A few days later…

So yeah, the Charybdis issue is now over and barely any fuss was made about it. No threat about several countries ending, no dryads doing everything in their power to hold Charybdis back to give me time to prepare, no calling Dwargon and asking for help…

It ended without any drama.

Phobio immediately left to return to Carrion’s side. I mean, I could have killed him, but I didn’t see the need to. I already taught him a lesson by destroying his manhood, and although it’s restored via full potion, there’s no chance for any descendants.

May you rest in peace… I also wouldn’t mind if you rested in general discomfort, but I digress.

Plus, killing him would make Carrion angry, and although I can deal with him easy, I'm not some cultivator protag that goes around provoking people needlessly just for my pride.

In any case, right now I'm just lazing around in my home. I'm sitting on the couch, my right hand holding some God food and my left holding a nice cup of coffee.

Illya is sitting on the couch next to me, staring at me with squinted eyes. I wonder if I did anything wrong recently… Meh, too many things to count.

Rimuru- “*Sip*”

Illya- “…”

Rimuru- “*Nibble nibble nibble*”

Illya- “…”


Illya- “I KNEW IT!”

Illya separated the fused Phobio and Charybdis but I ended up just chucking the Charybdis part into a random corner of my stomach (does my stomach even have corners?) and totally forgot about it. For some reason, I only remembered it now, nearly a week later.

Rimuru- “*Sigh*… please integrate it, Illya…”

Sighing at my sheer stupidity that is corroding my memory capability, I ask Illya to take care of it for me. I mean, it’s not like I know what to do.


With a snap of her fingers, the piece of Charybdis inside my [Gluttony] stomach disappears and the Voice of the World popped into my head after a small delay.

<<Extra Skills [Magic Interference] and [Gravity Flight] has been obtained. Tolerance Skill [Resist Magic] has also been obtained. Extra Skill [Magic Interference] has fused with Extra Skill [Control Particles] resulting in Extra Skill [Control Magic]. Extra Skill [Gravity Flight] has evolved into Extra Skill [Control Gravity]. Skill [Resist Magic] has been fused with [Resist Holy Attack] resulting in Skill [Resist Holy/Demonic Attack].>>

Rimuru- “*Whistling* You did all that with a snap of your fingers?”

Illya- “W-well, it wasn’t anything troublesome…”

Illya is trying to hide that smug smile of hers but she’s failing miserably at that. I just smile warmly at her. She’s so adorable.

[Control Gravity] is pretty simple, it just lets me control gravity by using magicules. I can already do something like that with [Spatial Ruler].

[Control Magic] is a bit more complicated, however. It lets me… control magicules. Fucking brilliant, I know, but bear with me.

This skill lets me control magicules, but those magicules don’t have to be mine. Say someone fires a magic spell at me, I can use [Control Magic] and ‘hijack’ the spell. Unfortunately, this doesn’t work on magicules INSIDE a target and has to be outside the body for me to affect.

It also comes with innate full control of one’s own magicules, but [Illya, Heaven’s Feel] already granted me full control over them, even more so now that it evolved into [Manas: Illyasviel].

All in all, I don’t think I’ll use them, but eh, they’re nice to have. I finish drinking my coffee and stuff the rest of the meat bun into my mouth.

*thump* *Thump* *Thump!* *THUMP!* *BANG!*

Suddenly Mikoto slams open the front door, seemingly dragging something on the floor behind her.

Mikoto- “Rimuru!”

Rimuru- “Mmm?”

I turn to face her, my mouth still chewing the meat bun.

Mikoto holds up the thing she was dragging in front of her.

Mikoto- “Do you know anything about this?”

I take a closer look at the thing she is holding. Or rather, it’s not a ‘thing’, it’s a humanoid figure. A male, it seems.

The figure is wearing rather noble-ish attire, the overall feel being kind of dark. His hair is pitch black, but there is a trace of red and a hint of yellow as well. His face is angled nicely, and he seems handsome. If there’s something that attracts my attention more than anything, however, it’s his eyes. The sclera of his eyes is pitch-black while his iris is blood red.

I swallow the meat bun and open my mouth.

Rimuru- “Hey.”

???- “Hello.”

The man replies politely with the same calm smile he always had, even if it does look a bit comedic seeing him being held up in the air by his collar by a teenage girl.

He seems a little familiar. I place my finger on my chin and think.




ISN’T THIS GUY DIABLO!? Well, his name should be Noir at this point in time, but that’s not the point.

