In any case, while my new slav- *Cough* comrade is going to deal with the teacher issue, I am going to fuck off and have fun. It’s a brand new city after all.

I wonder how many explosions I can cause before the guards get called…

Mikoto- ‘Rimuru, are you done?’

Mikoto contacts me through [Thought Communication], snapping me out of my thoughts.

Rimuru- ‘I am, but how did you know?’

I mean I only just left the building not even a full minute ago. Even then, I was barely in there for more than 10 minutes.

Mikoto- ‘Illya just told me so I contacted you to make sure.’

Ah, if it’s Illya, she probably calculated when I would leave…

Or she just sensed me leaving with that broken perception of hers. Well, I'm betting more on the former.

Mikoto- ‘In any case, Illya and I heard about this library, so we went to check it out.’

Mikoto sends me her location and I decide to just walk there while continuing to talk with her.

Rimuru- ‘A library? With books and nerds that like to read them?’

The only ‘books’ I've touched in the last few years (including my past life) were novels, fanfictions and hentai doujins. Everything else is irrelevant.

Mikoto- ‘Illya is flipping through several books right now.’

Rimuru- ‘*Cough* With books and cultured intellectuals that browse through them?’

Now that I think about it, books are one of the main reasons humanity has advanced so far back on Earth. I was wrong, books are great…

Mikoto- ‘Aaaand now she put them down and decided to just scan the whole library…’

Rimuru- ‘I knew it. Books are fucking overrated.’

I continue walking and casually evade a random pickpocket that was trying to steal any valuables I have on me. I don’t have any, fucking dumbass. Like, aren't you supposed to watch your target and identify any valuables they have? Do you see any jewellery or anything like that on me?

In any case, he now has erectile dysfunction. Have fun!

Rimuru- ‘In any case, what are you even doing there? Isn't a library kind of useless for you?’

She smart as hecc after all.

Mikoto- ‘It’s a library belonging to the Free Guild. There are a few restrictions but you can get in if you’re a B Rank adventurer or higher. We came here because learning more about the history of this world wouldn’t hurt, and this library has a large collection of magic spells too.’

Rimuru- ‘Magic spells? You want to learn magic?’

I ask with a bit of surprise. I didn’t think Mikoto would show an interest in learning magic.

Mikoto- ‘Mmm, it’s more just curiosity than a wish to learn. It’s not like I need magic and it would take too long to learn it to a degree that I could use it in combat.’

Oh, thank god. I thought Mikoto grew tired of throwing her lightning around. It’s one of her most charming aspects.

I reach the library where I could find Mikoto and Illya. It isn’t too far from the Free Guild HQ since the library belongs to them in the first place.

I see a grand entrance made of wood. The building itself is made out of white stone with the same neutral coloured wood decorating the building. It’s quite a large building too, dwarfing any other building nearby and easily comparable to the Free Guild HQ.

Walking up the wide stone stairs, I walk through the entrance and wander through the tall wooden shelves of books, the atmosphere being completely different from the noisy, crowded streets outside. It’s quite calming in here, different from the eerie calmness of Ruberios’ Royal Capital.

Eventually, I find myself in a section where tables and chairs take up the majority of the space here. The tables are long and sturdy while the chairs seem well made for something seemingly mass-produced.

Sitting on one of the chairs with her head propped up by her arm is Mikoto, sitting silently, calmly flipping the pages of a book. Mikoto’s tea coloured hair gently falls to the side as her eyes casually glance at the page in the book before flipping to the next one.

Sitting opposite to her is Illya, who is sleeping while resting her head on her arms. Her platinum blonde hair is cast carelessly over the tabletop, making any woman who glances at it go “green with envy”.

As soon as I appear, Illya opens one of her eyes to glance at me before lifting her head and stretching her back and arms. Mikoto looks up from her book and smiles.

Mikoto- “You’re finally here.”

Rimuru- “What do you mean ‘finally’, I came straight here.”

Mikoto just shrugs, still keeping that smile on her face.

Illya- “Onii-chan, how did things go?”

I look at her, not saying anything for a while before I open my mouth.

Rimuru- “I killed him.”

Mikoto- “You killed Y-“

Mikoto covers her mouth, stopping herself from saying Yuuki’s name. I mean, saying I killed the Grandmaster of the Free Guild whose influence spreads throughout the entire Western Nations is not a good idea.

Luckily, there’s no one else around.

I just nod my head.

Rimuru- “I replaced him with a doll that my clone is controlling. He could be considered a slave right now.”

I say with a :3 expression.

Clone Rimuru- ‘Fuck you Rimuru!’

Yuuki Clone- ‘Yeah fuck you!’

I think I heard something through [Thought Communication]… Must be the wind…

(A/N: It was my fart, ignore it.)

Rimuru- “Anyway, I'm getting a teacher’s position soon, so there’s that. It should be done tomorrow if the new slave works fast.”

Mikoto- “Already!?”

I just shrug.

Rimuru- “What can I say, he was a big man with lots of influence. He also happens to be the school principal, if I remember correctly…”

I scratch the back of my neck before I remember something.

Rimuru- “Oh, right. I also stole his money.”

I say as I take out a small pouch from my stomach. It’s filled with gold coins.

Rimuru- “You girls wanna spend all this on useless things with me?”

Illya- “Onii-chan, can't you just make money with your skills?”

Rimuru- “I know, but there’s always this charm in spending someone else’s money. So? You in?”

Illya and Mikoto look towards each other before looking at me with a smirk.

I look towards Mikoto’s shadow.

Rimuru- “Ranga, you can come back.”

Ranga- ‘Yes Master!’

A shadow flies from Mikoto’s to mine.

Rimuru- “Now then, where shall we go first?”

Meanwhile, a certain Yuuki Clone just realised that his money has been stolen.

Yuuki- “Why are we still here… just to suffer…”


Name: Rimuru

Race: Origin Slime

Protection: Crest of Space

Title: Highest Tier Spirit, Leader of the Monsters, Onii-chan, King of Avalon, Master of Headpats, Procrastinator King, The Nutcracker, socially awkward cringe slightly chuuni slime

Manas: [Manas: Illyasviel]

Ultimate Skills: [Belzebuth, Lord of Gluttony] [Ahura Mazda, Lord of Creation] [Scathach, Lord of Runes]

Unique Skills: [Spatial Ruler]

Intrinsic Skills: [Infinite Regeneration] [Universal Shapeshift] [Universal Sense] [Enhanced Replication] [Universal Thread]

Extra Skills: [Lord's Ambition] [Thought Communication] [Control Natural Elements] [Control Magic] [Control Gravity]

Resistances: [Cancel Pain] [Resist Melee Attack] [Cancel Natural Elements] [Cancel Ailments] [Cancel Spiritual Attack] [Resist Holy/Demonic Attack]

Equipment: Yamato, [Raphael] Skill Orb, Limiter Ring


A/N: I suffer 

MC: I also suffer

Let me know if I missed anything.