Chapter 127 How About You

He couldn't help laughing loudly. Then Lawrence turned to Sean and said, "You know what? If you want to surpass Aaron, you can only do it now. You have been living under the control of Aaron. Don't you feel miserable? You're my son, my heir to the hospital. Everything I have left to you in the future is all your legacy. But you're really a loser to follow Aaron around every day!"

Suddenly, his eyes became sharp again. He reached out his hand to pinch Sean's neck and said with a sinister smile, "Since you don't want to do it, I'll kill you first, so no one will find out..."

As soon as he raised his hand, he screamed again.

Lawrence seemed a little different from what he used to be.

A familiar chill rose from Sean's back... It couldn't be wrong. It's Aaron!

But he should be on the plane now. How could he be here at this time?

Aaron's face was expressionless. Then he clenched his fist secretly to force a smile. "Lawrence, you are getting bolder these days," he said.

The horrifying feeling was not concealed at all! Somehow, Lawrence's heart was stirred and the look on his face was calmed down.

Smiling awkwardly, Lawrence tried to take his hand back. No matter how hard he tried, Aaron wouldn't let him go. The more he struggled, the harder Aaron gripped him. It was obvious that he wouldn't let him go!

A flattering smile appeared on Lawrence's face. He lowered his body and flattered, "Mr. ... Mr. Aaron! I'm just joking with them. How could I do such an impolite thing? "

He had given an order to others that if Melissa came back, she would tell him everything. Why did she come back so early before he sent her a message?

Thousands of explanations and answers flooded into his mind, but none of them could be used at this time.

There was neither anger nor smile on the face of Aaron. He gripped Lawrence's wrist more tightly and said, "Joking? Huh? Is it? The jokes you just made seemed to be true! "

At the moment, Lawrence was in extreme fear! He could even hear his wrist bones begin to make a crisp sound. If this continued, this arm would definitely be crippled!

Considering this, Lawrence had to lower his heart and make an apology.

Drugged one night by her ex-boyfriend, a mysterious man took advantage of her in an ecstatic night filled with sex.

To take her revenge, she married the man, and used him.

"As long as I'm alive, I'm still his legal wife, while all of you are just his mistresses."

She remained adamant even when he was involved in scandals with other women.

Eventually she stormed off after she learned that he had betrayed her again.But life brought her back to him a few years later, to his astonishment.


Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. Perhaps what Melissa had done would make her so elegant in the eyes of Aaron.

As for Lawrence, would it be possible for Aaron to let him go so easily? The answer was obvious!

Just when Sean was glad to escape, a group of police in plain clothes rushed up around them.

The nerves of Sean suddenly became tense. He stared at them vigilantly and frowned. "Who sent you?"

A tall man stepped out of the crowd and took out a credentials from the pocket of his coat. "We are sorry, Mr. Sean, we suspect that Mr. Lawrence has developed and sold of illegal drugs. We are obligated to do an investigation. This is my credentials."

Develop and sell drugs?

What did it mean!

Sean widened his eyes when he saw the scuffling and panting Lawrence. For a moment, what Aaron said crossed his mind...

No wonder he always felt that Aaron wanted to say something at that time, and it turned out to be this thing that he wanted to say!

Damn it! Although he felt something wrong, he didn't investigate.

Although he thought so, Sean still tightened his body, as if he had no intention of making a concession.

After looking around carefully, Sean started to persuade, "He didn't do anything illegal. Where did you get the news? I'm afraid it's not appropriate if you don't have any evidence to take him away."

He had a lot of questions to ask Lawrence now. How could he be captured in such a situation!