It’s been a week since the students had a mock battle with me and Mikoto.

Needless to say, we floored them. They couldn’t even touch our clothes.

And that’s saying something since I have pretty fluttery clothes that make me look cool. Mikoto’s clothes aren’t that fluttery, so they had an even harder time with her.

Physically, I'm overall better than Mikoto. I'm a fucking Origin Slime, a race on par with True Dragons. Obviously, I'm better, especially since she’s only human.

No wait, she evolved into an Enlightened not that long ago. It’s the next stage from Human, with Saint being the final stage after that. It’s similar to the monster’s evolution stages of Majin, Demon Lord Seed and finally True Demon Lord.

(A/N: Enlightened is also known as Sage, it depends on the translation.)

To become an Enlightened, some gruelling training is needed, but… Well, Mikoto is strong enough as it is and with her Unique Skill [Limit Breaker], she smoothly passed into that stage.

In fact, if not for Illya letting me know, I would have never realised it. I wonder how strong she is now…

Anyway, I'm going off-topic.

It’s been a week since the mock battle with the students and we crushed them. Illya mercilessly ended the battle once 10 minutes passed and Mikoto and I had to spend the next 10 minutes after that trying to calm the kids down and prevent them from crying.

Neither of us is good at handling kids. We have no clue what the fuck to do other than speak softly and stuff like that.

While I was comforting Chloe, she calmed down pretty quickly though, I don’t know why.

Thankfully, Illya saved us and cheered up the rest of the kids for us.

After that, I reaffirmed my promise to save them once they calmed down and that finally got them to trust us.

Over the week, I’d like to think we got much closer.

Right now, we are all sitting on a large hill overlooking the Ingrassia Royal Capital from afar. The clouds are scarce and the cool wind blows gently over us, holding back the heat from the mid-noon sun. It’s neither too hot nor too cold. The perfect temperature.

Illya and I are teaching them how to play Magic Chess by demonstrating a game. It’s a game I invented.

Rimuru- “It’s basically like normal chess. You start, Illya.”

Illya- “Alright, I move pawn to D5.”

Illya says as she moves her piece. She then turns to the students watching to the side.

Illya- “See, the rules are just like normal chess-“






Mikoto- “Uhh, isn't this supposed to be chess?”

Mikoto interjects as confusion and excitement cloud the students' faces.

However, Illya and I are in a very engaging battle of wits, so I have no room to respond.

Rimuru- “Damn it! I'm in a tight spot…!”

I mutter to myself as I stare at the chessboard with an intense stare, thinking of all the possibilities I could use to get out of this situation.

Illya- “Now move your last pathetic piece, Onii-chan!”

Suddenly, I get an idea. A way to win. I smirk.

Rimuru- “My board has no pathetic pieces! But it does have THE UNSTOPPABLE EXODIA!”

A miniature Exodia illusion appears over the chessboard.

Illya- “Impossible! No one’s ever been able to summon him!”

Mikoto- “Okay now we’re just straight-up playing Yu-Gi-Oh!”

She got the reference!

Rimuru- “And that’s checkmate!”

Illya- “I lose… I had no idea Onii-chan was this good at playing chess…”

Illya pouts as her eyes glisten with tears.

Rimuru- “Hmph! As I said, you have much to learn, my dear little sister…”

I say as I headpat Illya with a kind smile. She was a good opponent…

Illya wipes her eyes with her sleeve and looks up at me.

Illya- “Really?”

Rimuru- “Umu!”

(A/N: This was all a No Game No life in 7 Minutes reference. It’s a fucking funny video, look it up on Youtube. It was made by Gigguk.)

Meanwhile, Mikoto is wondering what the fuck just happened while the students are looking excitedly, eager to play the game.

They still don’t know how to play it though.

It’s very complicated…

Ranga is sleeping a little bit away in his smaller form as Shizu is sleeping on his fur on top of him, both of them curled up.

Ranga was introduced to the kids not long after the mock battle and although they were a bit scared, they quickly took a liking to him.

Both Shizu and Ranga still argue every now and again though.

Rimuru- “… Hmm?”

[Universal Sense] picked up a large magicule signature rapidly approaching. Mikoto also senses it as we both look in the direction opposite of the city.

Kenya- “Rimuru-sensei, what’s wrong?”

Kenya voices the question in the other students’ minds. They all look worriedly at our weird actions.

Well, unfortunately, perception isn’t my strong suit. I can sense that a large mass of magicless is approaching, but it’s over a couple of hundred kilometres away. I can't tell exactly WHAT it is unless it gets closer.

Well, it’s moving at such speeds that I should be able to tell what it is within ten seconds or so.

Rimuru- “… It’s coming.”

