An orange beam of energy hits the hard carapace of the knight spider and easily pierces it.

Knight Spider- “Reeeeee!”

With a scream that sounds like it came from a 12-year-old on an Xbox, it wobbles for a bit before it collapses onto the ground, dead.

???- “I-In a single hit…”

Random Mob A speaks out the thoughts of everyone in the group. I mean, for the people in this world, only a small percentage of humans could ever hope to fight an A-minus ranked monster and win, much less kill it in a single hit. I mean, the knight spider is most renowned for its defence.

But unfortunately for the knight spider, Mikoto’s Railgun is a single target piercing attack. And if you play lots of video games, you should know that piercing attacks specialise in dealing with armoured enemies.

Anyway, Mikoto doesn’t even turn to look at the fallen monster and instead walked over to Elen, Kabal and Gido.

Mikoto- “I haven’t seen you in a few months!”

Elen- “Mikoto-san!”

Elen runs forward and hugs Mikoto lightly. It’s a girl thing, Kabal and Gido know not to imitate their companion.

Instead, they just greet her normally.

Kabal- “It’s been a while.”

Gido- “We didn’t expect to see you here.”

While Kabal and Gido are less acquainted with Mikoto than Elen is, they still greet her, happy to find a familiar face after a life or death situation.

Well, for them, situations like these are just your average Tuesday… and Wednesday… and Thursday…

You get the point.

Meanwhile, Guild Master Fuze is standing off to the side with a “What the fuck” expression, wondering how in gods name do those three idiots know someone this powerful yet totally unheard of.

Anyway, not much happened after that and Mikoto invited them all to Avalon. She also invited Yohm and his group that were kind of just standing off to the side, not sure what to do.

A while later…


In my human form, I am once again sitting in the meeting room… fuck me, I hate this place. It makes my brain hurt, having to deal with politics and shit.

Anyway, this time in the room, sitting to the left, is The Guild Master Fuze and his escorts Kabal, Gido and Elen.

Also sitting to my left, next to Fuze, is Yohm and a couple of his subordinates. One of them is a Mage, and the other… seems kind of familiar…

Rimuru- “Hey, do you have a brother or something?”

I ask him a question. He seems surprised, pointing to himself, asking if I'm talking to him. I just nod.

???- “Yeah I have a brother. He looks just like me, but he has a screw loose in his head. Literally.”

Ah, so he’s the brother of one of the thugs I met in front of the gates leading into Dwargon. You know, one of the guys I turned into magical girls. Specifically, the guy I'm thinking about had… well, as Brother-kun said, he has a screw loose. Literally. I mean he really had a screw drilled in his skull.

(A/N: Chapter 12/13 for those who wanna go back and read again. Also, search “Tensura Man vs Slime” on Youtube if you want the canon encounter.)

But it seems Brother-kun here is much more tolerable, so I won't turn him into a magical girl.

Brother-kun shivers for a moment, not knowing why. Whether it was from an instinctual fear or excitement, no one will ever know.

(A/N: Let’s be honest it’s probably excitement.)

In any case, everyone else is staring blankly into space with their mouths wide open. Their minds are completely blown by the sight of Avalon.

Which makes me happy. I want this place to be the very best, like nowhere else ever was. To attract humans is my real test, to show off in my cause. I’ll attract them from across the land, all over, far and wide, to show each of them the power that’s inside…

*Pokemon theme starts playing*

I chuckle to myself.

Really though, I want Avalon to be a place totally unlike any other place, both here in this world and on Earth.

Avalon is creeping ever closer to completion. The modern fantasy atmosphere is at its strongest point yet and it’s only getting stronger. Large streets paved in smooth stone with softly glowing runes engraved along the side. Buildings reaching dozens of meters high, yet not crowding the sky at all.

Treyni is quite happy since her bar located at the top of the tallest skyscraper would soon become a reality.

It’s like it came straight out of a fantasy… which doesn’t sound that amazing since we ARE in a fantasy world, but it’s breathtaking nonetheless.

Sitting to my right, opposite of Fuze’s and Yohm’s group is Milim, Mikoto and Illya. Since Mikoto is familiar with Elen and the other two and Illya has my memories of the group, they decided to join.

As for why Milim is here… “It gets boring without Mikoto or Illya” is Milim’s reason. Oh well, her loss…

Shizu- “Nya~…”

Shizu was sitting on my lap, as I wanted to do the “evil mastermind overlord” thing again, but Shizu just pointed a figurative middle finger to my plans and hopped off my lap and onto the table.

Illya- “Shizu, come here…”

Illya, seeing this, opens her arms towards Shizu, prompting her to walk over.

Shizu- “Nya~”

The adventurer trio flinches. Taking a small moment to register what they just heard, their eyes widen.

Elen/Kabal/Gido- “Shizu became a cat!?”

Fuze just looks at them like he’s questioning their IQ.

Fuze- “Of course she didn’t, you nimwits! Didn’t you already report that Shizu died!? The cat is probably just named after her…”

I just smile. Oh, if only you knew…

But this is the first time the adventurer trio saw Shizu in her cat form. Shizu died in her human form so I protected her soul and resurrected her. She was just an egg by the time they left.

And yes, they know about Shizu’s reincarnation. She spoke quite fondly of these three, thinking it’s a blessing to have her last adventure to be with them. Because of this, I saw it fit to inform them of Shizu’s reincarnation just before they left.

(A/N: No I didn’t just make this up. This actually happened, I'm just reminding you in case you forgot. It’s in Chapter 32)

Elen- “Ehehe…”

Kabal- “T-that’s true…”

Gido- “Ahahah…”

A bead of sweat trickles down their cheeks as they nervously try to play it off. Shizu’s reincarnation shouldn't become a well-known secret, after all.

If people realise I can resurrect people, death rates will increase and Meat Bun ROB will have his work cut out for him.

In fact, only Illya, Mikoto, the three adventurers and I know about Shizu’s reincarnation. To everyone else, she’s just a cat named after a human that was close to me.

I mean, I literally resurrected thousands of orcs and lizardmen so I don’t know why I'm keeping this a secret…

Oh well. The humans don’t know anything about this, and I don’t want to go through the troubles of telling them either.



Name: Rimuru

Race: Origin Slime

Protection: Crest of Space

Title: Highest Tier Spirit, Leader of the Monsters, Onii-chan, King of Avalon, Master of Headpats

Manas: [Manas: Illyasviel]

Ultimate Skills: [Belzebuth, Lord of Gluttony] [Ahura Mazda, Lord of Creation] [Scathach, Lord of Runes]

Unique Skills: [Spatial Ruler]

Intrinsic Skills: [Infinite Regeneration] [Universal Shapeshift] [Universal Sense] [Enhanced Replication] [Universal Thread]

Extra Skills: [Lord's Ambition] [Thought Communication] [Control Particles] [Control Natural Elements]

Resistances: [Cancel Pain] [Resist Melee Attack] [Cancel Natural Elements] [Cancel Ailments] [Resist Spiritual Attack] [Resist Holy Attack]

Equipment: Yamato, Harpe, [Raphael] Skill Orb


A/N: Why did you tell them about Shizu's reincarnation?

MC: I dont know, I just did it in the heat of the moment. It felt right.

AN: You felt shit.

MC: But I dont shit in this body.

AN: *Uses powers of author* Now you do.

MC: Fucker.

Let me know if I missed anything.