I look at Mikoto with an extremely surprised face.

Rimuru- “Where did you find him!?”

And why are you holding a Primordial Demon by the scruff of his neck!?

Mikoto- “I don’t know! He just suddenly appeared in front of me, saying he wanted to meet you, but his aura is a bit creepy, so…”

Mikoto calms down a bit while explaining what happened.

Rimuru- “*Sigh*”

I sigh while rubbing the bridge of my nose. I look up at Mikoto and open my mouth again.

Rimuru- “Right, well this guy is a demon, so that explains his ‘creepy’ aura, but I don’t know how he got here. He’s not hostile or anything, so you don’t need to get rid of him. But I didn’t have anything to do with this guy, so…”

Mikoto- “It’s gotta be Shizu…”

It’s always Shizu…

Both of us have exasperated expressions on our faces. Illya glances between Mikoto, Diablo and I, choosing not to say anything.

I snap my fingers, using [Spatial Ruler] to teleport a certain troublesome Hellcat to my location.

Shizu- “Nya~”

With a meow, Shizu appears on my lap, lazily blinking her eyes. It seems she was just sleeping.

Rimuru- “Shizu…”

I point to Diablo (he isn't named yet) as Mikoto does the same and we both speak at the same time.

Mikoto/Rimuru- “What the hell is this?”

Shizu takes a moment to look at Diablo and think about where she saw him before a look of realisation dawns on her feline face and she decides to explain.

Shizu- ‘I summoned him.’

Rimuru- “We know.”

Mikoto- “We want to know WHY you summoned him.”

Shizu- ‘Well, I was in the middle of another ritual, but Rimuru interrupted me, and this guy popped out as a consequence.’

Hmm? What ritual… Oh, was it ‘that’ ritual? What the hell was she even doing there? It was the weirdest ritual she has ever done to this date. Why did she need those bananas…

Rimuru- “I think I remember… And? You must have sacrificed something, especially to summon someone of his calibre. What did you use?”

I mean, Rimuru used the bodies of around 10,000 humans, albeit deceased and soulless, to summon him. I don’t even want to think of what Shizu used…

Shizu- ‘I used your holy artefact.’


Hearing that, my soul cracks a bit and my mind went blank. I slide off the couch onto my knees in an orz position as despair clouds my mind.

Rimuru- “No… not that… anything but that…”

Mikoto, seeing my pitiful state, puts Diablo down onto his feet and walks up to me to comfort me with a dejected expression, as if seeing me in this condition hurts her as well. Meanwhile, Illya is looking at me with blank, judging eyes, but I don’t register any of this entirely.

Rimuru- “My holy artefact… Mikoto’s pantsu…”

Mikoto immediately freezes in her tracks as her expression becomes shadowed over by her hair. Her lips are twitching and you can see a vein pop on her forehead.



Feeling that this is no time to mourn, I jump up and proceed to immediately utilise the Joestar secret technique to its limits.

Mikoto- “Get back here!”

Mikoto shouts out from behind me and I hear lightning hit several places around me, barely missing each time. I don’t stop running for the rest of the day.


Name: Rimuru

Race: Origin Slime

Protection: Crest of Space

Title: Highest Tier Spirit, Leader of the Monsters, Onii-chan, King of Avalon, Master of Headpats, Procrastinator King, The Nutcracker, Pantsu Worshipper

Manas: [Manas: Illyasviel]

Ultimate Skills: [Belzebuth, Lord of Gluttony] [Ahura Mazda, Lord of Creation] [Scathach, Lord of Runes]

Unique Skills: [Spatial Ruler]

Intrinsic Skills: [Infinite Regeneration] [Universal Shapeshift] [Universal Sense] [Enhanced Replication] [Universal Thread]

Extra Skills: [Lord's Ambition] [Thought Communication] [Control Natural Elements] [Control Magic] [Control Gravity]

Resistances: [Cancel Pain] [Resist Melee Attack] [Cancel Natural Elements] [Cancel Ailments] [Resist Spiritual Attack] [Resist Holy/Demonic Attack]

Equipment: Yamato, [Raphael] Skill Orb, Limiter Ring


A/N: Thank you LiTusK and Syneiditos for the ideas to summon Diablo.

MC: But what do I even do with this guy...?

AN: idk that's your problem, not mine.

MC: You do realise that you, the author, has to figure this whole thing out yourself, right?

AN: ... Fuck.

Let me know if I missed anything.
