Chapter 388 The Death Of Sabina

James strained his face and hurried to catch up. "What did you say? If it's true, I will definitely thank you very much! "

Was it because Sabina didn't see him that she drove around on the street? Sabina wasn't in the right spirit to do such a thing.

James forgot to tell the driver to follow Sabina this morning! The sense of uneasiness in his heart became stronger and stronger.

He rushed forward at full speed. James wished he could run faster.

Sure enough, when James ran to the first floor, he could clearly feel the noise at the entrance. Many people left with pale faces.

However, James didn't care about it at all. He ran out of the room and shouted the name of Sabina, but no one answered him.

It was precisely because of this that the sense of uneasiness became more and more intense, almost swallowing James's sanity.

The medical staff hurried to push the crowd away.

James immediately opened the crowd and took the initiative to look at the patient's face. Although most of the face was stained with blood, it did not affect James's judgment.

His face turned deathly pale in an instant. He turned his head away stiffly, and then looked at the nurse beside him and asked, "Sabina... It was really Sabina! What the hell was going on? You were fine before. Why did you suddenly change like that? "

After the driver saw James's performance, he knew that it was something wrong. He afraid of what others will originally to twist off, the driver had to crustily skin of head quickly jumped out repeatedly explained. "What is specific I also nit clear, I was slowly forward, but the woman suddenly like mad general has direct impact on the accelerator. If it's not my foot on the brake in time, I'm afraid it will be more serious." Many people have seen it. You can ask them if you don't believe me! "

While speaking, he turned his head and tried his best to find a person who could testify for him. But how could James calm down now? He grabbed the driver's collar and scolded, "Don't you have eyes? She didn't notice you. Can't you understand and get out of the way? Don't you know such common sense? Didn't your mother teach you this when she brought you to this world? "

James's anger was beyond everyone's expectation. James, who had always been gentle to others, said something like that at this moment, which was really puzzling.



Everyone in the operating room was on their own, and the situation was no worse than that of the time when Melissa gave birth to a baby.

Many experts came here in a hurry after they heard what happened to Sabina. They were afraid that something bad would happen to her. However, everyone's tiredness could not be easily swept away with a few words.

Two hours later, James stared blankly at the scene in front of him, unable to say a word for a long time.

The waves appeared parallel, no longer undulating. He just had a short rest. Why did Sabina become like this when James woke up?

His face turned deathly pale, and then he roared angrily. He stretched out his hand and grabbed the hand of one of the nurses casually. Then he asked madly, "What happened? Didn't you just say that she had stabilized? You asked me to have a rest. Why did Sabina become like this after I coming back? "

Who could tell James what had happened during his absence. He just went out for a rest for less than half an hour. Why did Sabina suddenly become like this?

If he hadn't suddenly felt uneasy and rushed over, would they still intend to deceive him?

The nurse was also frightened. Tears rolled down her face and she shook her head repeatedly to show that she didn't know. We don't know. Everything was fine just now, but suddenly... "

All right, James also thought it was too sudden. How could he believe that the person who was still breathing just now died like this?

The two of them didn't even have the chance to say the last word, and Sabina left the world.