(Author POV)

(A/N: 4th Wall-chan gets fucking murdered in this chap, you have been warned.)

In a luxurious room with carpeted floors of the highest quality and furniture crafted by master artisans. There is a large round table made from a rather fragrant tree, once that can easily seat a dozen or so people. However, even so, only three comfortable looking chairs are placed around it.

Seated in one of those chairs is a man with grey-white hair and a calculating look in his eyes. He has pointed ears and is wearing white formal clothes. Unlike Gelmud, whose similar-looking clothes look more comedic than anything else, this man was able to pull off this look with majesty.

This man is Clayman. I mean, it was kinda obvious…

???- “Yo, Clayman. How’s Gelmud doing for you?”

Suddenly appearing in one of those seats is another man. Although he may seem like a wild man with his short blonde hair and large build, he’s not a muscle head. He’s also a Demon Lord.

This man is Carrion.

Clayman- “Carrion? You’re early? That’s not like you. Well, no matter. I'm holding this meeting to discuss that topic. Shall we wait for the last one?”

Carrion just shrugs his shoulders and lifts his feet up onto the table.


A few moments later, the door was thrown off its hinges. The culprit is a rather young woman. Like, REALLY young. Or at least, she LOOKS young. A better term for you degenerates would be “legal loli”. She has platinum-pink hair tied in a twin tail fashion and sparkling blue eyes.

She’s also wearing rather skimpy clothing, just a piece of cloth covering her sacred garden and a piece of armour for her rather modest breasts. If anything, her arms are more clothed than the rest of her body. Like, what the fuck?

Whether these clothes were worn for ease of movement or to emphasise her rather lacking body, no one would ever know…

Milim suddenly looks up at stares into space, directly at the Author.

Milim- “Huh!?”

Oh, shi-


*We are experiencing technical difficulties, please stand by*

Milim walked into the room like it was her own home and behind her is another figure.

It’s Frey. Fuck the description.

I'm joking.

She is a harpy, one with large silver eagle-like wings. Her hair is of the same colours as her feathers excluding the goldish coloured feathers at the ends of her wings. She also has bird feet characteristic of harpies and is also wearing a red leotard emphasising her body MUCH better than another certain Demon Lord…

*Looks at reinforced 4th Wall-chan to make sure it isn't breaking*

*Nods and sighs*

Carrion- “Woah, what are YOU doing here, Frey?”

Frey- “I was dragged here by our ‘Lady’ Milim here. Trust me, I didn’t exactly want to be here.”

Milim- “Wa ha ha! Hey, can we get another chair?”

Clayman nods and snaps his fingers, causing another comfortable looking chair to appear.

And so, they sat down and began their talks.

I won't bore you with the words spoken for this part. Basically, they just talked about Gelmud’s failure and that the Orc Lord died.

Carrion- “That idiot Gelmud rushed things too fast. Just because Veldora disappeared, was there any need to push things forward?”

Irritation seeps into his voice.

Milim- “Ehhh!? Then what about making the Orc Lord into a Demon Lord!?”

Clayman- “We’re going to have to go back to the drawing board for this one. Gelmud, the only one who could control the Orc Lord, is dead. Furthermore, I doubt the Orc Lord survived its encounter with ‘them’…”

Milim’s ears perked up at this.

Milim- “Hold on, who is ‘them’?”

Milim asks Clayman with interest. Clayman smiles, he purposefully mentioned a mysterious third party to distract Milim’s attention from Gelmud’s failure. If Milim decided to throw a rampage because of that, his castle falling to ruins would be the least of his worries.

Specifically, his hentai collection hidden under the castle would be his biggest worry.

But luckily, his little bait worked.

Clayman- “Well… I think it would be best to look at these.”

Saying this, he took out several crystal balls, a cunning glint in his eyes. Injecting magicules into them, different scenes begin to play as a projection within these crystal balls.

Each of those crystal balls was connected to the eyes of either an Orc General, Gelmud, or the Orc Lord itself.

(A/N: In canon, a crystal ball wasn’t connected to the Orc Lord, so when Gelmud died, Clayman lost all connections with the Orcs. However, I wanted them to see MC in action fighting the Orc Lord, so now there’s a crystal ball connection to the Orc Lord. AU for the win.)

The Demon Lords watching this saw many scenes from different perspectives, each one showing the scene of either one of the Kijin, Ranga or Mikoto before getting cut off. They were especially enthralled by Gelmud’s and the Orc Lord’s crystal ball.