I just wanted to say that for the heck of it.


A feral roar enters our ears, one that inspires fear in all beings that can hear it. It’s the roar of an apex predator.

A dragon.

Well, not that I give two shits about it. A simple rune can also protect the kids and the whole city behind me from the Fear Status Effect that roar would have. They still heard it though.

Rimuru- “Illya.”

I say with a serious voice as I stare at the horizon, a black dot rapidly approaching.

Illya- “It’s a Sky Dragon.”

A Sky Dragon? Didn’t one of those appear in the original series too?

Alice- “A dragon!?”

Gale- “Here!?”

Ryota- “W-What do we do!?”

The students begin panicking slightly. However, before anything else happens, Mikoto places her hand on Alice’s head who was the closest to her.

Mikoto- “Don’t worry, I can handle it easily!”

But before she could do anything else.

Rimuru- “No… Let me handle this one.”

I say with a smile.

Mikoto- “You want to handle this?”

Rimuru- “Yeah.”

I mean, it’s a dragon. Killing one of them is a fucking dream come true.

The dot on the horizon is fast approaching. Mikoto nods and steps back while I take out Yamato from my [Gluttony] stomach and slowly unsheathe it.

I drop the scabbard to the ground and hold Yamato’s grip with both hands, raising it over my head. I deactivate the Limiter Ring’s effect, returning my full powers just for this strike.

My magicules explode, creating a silver aura that reaches dozens of meters high, wildly flaring with enough force that every magic-sensitive human in the city easily sensed it and proceeded to shit their pants in terror.

The kids were spared from this.


The dragon roars again. This time, it’s even louder. You can see its figure with the naked eye now.

It’s a large western dragon, but its build is rather thin, obviously prioritising speed over defence and strength. The speed it’s flying at causes the wind to pressurise in front of it. It’s coloured entirely black but you can see its menacing yellow eyes.

Rimuru- “Take a good look kids. This is a fraction of your Sensei’s true strength.”

I didn’t need to say that, but if I can score some more cool points, I might as well, right?

My aura disperses, or rather, it gets absorbed into the blade. It shines with a silver light.

Rimuru- “Haap!”

With a shout, I swing Yamato down.

Suddenly, all sound disappears. The rapidly approaching dragon, the shouts of soldiers from the city as they prepare for battle, all of it is gone.


Only the sound of the blade as it cuts through the air and the fabrics of space itself could be heard.

The sky then splits in two vertically.

Although it’s thin, you can see the darkness of the empty void as space no longer has a hold over that area.

However, like a dream, the space immediately mends back together and stabilises under my [Spatial Ruler] Unique Skill.

And the dragon?

It was swallowed by the void, disappearing forever.

Yamato’s scabbard rises from the ground into my open hand as I sheathe its blade.


The hilt hits the scabbard and the sounds return. But even so, no one said anything.

Rimuru- “Banishing Shift…”

I whisper.

A move inspired by the protagonist of Shinmai Maou, Basara Toujou. His Banishing Shift could banish anything into the Zero Dimension Space. I just replaced that Zero Dimension with the Void found between worlds.

Sure, it’s overkill, but…





However, while Rimuru was celebrating inwardly, he missed the complicated emotion lingering in Mikoto’s eyes as she stared at Rimuru’s back.


Name: Rimuru

Race: Origin Slime

Protection: Crest of Space

Title: Highest Tier Spirit, Leader of the Monsters, Onii-chan, King of Avalon, Master of Headpats, Procrastinator King, The Nutcracker, socially awkward cringe slightly chuuni slime

Manas: [Manas: Illyasviel]

Ultimate Skills: [Belzebuth, Lord of Gluttony] [Ahura Mazda, Lord of Creation] [Scathach, Lord of Runes]

Unique Skills: [Spatial Ruler]

Intrinsic Skills: [Infinite Regeneration] [Universal Shapeshift] [Universal Sense] [Enhanced Replication] [Universal Thread]

Extra Skills: [Lord's Ambition] [Thought Communication] [Control Natural Elements] [Control Magic] [Control Gravity]

Resistances: [Cancel Pain] [Resist Melee Attack] [Cancel Natural Elements] [Cancel Ailments] [Cancel Spiritual Attack] [Resist Holy/Demonic Attack]

Equipment: Yamato, [Raphael] Skill Orb, Limiter Ring


A/N: Meanwhile Illya and Chloe practically froth at the mouth from how cool MC was when he killed that dragon.

MC: I can understand Illya, but why Chloe? Why not the other students too?

AN: I'll never tell heehueheuheheuheuheuheueheeueueeuheh

Oh also there's more foreshadowing coming up.

MC: Fuck!

Let me know if I missed anything!