In any case, Hinata is frozen in place, still mid-thrust. She can't do anything else but she can move her eyes and talk which is exactly what she’s doing. Her cold, calculating eyes are moving around, trying to gauge her situation as she talks to me, attempting to dig for information.

Hinata- “So, you said your name is Rimuru? I don’t suppose you have any relation to that gathering of monsters in the Jura Forest, would you?”

Rimuru- “Oh, you’ve heard of us?”

Hinata- “The Church’s information gathering system is quite dynamic.”

Huh, I guess Yohm and his movements as a ‘champion who took down the Orc Lord’ are going well. Especially if it means that information about Avalon is spreading.

Rimuru- “Ooh. So? Would you like to visit?”

I cheerfully ask her.

Hinata- “Unfortunately my current position isn't exactly the best situation to ask someone to do something. Would you mind unrestraining me first?”

Hinata casually asks while staring at me with her sharp eyes to which I scratch the back of my head.

Rimuru- “Unfortunately, I would like to talk to you about something important. I realise ‘kidnapping’ you wasn’t the best way to do it, but I wanted to get it over with quick. You don’t exactly trust me, which is understandable, but I would like to keep my head on my shoulders so… no, I won’t let you go.”

Hinata closes her eyes and sighs.

Hinata- “Well, at least I asked… No matter, I don’t need your permission anyway.”

With those ominous words, holy energy flares out from Hinata, eroding the magicules preventing her body from movement. The rune on her back fizzles out of existence and with speeds that greatly exceed the velocity she used during our short battle, her rapier swings right towards my neck.

My eyes widen as I watch the blade slice the air as it moves. Honestly, it’s quite beautiful, Hinata’s swordsmanship is better than even Hakurou’s.

I move my body to avoid her attack. I don’t think my barrier can stop that sword, especially when it’s coated in holy energy, the anti-magicule juice.

Unfortunately, since I wasn’t expecting her to break out from my rune so quickly, I wasn’t able to avoid her attack completely.


An arm goes flying into the air. My arm. I look down to my left shoulder to find my arm severed at the upper arm. Instead of bones, flesh, muscle and blood, all you can see is the white you would see from my slime body.

That’s to be expected since I'm not human.

Of course, Hinata already knew I wasn’t human.

My [Universal Shapeshift] skill merely lets me mimic the shape and form of the creatures I eat and disguise the outer layer with colours.

Features unique to the race I mimic would reflect over to my body. An example would be Smell. My slime form can't really ‘smell’ things, but if I mimic a human or even a wolf, I can smell things.

Even so, things considered ‘unnecessary’ will be ‘discarded’ and won't follow through with my transformation. An example would be blood, bones and other vital organs like the brain and heart.

Hence why I'm not panicking about seeing my arm make a beautiful parabola through the air before hitting the ground a dozen meters away or so.

Hinata backs off while raising her rapier, ready to defend and counterattack in case I pursue. I don’t, and I just stand there with an amused smile still on my face.

Hinata- “You barely flinched. I must say, I praise your ability to smile even with a severed arm.”

Hmm? She must not know exactly what race I am. If she did, she would know that losing an arm isn't all that big of a deal. Hell, I could lose my head and I would still be completely fine.

Rimuru- “Haha! No, that’s just the [Cancel Pain] skill doing its job. If I didn’t have it, I would probably be rolling on the floor right now.”

I mean, I've never dealt with pain larger than an ant biting my dick back in my old world, so if my arm got cut off, there’s no way I could remain calm without the [Cancel Pain] skill.


I look over towards the source of the spark.


However, a bright orange beam of energy comes flying past my face, heading straight towards Hinata.

(A/N: Parry this you filthy casual.)

She lowers her body in an attempt to evade the blow, but Mikoto’s Railgun is an attack specialising in its speed and piercing power. Unless Hinata anticipated the attack beforehand, which she didn’t, there’s little hope to dodge it regardless of how fast you are.

And would you guess it, Hinata gets struck by it head-on. Luckily for her, she was able to raise her weapon just in time to alter its course and avoid a fatal blow.

Hinata was nonetheless pushed back. She fell to her knees using her weapon as a support as the blade and the armour around her waist emit smoke from the heat of Mikoto’s attack.

Looking back to the source of the energy beam, I see a tsundere Pikachu glaring at Hinata with frozen cold eyes I never thought I would see from her.

Mikoto- “Don’t you dare do that again.”

With an icy voice that matches the look in her eyes, she speaks out to Hinata. Sparks of electricity still menacingly dance across her arm and hair.

Rimuru- “Mikoto… I never thought you cared about me this much!”

I'm genuinely surprised at her actions.

I'm quite happy. Losing an arm is worth it.

Immediately after I spoke those words, Mikoto snaps her head towards me, the blush flaring on her cheeks instantly melting any of the coldness she held before.

Mikoto- “E-Eh? N-No! It’s j-just that… you know…”

She shyly looks down as she coyly points her fingers together.

So cute.

As for Illya and Ranga, they never panicked even once since the former knew exactly what I'm capable of and the latter just had that much blind faith in me.

I'm flattered, honestly.


Name: Rimuru

Race: Origin Slime

Protection: Crest of Space

Title: Highest Tier Spirit, Leader of the Monsters, Onii-chan, King of Avalon, Master of Headpats, Procrastinator King, The Nutcracker

Manas: [Manas: Illyasviel]

Ultimate Skills: [Belzebuth, Lord of Gluttony] [Ahura Mazda, Lord of Creation] [Scathach, Lord of Runes]

Unique Skills: [Spatial Ruler]

Intrinsic Skills: [Infinite Regeneration] [Universal Shapeshift] [Universal Sense] [Enhanced Replication] [Universal Thread]

Extra Skills: [Lord's Ambition] [Thought Communication] [Control Natural Elements] [Control Magic] [Control Gravity]

Resistances: [Cancel Pain] [Resist Melee Attack] [Cancel Natural Elements] [Cancel Ailments] [Resist Spiritual Attack] [Resist Holy/Demonic Attack]

Equipment: Yamato, [Raphael] Skill Orb, Limiter Ring


A/N: I know what you're thinking.

"Author! MC is an Origin Slime, someone on par with a True Dragon! How tf did Hinata even manage to hit MC let alone cut his arm off!"

And I just wanted to invite our resident Main Character to the stage to explain.

*MC enters the stage*

*Booing and dissing from the crowd*

MC: Aight, I just wanna say I wasn't serious against her. Physically, I can floor Hinata is every aspect. Hinata can use her full strength and I can give her a hard fight with just my fists. That's how strong and fast I can be.

If I used my skills as well? That's overkill.

So yeah, that 'fight' was barely a warmup for me.

Aight, that's it for my TED Talk, have a good night!

*MC walks off the stage*

*More booing and dissing from the crowd and they throw food scraps at him*

AN: I knew it, you guys love me more than that shitty MC.


*Someone from the crowd takes out a bazooka and shoots it at Author*

AN: What the fu-


*Author dies*

*No chapter tomorrow*

*JK Author will revive tomorrow with a new chapter*

Let me know if I missed anything.