Now all that needs to happen is Mikoto and Illya getting their own spirits and then we can go home!

<<Skill [Natural Attack Resistance] has been acquired.>>

Ooh, is this from all the spirits that I analysed just now? Sweet.

(A/N: I say “Natural” attack resistance because, unlike normal magic, spirit magic follows the laws of physics. I also can't say Spirit Attack Resistance because that sounds too similar to Spiritual Attack Resistance so I came up with this after, like, 5 minutes of thinking. And that’s a lot of thinking.)

Moving on.

Unlike the students, Mikoto and Illya don’t need any spirits to inhabit their bodies. A simple contract will do.

Mikoto- “I guess I’ll go first?”

Rimuru- “Sounds good to me. Do you need me to hold your hand too?”

Mikoto- “N-No I don’t!”

Rimuru- “But do you WANT to though?”

Mikoto- “…”

Mikoto doesn’t do anything other than glare at me. Her flushed cheeks do nothing but make her look cuter though.

(A/N: The cover pic is what comes to mind while I was writing this.)

Argh! My heart!

Mikoto- “Hmph!”

She storms off to the centre of the platform by herself after seeing my teasing smile.

I would follow her in case another fuckboi appears, but…

Mikoto- “Stupid Rimuru… idjit… baka…”

I feel like she can handle herself.

Unlike the children that came before her, she didn’t kneel nor did she pray. Or to be specific, like Kenya, she didn’t get the chance to.

Electric yellow motes of light appear and converge together, a telltale sign of a Greater Spirit.

???- “Who’s that Pokemon?”

What!? Who’s there!? Who said that!? SHOW YOURSELF!

The Greater Spirit materialised and a yellow lightning rat appeared.

???- “It’s Pikachu!”

The fuck!? A Pikachu!? How!?

The Pikachu landed on the ground and started running around Mikoto.

Pikachu- “Pika pika!”

While pale as a sheet of paper, I ask Ramiris a question.

Rimuru- “R-Ramiris… W-What’s that?”

I stutter as my mind fails to comprehend the situation.

Ramiris- “Hmm? Ah, that’s Pikachu. A Greater Lightning Spirit. I don’t know why it appears in this form as all the other Greater Spirits are much more humanoid. It’s only this little guy that’s different.”

What. The. Fuck.

Pikachu- “Pikachu!”

Mikoto- “I see.”

Pikachu- “Pika pika!”

Mikoto- “Really?”

Pikachu then nods its head.

Rimuru- “What’s this little guy saying?”

I ask Mikoto as I walk up behind her while she was having a conversation with him. I then proceed to get kicked in the stomach by the said little guy as it jumps from the ground and digs its foot into my gut.

I don’t flinch a bit though and Pikachu just drops to the ground and runs back to Mikoto. It then jumps onto her shoulder and glares at me.

Pikachu- “Piiiiii…”

I point to it with a confused expression.

Rimuru- “What’s his problem?”

Mikoto- “It’s because you called her a guy.”






Pikachu- “Pikaaaaaaa…”

Yellow sparks of electricity bounce off his- *Cough* her cheeks and she glares at me.

Rimuru- “I sorry, Miss, I didn’t know. Here, have a meat bun.”

Pikachu- “Pikachu?”

I make a meat bun and place it in her little paw thingies. She nibbles it a bit before her eyes sparkle.

Pikachu- “Pika pi!”

Mikoto- “She said she forgives you.”

Meat buns are op pls don’t nerf.

(A/N: I would never do such a sacrilegious thing.)

Rimuru- “Is that so. But still, I never thought you would summon a Pikachu… she really suits you.”

Like, more than you would ever know.

I shouldn’t say that out loud though.

Mikoto- “Really? I quite like her too…”

Mikoto says while scratching Pikachu’s chin. I want to scratch her too, but I don’t want to be the next Ash Ketchup of whatever his name is and get shocked.

Not like it would hurt.

Instead, I give Mikoto herself some headpats causing her face to explode with redness. Her steps become stiff like a robot and it seems like she can't concentrate as her eyes are swirling.

In the end, we make it back to the rest of the group just before Mikoto self-destructed.

Rimuru- “Illya, let’s get your spirit!”

Illya- “Haii~!”

She skips up to me and stands there as if she’s waiting for a headpat.

