In any case, Jarvis is born and is now a subordinate under Demon Lord Ramiris, much to her absolute delight.

Ramiris is flying around him, inspecting every inch of his metallic surface as Jarvis just stands there, contemplating his life choices.

I look between Jarvis and Ramiris with a pondering expression.

Rimuru- “Hey, Jarvis… couldn’t Ramiris wear you?”

Jarvis stops staring into space and looks at me before looking at the floor thinking about it.

Ramiris- “Eh? What? Wear Jarvis!?”

Ramiris looks towards me with an excited expression, getting a feeling that something exciting is gonna happen.

Rimuru- “Well Jarvis’ body was designed after a suit of armour a genius from another world made to help him fight. I didn’t change much about the ‘armour’ part, meaning he can be ‘worn’.”

Ramiris- “REALLY!? *Cough* W-well, it’s not like I need any supportive gear for someone on my strength levels, but I would gladly use you to at least limit my overwhelming strength so I don’t instantly turn my enemies to ash!”

Ramiris turns to Jarvis and practically begs him with her eyes to let her wear him.

Rimuru- “Yeaaaah…. There’s a problem with that though…”

I say while sheepishly scratching the back of my head.

Mikoto- “… Can you even fit?”

Mikoto voices out the exact problem I had in my mind. Jarvis is just a bit over 6 feet tall. Ramiris is just under 30 centimetres…

Do you see the problem?


I heard Ramiris’ hopes and dreams crack as a trail of blood trails out of her mouth.

Jarvis- “… It might be possible.”

After Jarvis finished speaking, he speaks out, sparking Ramiris’ hopes again.

Jarvis- “I have the [Shapeshift] skill from the runes inscribed into the inside of my body. I can possibly shrink my body to fit Ramiris-sama’s size.”

Jarvis has already begun to unconsciously call Ramiris ‘Ramiris-sama’, which is good.

But can you shrink with the [Shapeshift] skill? I know you can increase your size by using magicules by supplementing your lacking body mass with Black Mist, but shrinking…

Ramiris- “Quick! Try it! Try, try, try!”

Ramiris is practically shaking from excitement. Looking at her, I can practically hear the thoughts passing through her head.

‘I don’t have to be a weakling anymore!’

… I feel a bit sorry for all that she had to go through.

Unfortunately for her, she had to reincarnate several times. Once she reaches the peak of power for her current self, she reincarnates again, starting from scratch.

That’s why she, who is quite weak right now, is a Demon Lord. She probably used to be quite strong back in the past, but now she’s quite weak compared to the other Demon Lords, even Demon Lord seeds like Carrion, Frey and Clayman.

In any case, Jarvis might give her a power boost to her current weak self which is probably why she’s so hyped.

In any case, Jarvis begins to shrink.

Yes, shrink. He gets smaller and smaller and when he reaches about half-height, he begins to fly using the repulsors in his palms and feet.

Very quickly his height lessens until he’s about the same size as Ramiris, both of them hovering in the air facing each other. Jarvis then turns around and back up towards Ramiris, who eagerly opens her arms wide as she eventually ‘sinks’ into armour.

The armour then shifts its form.

Its waist shrinks, its chest expands (only a little) and its legs, arms and fingers become more feminine.

Its biggest changes are on its back and helmet. Ramiris’ wings are covered with an EXTREMELY thin layer of nanomachines, gaining a blue neon glow as its edges gain a red metallic hue.

The helmet, on the other hand, forms two sharp pieces of metal extending from its sides, accommodating Ramiris’ long elf-like ears. It honestly fits quite well, looking like decorative pieces for her helmet.

Somehow, Ramiris STILL glows with soft yellowish-golden light, but I don’t question it. It’s probably a fairy thing. Or more anime bullshit, I don’t know nor do I care.

The repulsors on Jarvis’ hands and feet stop functioning as the wings’ blue glow intensifies as they become responsible for keeping Ramiris in the air.

Ramiris looks down at her hands without saying anything. She opens and closes her fingers curiously, looking up her arm before noticing her whole body.

Ramiris- “…”

Mikoto- “… Uhm… Are you ok?”

Ramiris- “… It’s…”

Illya- “It’s?”


Ramiris’ wings glow even brighter.


Before I even realise it, she starts flying all over the room, splintering the winds from her acceleration. She’s just a red, yellow and blue blur at the speed she’s going. Her laughter is echoing from all over the room.

If it weren’t for the enclosed space I do not doubt that she could potentially break the sound barrier several times.

Of course, you can also hear Jarvis trying to calm her down.

