After talking with Mikoto, I run through the house directly towards the kitchen and burst through the door like the cool-aid man.


Rimuru- “Illya!”

Illya- “Eh!? Onii-chan!?”

Milim- “Oh, Rimuru, you’re here!”

In front of me is a scene I would not like to forget any time soon. Illya is in her magical girl costume making various poses while Milim is taking photos like a madman on her new touchscreen phone.

How did she even get her hands on that thing…?

Anyway, Illya is currently holding the edges of her skirt up, looking at me with an embarrassed expression while Milim greets me without letting go of the capture button.

*Click* *Click* *Click* *Click* *Click* *Click*


I clap my hands in front of me while closing my eyes in prayer.

Rimuru- “Thank you for the view…”

Illya- “Nooooooo!”

I feel a tug on my collar from an invisible force. Before I completely register it, I end up flying out of the room and the door closes behind me.

… Did I just get fucking yeeted?

And why is Illya so embarrassed? I've seen it before, and she should’ve sensed me coming with [Universal Perception]. Furthermore, we’re connected through the soul, we know each other’s location at all moments of the day.

Maybe it’s something she needs mental preparation for? Like how most cosplayers wouldn’t cosplay in public unless there’s an event or something or if their identity is hidden or something.

… Meh.


The door opens again and Illya runs out directly to me.

Illya- “Did you see it!?”

Her cheeks are flushed and she looks like she’s about to cry.

Rimuru- “See what? Your costume?”

Illya- “Not that! Did you see it! My… my…”

She breaks eye contact and looks down, seemingly too embarrassed to continue her sentence.

What is she so embarrassed about? She wasn’t embarrassed about me seeing her in her magical girl costume. Was it something else? Hmm…

Rimuru- “Ah.”

Now that I remember it, she was lifting the edges of her skirt up… and her skirt is already kind of short…

Rimuru- “… Uhm… No, I didn’t see your panties.”

Illya looks back up at me, pouting furiously, shaking, blushing and glaring while holding back tears.

I… I… I can't hold back anymore!

She’s way too cute!

I raise my hand, drop it on her head, and start petting it.

*Insert scene of Rimuru doing lewd headpats and breathing heavily while Illya just melts*

Meanwhile, without Rimuru’s knowledge, Milim is hiding around the corner still taking pictures. She stops, looks at the pictures of Rimuru petting Illya, and smirks before turning around to find Mikoto.

A while later…

I am standing in the middle of the experimental site with Illya standing next to me. She finally calmed down which is good because I need her help.

Illya- “So? What are we here for, Onii-chan?”

Rimuru- “My defence needs work.”

Illya- “Oh, yeah, I got it. Let’s get started then.”

Illya immediately understood what I'm trying to do. I mean, she’s incredibly smart, figuring out my goals should be as simple as breathing. I'm sure she already had an idea of what I needed but only asked me to confirm.

Illya closes her eyes before her entire body begins to glow. Immediately after, she turned into motes of light. The motes of light flew around my body before sinking into my chest.

Illya- ‘It’s been a while since I've been here. It feels nostalgic, Onii-chan…’

Rimuru- “So you wanna stay here longer?”

Illya- ‘No way! Although I like spending time with you, I like spending time in my physical body more.’

Rimuru- “Yeah, I thought as much.”

Illya is the manifestation of my skill, [Manas: Illyasviel]. I just gave her a physical body made through [Enhanced Replication]. She eventually made that body her own, but everything of hers originated from me.

So, fusing back together is a matter of course.

Although I have access to [Manas: Illyasviel], I can't make use of her abilities to their full potential by myself. In fact, using my own skills to their full potential is also a chore. Illya also can't use my more active skills aside from her own as the Manas herself.

However, once we fuse, our fighting potential rises to an all-new high and those weaknesses are removed.

Anyway, I digress. I fused back with Illya so I can use her calculating prowess and precision to do what I need to do… or rather, I just let her handle everything.

Illya- ‘I'm done, Onii-chan.’

Rimuru- “Really? I don’t hear the Voice of the World though…”

Illya- ‘Just give it a second, the world system has a small delay…’

<<Extra Skill [Dominate Space] has evolved into Unique Skill [Spatial Ruler]. Under the influence of [Manas: Illyasviel], the Intrinsic Skill [Multilayer Barrier] has been assimilated, granting the Sub Skill [Universal Barrier] to [Spatial Ruler].>>

Oh, there it is. It’s really nostalgic, hearing this voice again. Last time I heard this was when Illya was born.

