Chapter 256 - Fight The Way Through

Chapter 256 Fight The Way Through

The night was dark, covering everything under the darkness and giving people a sense of calm. However, in this apocalyptic world, there was never real peace, at least not now.

Ye Yifan pushed the throttle to the end. His eyes were fixed on the chasing zombie in the rearview mirror, so he did not dare to relax.

“What to do… More and more zombies are coming.” Jiang Yu’s face was white. She was so afraid that her lips could not help trembling.

The zombie suddenly let out a strange cry and more and more zombies emerged from all directions and approached them.

At this rate, it would not be long before their car was surrounded by zombies. By that time, given the thin defense of the car, it would be impossible to resist so many zombies.

Tang Xia’s face was also dignified. Obviously, she was aware of the serious situation they were facing now. Upon seeing that some zombies were approaching the back window, she didn’t dare hesitate. She took the submachine gun from the bag and handed it to Jiang Yu as she said quietly, “Do it.”

At first, for fear of attracting more zombies, Tang Xia did not want to shoot. However, given the current situation, a fierce battle couldn’t be avoided.

Jiang Yu took over the submachine gun, still feeling a little hesitant.

Tang Xia urged her, “Hurry up, there’s no time!” While she said this, a zombie had begun to pat the glass on her side. Tang Xia rolled down the window and threw a bullet directly at it. The zombie, whose face looked ugly, turned into a broken corpse.

Jiang Yu responded and looked at the ugly face of the zombie, who was constantly zooming out of the window. She bit her teeth and looked out of the window to see the zombies on her side.

“Save bullets and only deal with the ones that are close. Leave alone the rest that are not threatening for the time being.” Tang Xia accurately shot the nearest zombie’s head off while she was yelling at Jiang Yu.

This time, the road to North City was relatively far away. Although they had brought all the remaining bullets out, they couldn’t resist the countless zombies. Thus, they had to save the bullets.

Jiang Yu nodded, slowly entering the rhythm under Tang Xia’s leadership and shooting the zombies more and more casually. Thanks to their cooperation, the zombies’ offense was gradually fought off. However, due to the gunshots, the number of zombies that arrived was also growing.

This way, the bullets would run out sooner or later. Tang Xia finished a magazine of bullets and asked Ye Yifan, who was driving, “How long will it take to get out of this area?”

Her voice had not yet faded when, with a loud noise, the car suddenly sank. A zombie had jumped to the roof of the car. Their faces sank at the same time, and a glimmer of light flashed in Ye Yifan’s eyes. He suddenly turned the steering wheel. “Sit tight.”

Tang Xia and Jiang Yu realized that Ye Yifan wanted to use the dangerous way. They held the armrest of the roof tightly before a strong bump followed.

Ye Yifan even gave up the flat section and drove the car directly into the slope next to it at an extreme speed.

There were pits on the slopes, as well as sporadic trees. If Ye Yifan didn’t control the car properly, it was very likely that they would crash.

However, in the face of the numerous zombies around and their growing number, they had no choice but to fight.

While they drove through the bumps, the scenery in front of their eyes changed rapidly. Ye Yifan held the steering wheel tightly and tried to avoid hitting other obstacles while getting rid of the zombies.

Tang Xia and Jiang Yu strongly resisted the surging feeling in their stomachs. From time to time, they poked out to get rid of some difficult zombies. The three of them understood that they had reached the end of life and death, so they all looked dignified.

When the car drove out of the forest, the surrounding zombies finally became fewer slowly and disappeared in the end. Tang Xia put down her sore arm and exhaled. “We finally got rid of them.”

“I got scared to death.” Jiang Yu’s face was still white. She had just experienced a thrilling scene, so her heart kept beating quickly just to keep breathing.

She looked back at the window, which was full of splatter from the zombies. She could only observe through the gap. Luckily, they had managed to get rid of the zombies. Jiang Yu’s entire body was relaxed a bit, but her face still looked shocked.

Ye Yifan slowed down slightly, his forehead also filled with cold sweat. It was obvious that his earlier crazy driving had not consumed a small amount of energy.

“Next up is a wasteland, so there should not be so many zombies around,” Ye Yifan told Tang Xia and Jiang Yu. The speed of the car was gradually stabilized.

Suddenly, the car stalled. Ye Yifan’s expression changed as he tried to start the car several times. He just could not restart it.

“What happened?” Tang Xia realized that something was wrong and put her head forward.

Ye Yifan tried again, yet the car still didn’t move. He patted the steering wheel in frustration. “The car suddenly stalled.”