Well, for Gelmud, they were more entertained by his comedic acts before his death. For the Orc Lord’s it was more because of interest in the white-haired masked figure shown within it.

A reminder that MC’s hair is also white and was wearing a mask at the time. *nudge* *nudge* *wink* *wink*

Milim makes a childish grin as her eyes sparkle, finding something fun to take away the boredom of her very long life, if only for a little bit. Carrion is also showing interest, along with Frey.

Carrion- “So what, you want one of us to go and check them out?”

Clayman- “We do need to investigate, yes.”

Milim- “Is that so? Then I'm gonna go over and talk to those guys! See ya!”

Milim immediately left to meet with our resident MC causing Carrion and Frey to leave as well to make their own preparations.

Clayman left alone in the room, speaks out again. This time, towards a rather suspicious corner.

Clayman- “And? What do you think?”

The shadow wavers and a rather young clear male voice speaks out from within.

???- “I think it’s quite interesting. Those monsters… the Kijin, those Wolves, especially the big white wolf who could control space to such a degree. They… would make wonderful subordinates…”

Greed seeps into the voice, showing his desire to obtain those monsters. Of course, he wasn’t done yet.

???- “And that white-haired one with the mask… that one is strong… If it’s a female, I will take her as a wife. If it is a male, I would gladly make him serve under me. If they reject… well…”

Black coloured electricity sparks within the shadow.

Clayman- “Hmm… you are greedy, aren't you?”

???- “Hahaha! What do you expect? I’m the main character. Everything I want will automatically become mine. It will also do you good not to become too disrespectful to me. I'm only here because I want to be.”

Clayman- “Of course, I wouldn’t dream of being disrespectful to you. Especially since you stole the powers of the great Storm Dragon Veldora himself.”

The voice chuckles to himself before his attention returns to the replaying projections of the crystal ball. Right now, the scene of a certain tea colour haired woman surrounded by electricity defeating countless orcs is playing.

???- “And that woman…”

A wide grin like the Cheshire Cat breaks out from within the dark shadow.

???- “So fierce, and yet, fragile. So beautiful, and yet, powerful… Aahhh… I… want her! I want to break her! I want her to become mine!”

And so, the owner of the voice continues to watch the crystal balls with an infatuated look.

Of course, he has made a few mistakes.

The biggest one is that he is grossly underestimating the strengths of both Mikoto and Rimuru. Although he realises that everyone in the projection was holding back, even Ranga and the other Kijin, he doesn’t have the combat experience to accurately understand exactly how strong someone is.

His strength was stolen after all and wasn’t earned with hard work. Not only that, he never bothered honing or training his strength. His arrogance at believing he is the strongest in the world after absorbing Veldora’s strength is making him look down on everyone.

Not only that, Rimuru can already hold his own against him. Although Rimuru won't win, he won't lose either. Furthermore, both Rimuru and Mikoto are growing at an insane rate unheard of in this world.

And finally, Rimuru has a following of powerful monsters serving under him. Although they can't compare to our hidden friend here, they can cause some trouble.

These points will end up being his downfall.

Of course, he doesn’t know it yet.


Name: Rimuru

Race: Origin Slime

Protection: Crest of Space

Title: Highest Tier Spirit, Leader of the Monsters

Ultimate Skills: [Illya, Heaven's Feel] [Raphael, Lord of Wisdom] [Belzebuth, Lord of Gluttony]

Intrinsic Skills: [Infinite Regeneration] [Universal Shapeshift] [Universal Sense] [Multilayer Barrier] [Enhanced Replication] [Universal Thread]

Unique Skills: [Creation] [Rune Master]

Extra Skills: [Lord's Ambition] [Thought Communication] [Control Particles] [Dominate Space] [Control Natural Elements]

Tolerances: [Cancel Pain] [Resist Melee Attack] [Cancel Natural Elements] [Cancel Ailments] [Resist Spiritual Attack] [Resist Holy Attack]

Equipment: Yamato, Harpe


A/N: He is courting death.

MC: Mmm. He is indeed courting death.

*Cultivator moment intensifies*

MC: Anyway, why did you let the readers know I can deal with that MC-complex guy? If you didn't say anything, there would be way more suspense.

AN: I don't like those kinds of suspense. Therefore I will crush it.

MC: Oh...

Let me know if I missed anything.