Well, this solves my defence problem. I bet even Milim would have to get serious if she wants to break through my barrier. Even then, she’s gonna have to catch me first.

But that’s just a hypothetical situation.

Rimuru- “So? What can [Spatial Ruler] do?”

A blob of light leaves my chest and forms back into the small platinum-blonde haired loli we all know and love with a quick flash of light.

Illya- “It’s simple. It just takes your control over space and dials it up to 11.”

True, I can feel my control over space growing by the second. Now I can probably isolate the entire world in a weak spatial barrier. If I use Yamato as a focus, I can probably separate space into small sections and shuffle the world around like a Rubik Cube.

And also…

Rimuru- “… The Mirror Dimension is stabilising?”

Illya- “Yup! Now it won't shatter even after a Milim blast!”

I wryly smile at her comment. I mean, it’s hard work constantly trying to stabilise the place manually. The only reason it could be created in the first place is because of my Crest of Space…

Rimuru- “Right, I think it’s time to leave now.”


I snap my fingers and I find myself instantly appearing in the living room with Illya at my side.

As soon as I appeared, I look around to find Mikoto standing in front of a mirror in the middle of the room. A bit odd, but nothing to get excited over.

The thing is… Mikoto is dressed in a maid costume.

(Flashback, while Rimuru was getting his new skill)

(Third Person POV)

Mikoto was nervously sipping on a certain can of coffee when Milim suddenly appeared behind her.

Milim- “Hey Mikoto!”

Mikoto- “Kya!”

Mikoto got a jumpscare and quickly hid the can of coffee before snapping her head in Milim’s direction with a nervous smile.

Mikoto- “W-what’s up, Milim?”

Milim, choosing not to comment on what just happened, holds up her phone with the screen facing Mikoto.

On the screen is a picture of Rimuru furiously petting Illya’s head while Illya is melting under his touch. Both of them have an intoxicated expression on their face.

Mikoto’s hand unconsciously reaches towards her own head as she wonders what it would feel like to get a headpat.

Milim then started whispering words into her ear like the devil and eventually, under Milim’s influence, Mikoto had a single thought in her head.

“Rimuru will pat my head if I cosplay like Illya.”

And so, wearing the maid cosplay outfit Milim got from god-knows-where, she began nervously posing in front of a mirror Milim also got from god-knows-where, ignoring the constant shutter sounds of Milim’s phone.

*Click* *Click* *Click* *Click* *Click* *Click*

Mikoto begins making a cat pose while tilting her head.

Mikoto- “Nya~”

Rimuru returned back and saw this exact scene. Mikoto slowly turns her head in his direction while blood rushes to her face.

Eventually, both of them fully register what’s happening.


Rimuru- “Thank you for the view…”

Mikoto- “N… Nooooooo!”


And so, out of pure embarrassment, Mikoto was able to break through Rimuru’s newly improved defence while somehow bypassing his resistances and shock him with her electricity, knocking him unconscious.

Anime logic.



Name: Rimuru

Race: Origin Slime

Protection: Crest of Space

Title: Highest Tier Spirit, Leader of the Monsters, Onii-chan, King of Avalon

Manas: [Manas: Illyasviel]

Ultimate Skills: [Belzebuth, Lord of Gluttony] [Ahura Mazda, Lord of Creation] [Scathach, Lord of Runes]

Unique Skills: [Spatial Ruler]

Intrinsic Skills: [Infinite Regeneration] [Universal Shapeshift] [Universal Sense] [Enhanced Replication] [Universal Thread]

Extra Skills: [Lord's Ambition] [Thought Communication] [Control Particles] [Control Natural Elements]

Resistances: [Cancel Pain] [Resist Melee Attack] [Cancel Natural Elements] [Cancel Ailments] [Resist Spiritual Attack] [Resist Holy Attack]

Equipment: Yamato, Harpe, [Raphael] Skill Orb


A/N: Thank you BoneDaddy_2019 and Zahage, you reminded me to evolve [Dominate Space]. It completely slipped my mind.

MC: ...

AN: ... You good?

MC: Hmm? Oh! Yeah! Im fine...

AN: You seem kind of out of it...

MC: I mean... Mikoto in a maid uniform... I just cant get her out of my mind. I remember summoning her with condition of having maid potential, but... Damn, I was not expecting that. She was stunning.

AN: Yeah... Im a little jealous of you, you got to see her like that...

MC: Mmm... *Proceeds to stare into space*

AN: Hmmm....

MC: ...


MC: *Flies into the distance*

Treyni: What!? Kakyoin! He was suddenly blown away! Impossible!

Let me know if I missed anything.