Chapter 160 Cocky bastard gets rekt

Hakurou and Kyoya stand there, facing each other with both their weapons in hand. Kyoya’s weapon is a longsword unsheathed, raised and pointed towards the older Kijin. Hakurou’s weapon is a hidden sword that looks like a normal stick, or a wooden rod that’s perfect for beating Rimuru when he fucks up- *Cough*

Its blade is sheathed and ready to be revealed at a moments notice.

Shogo is already dead on the floor and Kirara can't do anything with Shuna there, so it’s just those two.

Kyoya is shit-talking Shogo in his mind, thinking about how useless he is to die so quickly.

Kyoya- ‘Useless! All of you! How the hell did you get killed so easily? You’re supposed to be stronger and faster than me, right!? And you also have your [Berserker] skill which gives you higher defence!’

The fact that he also couldn’t track Benimaru’s blade even with his visual boosting Extra Skill [All-Seeing Eye] never entered his overly inflated mind.

Hakurou- “Are you done? Shall we continue now?”

Kyoya- “Shut up old man! Against you, I don’t need to pay full attention!”

Hakurou- “Hooh? You’re looking down on me quite a bit. You know, my favourite thing to do is show those with overblown egos is to show them their rightful place. On the dirt.”

Kyoya- “Yeah? You wouldn’t be talking about me, would you?”

Hakurou- “If you can't even tell that much, I guess your mind really is-“


Kyoya swung his other empty hand towards Hakurou in the middle of the conversation. An invisible blade flew from his hand straight towards Hakurou, hitting him instantly and causing the dust to rise in the area.

Although they are over a dozen meters from each other, Kyoya’s Unique Skill [Severer] allows him to create an invisible blade made with the space element that contains extreme sharpness and speed. The blade reached Hakurou near instantly.

Kyoya- “Hahaha! That old fool fell for it! My [Severer] Unique Skill can cut through anything!”

(A/N: ALMOST anything. *Laughs in meat bun*)

Kyoya laughs to himself with a sadistic smile on his face, revelling in his own victory and completely forgetting the presence of Benimaru and Shuna.

A fucking idiotic mistake, since he would’ve died immediately by either one before Kirara could even say anything.

Well, neither Benimaru and Shuna moved though. The reason is simple:

They didn’t need to.

Hakurou- “Hmph. So such tiresome tricks are also a part of your arsenal…”

Kyoya- “Nani!?”

The dust settles down revealing a completely uninjured Hakurou casually dusting off his shoulder. Kyoya soon noticed that he also didn’t even move an inch from his spot, nor did he even unsheathe his blade.

Kyoya- “What the HELL did you do, old man!?”

Hakurou- “Hmm? You don’t know? Well, then I guess you’re only a second rate swordsman at best…”

Hakurou’s expectations for Kyoya continued to fall more and more and Kyoya realises this.

Kyoya- “… What did you just say…?”

Kyoya’s voice trembles with rage as he grips his longsword.

Hakurou- “I said “second rate”. You see, what I did was simple… I dodged.”

Kyoya- “Dodged?”

Hakurou- “Yes. Dodged. I leaned to the side a bit and your invisible weapon just flew straight past me. Like I said, if you didn’t even realise that, you’re only a second rate swordsman AT BEST.”

Hakurou was implying that Kyoya might as well be third rate, let alone second rate.

As for being able to sense and dodge an invisible weapon, well… Hakurou was named by Rimuru who holds the Crest of Space, an authority and affinity over space itself. [Severer]’s created blades are made with the space element, so sensing it is quite simple for him.

Kyoya- “Don’t mess with me you senile piece of shit!”

Kyoya’s face was scrunched up in an ugly way as his pride took verbal hit after hit from the old kijin.

Creating another invisible blade with [Severer], he discards the longsword that is nothing more than a decoration to him and rushes towards Hakurou.

He swings it again and again at Hakurou but he continues to sway left and right, dodging every attack made by Kyoya, barely needing a step each time to do so.

Despite how it looks, Kyoya is actually quite the talented swordsman. With his [All-Seeing Eye] and [Severer] skills, he can compete for the title of the best swordsman in Farmus, although he believes he’s the best in the entire Western Nations (including Hinata).

Kyoya- “You! Shitty! Old! Man!”

Kyoya screams while swinging his invisible blade with wide, reckless arcs. He swings it in an overhead strike towards Hakurou who just steps to the side, causing Kyoya to stumble forward a few steps from the momentum.


Hakurou lightly taps his sheathed weapon on the back of Kyoya’s head as he passes him.


Shuna- “I wouldn’t do that, Hakurou. The blades made with his [Severer] are incredibly sharp.”

Kyoya snaps his head in the pink-haired kijin’s direction, wondering how she knew. He was planning to bait the old kijin into taking an attack of his and hopefully killing him by cutting through his weapon..

What he sees made his blood pressure rise even more.

He sees Shuna casually reading her Cheat Sheet book given by Rimuru.

