Chapter 1518

But now, the 82nd mechanized infantry battalion of Jinwei has lost one sixth of all artillery and three quarters of the electronic warfare force. At the same time, it is facing the risk of tearing the defense line with the sharp knife composed of 6 type 96 tanks and 12 type 86 infantry combat vehicles of the synthetic battalion.

Although at the moment, 24 T-80 tanks and 24 BMP-3 infantry combat vehicles have formed a pincer like encirclement against the sharp knives of the synthetic battalion.

However, the key to the problem is here.

Two iron fists composed of 24 tanks and armored vehicles, the main target is the whole synthetic battalion.

However, the original plan is still implemented at this time. The weak joint of the 82nd mechanized infantry battalion of Jinwei will be pierced by the sharp knife of the synthetic battalion. At that time, the whole command system of the 82nd mechanized infantry battalion of Jinwei will fall into chaos.

But if we give up the synthetic battalion to encircle and annihilate the prominent incoming enemy, although we can wipe out all the enemy, the strategic intention of the 82nd mechanized infantry battalion of the guards must also be perceived by the synthetic battalion, and we must lose the first opportunity in the armored pincer attack.

You should know that the armored force of the synthetic battalion is not weak. It is equipped with 18 type 96 main battle tanks, 24 type 86 infantry combat vehicles, and equipped with several armored repair vehicles and other support vehicles.

Although the overall quantity is not as good as the 82nd mechanized infantry battalion of Jinwei, the configuration of the synthetic battalion is more reasonable and the logistics support is more favorable. It can make up for the shortage in quantity through efficient support measures.

Therefore, in terms of armor strength, the two sides are half a kilo to eight Liang.

This was also what Colonel Modric feared most, because the synthetic camp did not do its best.

What should I do?

"How many armed helicopters are equipped with night vision systems?" wandering in the command post for a moment, Modric finally made up his mind and asked his staff.

"The meter-24 is not equipped, and the meter-28 is equipped. The problem is that the stability is not very good. Looking at things, it not only shakes badly, but also is easy to hit by mistake..."

"No matter how much..." before the staff officer finished, Colonel Modric waved his hand: "shoot more flares in the direction of the attack of the synthetic battalion, use armed helicopters to cooperate with the infantry's anti tank weapons, and destroy this force for me!"

The basic situation of armored pincer attack remains unchanged.

The reason is very simple. In Colonel Modric's view, I use absolute strength to eat the synthetic camp. Even if it's not very good-looking, victory is victory after all.

The reason for this judgment is very simple. The air defense firepower configuration of the synthetic battalion is too weak. There are only two hongqi-7 short-range air defense missile systems.

That's all. The key is that it is impossible to carry out accompanying air defense operations during the March.

Equipped with the 82nd mechanized infantry battalion of the guards in the two wing armored assault group, the "Doyle M1" field air defense system, which can carry out accompanying air defense tasks between the armored forces, is completely crushed.

Of course, what is more important is that the synthetic battalion does not have a special armed helicopter. Instead, it uses an improved armed version based on the zhi-12 medium transport helicopter.

Although it has a certain combat effectiveness, there are too many slot points compared with the special armed helicopter.

That's all. The key is that the whole synthetic battalion is only equipped with four.

If there is a fight, only these four gadgets are not enough for the "Doyle M1" field air defense system to take away in a wave.

However, this is not the most pitiful place of the synthetic battalion, because their most tragic thing is the transport helicopter. There is only a poor zhi-15. At the critical moment, they can't do anything except transfer the core members of the synthetic battalion command post.

For example, the 82nd mechanized infantry battalion of Jinwei used its 12 m-171 transport helicopters to make leapfrog leaps and detours in great depth. The synthetic battalion can't even think about it.

Originally, in the face of the gap between the two sides in air defense and aviation power, Colonel Modric also wanted to fight a clever battle. He used his excellent strategies and tactics to win his opponent easily. After all, winning by his mind is always more elegant than the overlord, even if the outcome is the same.

It was found that the other party, like a blind man, not only ignored his elegance, but preempted, grabbed her face and kicked his crotch.

Now Modric is finally angry. Anyway, the results are the same. Let's use Lao maozi's traditional skills. If you use them directly, you don't believe that Lao Tzu has great strength. How long can you last in your small synthetic camp.

In fact, the 82nd mechanized infantry battalion of Jinwei is not interested in Modric's elegant. Anyway, it's the same when it's naked. What's the use of pulling those useless things? In the end, it's not that shivering thing.

Therefore, after Colonel Modric's order to attack, bursts of "ula ~ ~ ~" roared from the 82nd mechanized infantry battalion of the guards.

Immediately, the 82nd mechanized infantry battalion of the guards changed from a modest gentleman to a fierce sweat and rolled over directly at the synthetic battalion.

Especially 4 kilometers away from the joint of the 6th company and the 7th air defense company of the 82nd mechanized infantry battalion of Jinwei, countless flares directly illuminate the dark night like day.

A unit of the 6th company of the 82nd mechanized infantry battalion of Jinwei forms a new defense line in cooperation with a unit of the 3rd company transported by MI-171 helicopters in depth. At the same time, several MI-171 helicopters are loaded with five "short" anti tank missile launchers of the portable anti tank combat unit directly under the 82nd mechanized infantry battalion of Jinwei and their associated operators and ammunition, From the side of the 7th air defense company, quickly insert it into the sharp knife flank of the synthetic battalion.

At the same time, four mi-28 armed helicopters have also started from the rear base, and they will feel the front battlefield in a few minutes.

"The six 96 tanks and 12 86 infantry fighting vehicles of the synthetic battalion are going to be confessed here!"

The situation on the whole battlefield has been obvious. The sharp knife of the synthetic battalion is already in danger. At the same time, the Russian troops on both wings are advancing rapidly and have begun to intersperse in great depth. In this case, the sharp knife of the synthetic battalion has become an isolated army. This is why Colonel imolahan expressed such emotion after seeing this situation.

Major general Vajpayee, on the other side, turned his mouth in disdain: "This is not the fault of the troops, but the problem of the commander. Lieutenant Colonel Xiaoman of the synthetic battalion obviously has a problem in his mind. If we officers in New Delhi, even if they attack, they will put all their forces on it. This is called completing their work in one battle. It seems that the combat command ability of a certain country's troops has declined seriously after participating in actual combat for many years ~ ~"

When saying this, Vajpayee had no mercy on his face, only eager joy. You know, a country and New Delhi have a lot of disagreements on the border. If the troops of a country are at the same level as the synthetic battalion, New Delhi doesn't mind jumping up and biting at a certain time.

Because of this, Vajpayee is happy to see his success.

However, just as Vajpayee's voice was falling, the earth suddenly trembled. The artillery of the previously silent synthetic battalion poured their anger on the joint of the 6th company and the 7th company of the 82nd mechanized infantry battalion of the guards again.

Twelve 89 type 122mm self-propelled howitzers and six 83 type 152mm self-propelled howitzers used the most violent rapid fire. The shells were fast, numerous and accurate. In the twinkling of an eye, they smashed the defense line at the junction. Needless to say, even several anti tank units interspersed on the flanks were covered by sharp artillery fire.

At this time, the 86 infantry of the 12th company of the synthetic battalion as the sharp knife has begun to release infantry, which is intertwined with Bu Tan coordination, infantry gun coordination and Tan Pao coordination, presenting a classic perfect cooperation between tanks, artillery and infantry, directly running over the defense line of the 82nd mechanized infantry battalion of the guards