Jarvis- “Ramiris-sama, please slow down! This is your very first flight using the armour, you should take things slow and calibrate yourself with it before you use such speeds!”

Immediately after, he was proven right.


Ramiris clips her foot on a piece of rubble on the ground as she was flying low and ended up spinning out.


She flew straight into the wall in front of her, embedding herself into it and cracking the wall around her point of impact.

Ramiris- “Ughhh… That hurt…”

Ramiris groans as she slides out of the armour, rubbing her back as she slowly floats over towards where my companions and I are waiting.

Jarvis on the other hand, forces himself out of the wall, landing on the ground before walking on the ground, following Ramiris as he grows, returning to his original size and more masculine form.

Rimuru- “So?”

I ask while raising my eyebrow in amusement.

Ramiris- “Ah… *Ahem!* I meant to do that. I was testing his durability!”

She says with a proud smile while floating over to Jarvis and playfully hitting his shoulder.

Jarvis looks at Ramiris and sighs.

Jarvis- “Apologies, Ramiris-sama. I will try to work on reducing the impact you feel upon collision.”

Ramiris- “E-eh? A-ah, right… you do that…”

Ramiris sheepishly says, but we all know she won't admit to her fault.

Mikoto looks at the crack on the wall before turning to Ramiris.

Mikoto- “Hey, why didn’t you just leave Jarvis as he is and pilot him like a giant robot?”




Holy shit I didn’t think of that.

Ramiris- “WOAH! I could do that!?”

She snaps her head in Javis’ direction with sparkling eyes.

Jarvis- “It should be feasible.”

Jarvis confirms and Ramiris shouts in joy for more things to test.

Rimuru- “You also have to test out Jarvis in combat, but… Unfortunately, we have to go.”

We’ve stayed here long enough, it’s time to move on.

Ramiris- “Eeh? You’re going already?”

Rimuru- “Unfortunately, yes. I've got another stop before I head to Ingrassia and I don’t want to lose too much time.”

Illya- “We’ll meet again with the kids later!”

Ramiris- “Hmmm… Alright. Come back quickly!”

Ramiris seems unsatisfied but still said goodbye while telling us to visit soon.

Jarvis- “I am thankful to you for gifting me my body and my name. As long as Ramiris-sama allows it, I shall do whatever you ask of me.”

Jarvis says with a butler-like bow. Ramiris doesn’t seem bothered by his words, so I take it as she is also pretty thankful to me.

Ramiris- “Now! Let's test out your weapons!”

Ramiris switches her attention to Jarvis after waving her hand at us, opening a portal behind us leading to the entrance of her labyrinth.

I wave goodbye at her as I walk through along with Mikoto, Illya and Ranga.

Rimuru- “Try not to blow yourself up!”

Ramiris- “Hahaha! There’s no way the great me would do something like that!”

She haughtily shouts as the portal closes behind me.

I'm still worried. Should I have put on some kind of Training Wheels Protocol?

Mikoto- “… Hey, I was thinking about this for a while and now that we’re moving on, I thought I might as well ask… Why couldn’t you just use your runes to solve the rampaging magicules problem with Shizue’s students?”

Rimuru- “… My dear Mikoto, you need to stop thinking so much.”


Name: Rimuru

Race: Origin Slime

Protection: Crest of Space

Title: Highest Tier Spirit, Leader of the Monsters, Onii-chan, King of Avalon, Master of Headpats, Procrastinator King, The Nutcracker, Dumbass

Manas: [Manas: Illyasviel]

Ultimate Skills: [Belzebuth, Lord of Gluttony] [Ahura Mazda, Lord of Creation] [Scathach, Lord of Runes]

Unique Skills: [Spatial Ruler]

Intrinsic Skills: [Infinite Regeneration] [Universal Shapeshift] [Universal Sense] [Enhanced Replication] [Universal Thread]

Extra Skills: [Lord's Ambition] [Thought Communication] [Control Natural Elements] [Control Magic] [Control Gravity]

Resistances: [Cancel Pain] [Resist Melee Attack] [Cancel Natural Elements] [Cancel Ailments] [Resist Spiritual Attack] [Resist Holy/Demonic Attack]

Equipment: Yamato, [Raphael] Skill Orb, Limiter Ring


A/N: I'm sorry, I suddenly ran out of inspiration at the end of this chapter. I apologise if it the ending seems a little lacklustre.

I also wanted to have MC leave last chapter, but I really wanted to show Jarvis’ capabilities so… here it is.

Also did something happen to my fanfic recently? Lots of people are suddenly making bad reviews and I don’t know why. Most of them don’t really explain anything. Is it the recent quality? Did I write something bad?

Let me know if I missed anything.