Chapter 612 Extra Story of Lily 32

Lily trembled for a while, and then she kicked her feet and scolded, "You... What on earth do you want to do? Is there any conflict between you and me? We all work for Mr. Aaron. Why are you so aggressive? "

Why did Jack insist on not letting her go? When did he plan to stop teasing her!

No matter how stupid Jack was, he finally understood something. It seemed that Lily had misunderstood his attitude! He didn't intend to make fun of her at all. He just worried that Lily was in a bad mood, so he tried to make her happy.

Jack grabbed the back of his head impatiently, and then said what he thought directly without thinking. "I didn't mean to make fun of you. I just... I just worried that you would cry again. "

Wait? Worried that she would cry again?

As for Jack's answer without hesitation, Lily was stunned this time. Did Jack know what he was talking about!

In that case, he couldn't make fun of her casually! Although Lily thought so, her heart was still beating restlessly.

Just as Lily was about to say something, there

ree reasons why he could control Lily. One was that he saved Lily's life. This woman knew how to thank others, and the second was Judith. Judith was still working for him, which was Lily's spiritual reliance. The last point was his own reason. Lily had always been fond of him. Although Lily didn't speak it out clearly, Aaron knew it.

So he was worried that after Lily transferred her heart to Jack, she would consider more when she did things for him, and she would not continue to wholeheartedly seek more benefits for him.

So when necessary, Aaron had to give Lily a tranquilizer. As long as Lily was stable, the rest would be easy to deal with!

Lily was moved by Aaron's concern. She nodded her head vigorously and then replied eagerly, "Mr. Aaron, don't worry. I will protect myself well. I won't hurt myself... I won't let you worry about me anymore! "

After saying that, Lily showed a bright smile, and Aaron also forced a smile. Although it was a little embarrassed, in Lily's eyes, it was the most brilliant and perfect smile.