Kyoya- “You bitch! Stop!”

Shuna- “And why should I? Stupid human, you shouldn’t have mentioned your skills so casually. Didn’t you learn your lesson from your dead comrade?”

Shuna says as she snaps the book shut with an innocent smile on her face. This causes more veins to pop on Kyoya’s head.


You can see Kyoya standing facing Hakurou like in the beginning, but this time, he’s an absolute mess.

He’s drenched in sweat, his eyes are bloodshot from overusing his [All-Seeing Eye] and his hands are trembling from exhaustion. Meanwhile, Hakurou’s breathing hasn’t even changed a single bit.

Kyoya- “W-Why… why couldn’t I hit you…?”

He honestly could comprehend it. He’s the best, right? So how can someone do this?

Hakurou just stays silent, his eyes that are looking at him show nothing but disappointment and contempt.

It was as if he was saying “you are not a swordsman”.

And that hurt him.

But even so… he refused to admit that he was weaker.

Kyoya- “… Ah, I see now. Aha… hahaha… Ahahaha! I get it now! It’s this place, isn't it!? This shitty place! It’s making me weaker, isn't it!? You thought I wouldn’t realise, did you? But no, I found your little trick… Hahahaha! No wonder I was getting this sick feeling!”

And so he started to blame the Mirror Dimension.

Hakurou- “… Perhaps. I'm not the creator of this realm, so I wouldn’t know. Perhaps our Master did indeed include such a feature. But, I must ask you this…”

Hakurou’s eyes that are looking at Kyoya become sharp. Kyoya realised it at this point. Hakurou was going to end it in this strike.

Hakurou- “This “sick feeling”… Are you sure it’s not… Fear?”

Kyoya’s mind stopped.

Afraid? Him?





Kyoya- “You fucking OLD MAAAAAAN!”

Raising his [Severer] blade over his head, he rushes towards Hakurou.

With a white blur, the old kijin disappeared.

Kyoya- ‘Where did that old man go!?... Uh? Why is… my vision turning upside down?... Is that… my body?’

Those were the last words going through Kyoya’s mind as his head flew off his shoulders.

Even to the end, Kyoya never admitted to his weakness.

Hakurou, Benimaru and Shuna all turn towards the remaining otherworlder.

Kirara- “Hiii!”

She drops to her knees while raising her hands in surrender, hoping against hope that these monsters knew mercy. She closes her eyes as tears threaten to spill out.


Thinking that was the sound of the blade passing through her neck as with her two other companions, she stop breathing…

Before realising that she could still think. Opening one eye, she sees the old kijin resheathing his blade.


Lowering her hands, she sees some magisteel cuffs on them, inscribed with softly glowing runes that mysteriously prevented her from feeling her magicules.

Turning around, she sees Shuna standing next to her, smiling while looking down at her.

It was a smile that said, “don’t try anything bitch”.

Not that she would in this situation.


Name: Rimuru

Race: Origin Slime

Protection: Crest of Space

Title: Highest Tier Spirit, Leader of the Monsters, Onii-chan, King of Avalon, Master of Headpats, Procrastinator King, The Nutcracker, socially awkward cringe slightly chuuni slime, Dragon Slayer, Sensei

Manas: [Manas: Illyasviel]

Ultimate Skills: [Belzebuth, Lord of Gluttony] [Ahura Mazda, Lord of Creation] [Scathach, Lord of Runes]

Unique Skills: [Spatial Ruler]

Intrinsic Skills: [Infinite Regeneration] [Universal Shapeshift] [Universal Sense] [Enhanced Replication] [Universal Thread]

Extra Skills: [Lord's Ambition] [Thought Communication] [Control Natural Elements] [Control Magic] [Control Gravity]

Resistances: [Cancel Pain] [Resist Melee Attack] [Cancel Natural Elements] [Cancel Ailments] [Cancel Spiritual Attack] [Resist Holy/Demonic Attack] [Natural Attack Resistance]

Equipment: Yamato, Limiter Ring


A/N: I went back and changed Chapter 158 a bit. 

I said that MC gave access to the mirror dimension to some of his subordinates through a magic circle, but I forgot... I COULD'VE USED SLING RINGS FROM THE MOVIE!

So I changed it. Here's what I changed:


Well, it’s what you would expect from a self-centred protag-complex reincarnator.

At this moment, a large portal opens up underneath them. The portal is a big circle that has orange sparks flying from its edges. I don’t need to explain it, just google it.

By the panicked look on three summoned otherworlders as they fall through, you can tell that it wasn’t their fault. As for the reincarnator, it wasn’t his doing either.

Although he could’ve escaped, he simply looked at it with amusement, letting it do its job.


Yes, the Mirror Dimension. You didn’t think such a space would ONLY be accessible to Rimuru, did you? Obviously, he gave his subordinates the “key” to enter the space.

Yes, that key is a fucking sling ring. 


Let me know if I missed anything.