So I give her a headpat.

Rimuru- “What’s wrong, Illya?”

Illya- “Nothing, I just thought that I don’t want to contract with just any spirit.”

Rimuru- “Ho? So who do you want to contract?”

I am honestly a bit confused. She should probably have a method to summon the exact spirit she wants, right? I mean, this is Illya we’re talking about.

Illya- “I want to contract with Onii-chan!”




Holy crap you can do that!?

Students- “Eeeeeh!?”

Mikoto- “That was possible?”

I shrug my shoulders. I'm just as confused as you guys are.

Ramiris- “Wait wait wait! You’re talking as if Rimuru is a spirit you can contract with! That doesn’t make any sense!?”

Ramiris interjects by waving her arms around in front of Illya’s face.

Illya just tilts her head with a confused expression.

Illya- “But Onii-chan really is a spirit you can contract with though?”

Ramiris- “…”

Illya- “…”

Ramiris- “*Inhales*… I want to go home…”

Ramiris pinches the bridge of her nose, takes a deep breath, and says something relatable.

Rimuru- “… Isn't this place your home though…?”

Ramiris- “You shut up!”

Rimuru- “Me!?”

Mikoto- “*Sigh* Illya, please explain…”


Ramiris- “Right, so you’re saying that Rimuru is a spirit?

Illya- “Yes.”

Ramiris- “And not just any spirit, but a high ranking space spirit at that?”

Illya- “Un.”

Illya just finished off explaining my position to Ramiris and the students. Of course, she didn’t explain everything to them.

She didn’t mention that I was originally a monster that evolved into a higher being AKA Origin Slime AKA Highest-tier spirit AKA True Dragon nor did she mention that it was through the effect of an Ultimate Skill. For all they know, I'm a natural-born Greater Space Spirit.

Chloe stares off into space for a while before her face starts turning red.

Chloe- “S-S-So if I m-made a c-c-contract with Rimuru-sensei, he w-w-would be i-i-i-inside me right n-now…”

Chloe mutters to herself as steam began to rise from her head. But because no one was speaking, everyone present heard her loud and clear.

Kenya, Ryota, Alice and surprisingly even Gale had a look of innocence on their face. Mikoto’s already overheated brain completely shut down at this point as you can hear her just going “Aaaaaaaaaa~…” as her brain tries to reboot itself.

(A/N: I'm sure we all know what they were thinking ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).)

Pikachu- “Pikachu!?”

Pikachu panics as she tries to save her master by shaking Mikoto’s shoulders.

Ramiris- “Actually that’s not entirely true. The spirits you summoned are fused with your bodies unlike normal summons who are just connected through the soul by a contract.”

This means that I couldn’t have fused with the students unless I wanted to be “inside” then 24/7 constantly controlling their rampaging magicules.

Chloe- “Oh…”

Why do you sound so disappointed…?

Rimuru- “Oh and Ramiris, I need to talk to you about something.”

Ramiris- “Hmm?”


Name: Rimuru

Race: Origin Slime

Protection: Crest of Space

Title: Highest Tier Spirit, Leader of the Monsters, Onii-chan, King of Avalon, Master of Headpats, Procrastinator King, The Nutcracker, socially awkward cringe slightly chuuni slime, Dragon Slayer, Sensei

Manas: [Manas: Illyasviel]

Ultimate Skills: [Belzebuth, Lord of Gluttony] [Ahura Mazda, Lord of Creation] [Scathach, Lord of Runes]

Unique Skills: [Spatial Ruler]

Intrinsic Skills: [Infinite Regeneration] [Universal Shapeshift] [Universal Sense] [Enhanced Replication] [Universal Thread]

Extra Skills: [Lord's Ambition] [Thought Communication] [Control Natural Elements] [Control Magic] [Control Gravity]

Resistances: [Cancel Pain] [Resist Melee Attack] [Cancel Natural Elements] [Cancel Ailments] [Cancel Spiritual Attack] [Resist Holy/Demonic Attack] [Natural Attack Resistance]

Equipment: Yamato, [Raphael] Skill Orb, Limiter Ring


MC: So where did that "Who's that Pokémon!?" voice come from?

AN: Pfft, I dunno.

MC: But you're the author!

AN: Sometimes, there are things even gods dont know...

Let me know if I missed anything.