Chapter 59 - Better Off Dead

Name:Taken By The Mafia Lord Author:
Arianna woke up with a wince, her body hurt like hell as if she had been tossed around like a bag of potatoes. But that was the least of her problems because right now she couldn't see a thing and that was only because she was hooded.

She turned left and right, struggling to pull herself free all to no avail because her hands were cuffed behind her back. It was dark and hot inside her hood, Arianna feared she might suffocate before they came to her aid.

"Let me out of here!" Arianna screamed muffledly. This was not the way to treat a lady. It was highly inappropriate!

Anyway, her prayers must have been given attention to because she heard the sound of approaching footsteps and calmed down immediately knowing they would free her.

As Arianna thought, the bag was pulled away and she had to squint her eyes against the sudden sunlight that threatened to blind her.

When she was able to see clearly, Arianna looked up only to discover a blonde-haired woman with an intimidating aura standing right in front of her with another man while two other men were standing on either side of her as if trying to make sure she didn't escape.

For some strange reason, the blonde woman was staring at her with intensity and emotion she couldn't exactly describe. Arianna could almost say she was looking down on her. 

"Who are you and what do you want from me?" Arianna finally summoned the courage to ask when she still wouldn't say a word to her.

It was obvious that the woman was their superior since the other men hadn't dared to say a word. It was almost as if they were waiting for her order to act and that made Arianna confused and scared at the same time.

She was confused in the sense that it wasn't Marcel. She had seen that man take that purse and that proved Marcel sent them to capture her. So why was this unsmiling woman the one to welcome her instead? Was Marcel such a pussy he would let a woman do his dirty work?

However, if this woman was their leader, it also meant she could do whatever she wanted to her. Arianna knew she was in trouble - deep trouble.

"To be honest, you're not what I expected," The woman finally spoke.

"Really?" Arianna tilted her head to the side, "Humor me,"

Macy narrowed her gaze at Arianna the instant she said those words, the bitch has some guts.

"I was expecting someone extraordinary. But I have to admit you're kind of beautiful...." Macy acknowledged her beauty. 

She stepped closer to Arianna and leaned closer, bracing herself on both sides of the chair before reaching out to grab Arianna's chin, examining her features the way one would do to priceless goods before auctioning them off.

"You got enthralling green eyes, is that the way you charmed him because Marcel hasn't been able to get you out of his mind and it's kind of sickening," Macy sneered, her dislike of Arianna finally showing.

"Wow," Arianna smirked as if she was enjoying the show, "Sounds like someone is jealous," she took advantage of Macy's weakness at the moment.

That reaction irked Macy so much that she reached out and struck Arianna on the face. How dare she embarrass her like this? 

Macy often prided herself on the fact that she was polished and scrupulous, having the ability to control herself even when under stress, but the reverse was the case lately. She has been making a lot of mistakes and it was all because of her! Arianna!

Honestly, that slap hurt like hell and she saw stars in her vision but Arianna had a huge pride and would not give that bitch the satisfaction of knowing she hurt her.

"Is that all you can do?" Arianna intentionally goaded her and got the response she needed.

Macy forgot all about self-control, she was going to teach Arianna a lesson. She couldn't understand why the sight of Arianna pissed her off so much. This was the first time she hated someone so much on their first encounter.

With rage distorting her features, Macy was prepared to land another slap on Arianna when the girl in question jerked forward without warning and headbutted her.

Macy let out an unladylike scream as she heard the crunching of bones and sharp pain spread from her nose to the rest of her body. She broke her nose?!

"What are you waiting for?!" Macy screamed at the other men while pinching her nose to stop the blood flow, "Deal with her!"

The three men stared at each other hesitantly, they were not used to beating helpless women.

"What are you waiting for?!" Macy screamed at them in frustration having sensed their hesitation.

One of them objected, "But ma'am, she -"

"Have you forgotten Marcel's effort in capturing her today and her role in bringing Elijah to us?" Macy used her authoritative tone on them and at the same time, reminding them of their mission.

Even at that, they were still conflicted and Macy would have none of that right now. She was mad with the urge to put Arianna in her place.

Suddenly Arianna laughed, she had been listening to their conversation and it was beyond hilarious.

"You think I know what Elijah looks like?" She laughed at them once more.

Macy kneeled beside her, "It would have mattered to me initially, but now it doesn't," there was a sadistic glint in Macy's eyes as she said those words while the blood from her nose dripped down, "I would get the truth from you and if indeed there's nothing to get from you, I'll lacerate you from the inside out and send bits of you as a present to Elijah. I'm sure he would come to avenge his beloved and then, we'd end him as well. That way, you won't be alone in hell!" she hissed out.

"You crazy woman! "Arianna finally lost it and that pleased Macy. At least she knew of her weak point and that was Elijah. How splendid.

Arianna was suddenly afraid, she doesn't want to die, but she can't summon Elijah to such a cruel fate either. He was better off without her.

"Begin the torture!" Macy commanded, just as the other man handed her a towel that she pressed to her nose to control the bleeding. 

Her broken nose hurt like hell and would need surgery to repair yet Macy didn't care. She would go for treatments after she was done dealing with this bitch.

When the men diapered at Macy's order, Arianna knew it couldn't be something good. At once, she tried to pull away but her legs were quickly chained to the sides of the chair while Macy pulled her back by the hair, ripping a scream from her throat.

"You sounded so brave earlier, why happened now? Cat got your tongue?" Macy taunted, clutching a fistful of Arianna's hair and pulled tighter.

Tears escaped the brim of her eyes and her hands fisted by the side. Arianna yelled out, "Elijah would end your life once he lays his hand on you! I promise you! " she was filled with so much anguish. 

"Yeah, yeah, I know," Macy rolled her eyes towards heaven, "Sadly, you won't be around to see it happen." She said confidently, moving away just as one of the men covered her face with a canvas bag. 

Arianna was not claustrophobic, but the instant that bag covered the entirety of her head, she was close to becoming one. Goosebumps broke out on her skin and she had an idea what they were about to do to her. 

Having been with criminals for a while, most of them tend to share tales with her, and that included diverse forms of torture. This was going to be messy. 

One of the men began to pour water over the bag covering her face and her breathing passages. Since she was immobilized, Arianna tried not to struggle because the real pain of waterboarding wasn't just the gagging reflex, it was the physical injuries due to struggling against restraints, but that was easier said than done. 

The sensation of drowning was so real that Arianna already imagined her in some sea where she was being beaten by the strong wave. But there was no sea or river. This was dry drowning. 

"Where is Elijah and who is he?!" Macy asked, pulling the bag off her head. 

Arianna had to vomit the amount of water she had swallowed, her chest heaving from the oxygen deprivation. It was really painful. But on the bright side, she has not broken her bones. 

"I don't know!" She cried out when she could finally speak, "I don't know anything about him and even if I were to know, I would never tell you guys!" Arianna was determined to die for him. 

"Very well, then. I guess I have no use for you. Marcel would understand," Macy concluded she was better off dead. 

"No, no, no!" Arianna began to scream and fought them fiercely but she was no match for them. The bag was put over her head once again and the torture continued. 

Unlike earlier where the water is poured over her breathing passages intermittently to prevent death, they didn't stop this time.. The water was poured uninterruptedly and that would only lead to death by asphyxia.