply showdown and directly smashed the big stick of deterrence on Draine's head.

Delaine is not a newcomer to this trip. Facing the threat of merlinz's condescending strength, delaine, who has no countermeasures, can only calm down and say: "Mr. merlinz, Russia is certainly a threat, but I don't think Russia will make much action at this stage, so what we need now is to consolidate the traditional friendship between Europe and America, especially in the aerospace field. After all, the world needs us. We can't ignore the interests of billions of people around the world for our own sake."

Delaine is worthy of being a famous old fox in the European Space Agency. Who else dares to challenge us alone?

What if there is a big gap with the other party? Join the other party and form a team?

Over the years, Europe has come step by step. Although it is somewhat oppressed as a whole, it has bred large industrial enterprises covering Europe, such as Airbus and European defense, and carried out more in-depth and extensive cooperation on projects such as "typhoon" fighters and "European joint destroyers".

Because of this, taking a step back is not advice, but a strategic contraction. After all, Europe still has the euro, and its economic growth exceeds freedom and beauty. It only needs to fully integrate the European market. The European elites believe that it is just around the corner to surpass the United States and become the center of the world again.

Therefore, it is not impossible to compromise and compromise on some issues, but delaine is very clear about the core interests. Europe can make concessions and rule the world with freedom and beauty, but don't even think about opening the core data of the Galileo system.

Merlinz has been a dealer in aerospace spare parts for so many years. Can't you hear what Draine means? There was no expression on his face, but he smiled in his heart. Europeans thought they were on the second floor, but in fact they were on the fifth floor!

What about data? It's not easy to get it by means of freedom and beauty. You need to break so much? The key is the huge market of more than $300 billion behind the Galileo system, which is the real prey of merlinz and Wall Street capital behind it.

So merlinz pondered for a moment, and then slowly said, "in that case, the data can be delayed for a while, but the shares of the European navigation company operating the Galileo system should be open to at least 35% of the shares outside Europe."

After listening to these words, delaine couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. As long as the problem can be solved with money, it's not a problem. What's more, there is no shadow of Wall Street capital in those core businesses in Europe? Opening up 35% of the shares will open up 35% of the shares.

As a result, he didn't wait for a promise. Merlinz added: "in addition to North America and Latin America, we are fully responsible for the operation right of navigation business in a large country in the East..."

As soon as this remark comes out, dreine's eyes will blow out anger. In the global $300 billion market of the "Galileo" system, a large country in the East accounts for $120 billion, equivalent to 40% of the total. A piece of fat meat so spicy will be cut off by merlinz. Dreine can't be angry if he doesn't want to.

But in order to keep valuable navigation data

"Africa, the Middle East, Southeast Asia and South Asia must be left to Europe. This is our bottom line!" delaine said gritting his teeth.

"No problem! Who makes us allies!" merlinz smiled and nodded.

In this way, you and I will cut the global navigation market like meat, and you and me will be divided, just like they slaughtered the colonies in those years.

But just after the separation, they were satisfied with each other's achievements and began to talk about some relaxed topics, an intelligence officer from the free and beautiful room hurried in and said two words on merlinz's ear. Merlinz was surprised. He immediately took the note from each other's hand, opened it and said a short sentence: "New x News Agency: on January 23, 2007, China successfully implemented an anti satellite test in a certain place in Northwest China, successfully destroyed an on orbit scrapped satellite, and achieved complete success!"

The fewer words, the bigger things. Merlinz only looked at it, and the whole person was like lightning!