Although Tang Xia and Jiang Yu felt numb, they were relieved after thinking about it. After the earlier crazy driving, it would be strange if the car didn’t have any problems.Visit vi p novel. com

However, feeling relieved was one thing. The problem still existed.

“What should we do now? Get out of the car?” Ye Yifan looked at the map. They were not far from the North City Dreams Of Returning Harbor. Even if they walked, they could arrive in one day.

The only problem to worry about was the zombies. Without the car, this last layer of obstacles would be difficult. If they encountered a situation like earlier again, they would really die.

Tang Xia remained silent for a while as she looked at the quiet environment outside. Then, she looked at the sky and replied with a sigh, “There are too many variables when it comes to walking. It would be better to stay in the car. Anyway, the sky is getting brighter.”

Jiang Yu agreed. At dawn, they could take a short break instead of staying as vigilant as before.

Finally, they agreed to stay in the car and wait for the day to start. After making up their mind, they first took some food and water out of the bag to supplement Tianli. Then, they took turns watching for any movement outside, in case there was a zombie raid.

Fortunately, there seemed to be no zombies in this wasteland. Until the morning, when the sun fell through the gaps between the leaves, they were not attacked by a large number of zombies. Sporadic zombies were quickly dealt with by them.

“It’s finally dawn!”

Tang Xia yawned. There was a faint blue color in her eyes, as she had not rested that night. Jiang Yu looked exactly the same. However, when they thought that they would not encounter a zombie attack again, their mood improved a lot.

“I will go see if I can fix the car.”

Upon saying this, Ye Yifan got out of the car and checked the cause of the car’s flameout. He found only a small problem related to oil blockage. The appliance was removed from the trunk and he repaired the car.

After solving the car’s stalling problem, they re-started the car on the road. Without the intrusion of any zombies, the road was very smooth. At noon, they successfully reached the North City Dreams of Returning Harbor.

There was a fortress-like building in the middle that was very eye-catching, and many people were patrolling around it. Tang Xia’s face was filled with repressed joy. “We made a good choice.”

It seemed that this was the gathering place of the humans they had heard about on the radio. Ye Yifan and Jiang Yu also nodded with a smile and walked to the entrance of the fortress.

At the door were two young men in uniforms who were guarding the place. They were very surprised to see Tang Xia and the other two people. When they heard that they were from somewhere else, the two young men were even more surprised.

“It would take a day and a night to cross that distance! How did you escape the zombie attack last night?”

The three of them shook their heads with a smile and said that they didn’t want to recall last night’s experience. The man saw their appearance and understood. He patted Ye Yifan’s shoulder and said, “Don’t worry. Since you are here, you no longer have to worry about the zombies.”

“I will take you to the captain. There have been no newcomers in a long time. The captain will definitely be very happy to see you.”

After saying this, the young man enthusiastically welcomed Tang Xia’s three comrades. The captain he had mentioned was a strong, sturdy man who was about 30 years old. When he saw them, he looked surprised at first. After a while, he remembered to introduce himself.

“Hello, I am Axon. Welcome here.”

Axon enthusiastically gave the three of them a big hug with a smile that could not be concealed. “According to Chelsea, you came from South City. That is not close. Did you face any hardships along the way?”

After saying that, he didn’t wait for them to answer. Axon called someone to prepare a rich lunch for them. The three of them had been eating compressed biscuits from a convenience store for days. Their mouths could nearly feel nothing.

The meal provided by Axon might not have seemed like anything luxurious during peaceful times, but it seemed like a feast to them right now.

“Thank you, Captain, we will have it!” Tang Xia’s mouth lifted into a bright smile as she ate the food directly. Jiang Yu and Ye Yifan, who were quickly attracted to the food, also ate it.

Upon seeing this, Axon smiled and said, “Eat it slowly. Don’t worry, there haven’t been newcomers here for a long time. If we hadn’t seen you today, we’d think that human beings had gone extinct outside. Well, how did you get the news?”

“We accidentally heard it on the radio.” Tang Xia’s mouth was full as she answered Axon’s question honestly. However, her eyes were unwilling to move away from the food.

Axon heard the news and habitually licked his beard. “It seems that it would be wise not to give up broadcasting.”

There was always controversy about whether to release the news inside the castle. After all, no one had come in a long time. Many people suspected that human beings had gone extinct. It was useless to send messages by radio.

Ye Yifan remembered the other people they had met on the road. When he connected them with what Axon had said, he was a little surprised. “So other people still don’t know about this place?”

According to Axon, they were the first people who had been to the North City Dreams Of Returning Horbor in a long time. They had only heard the news on the radio, while others were still struggling outside.