Chapter 178 OP to a stupid degree

I finish disciplining my clone and dust off my hands. I look down at the battered body twitching at my feet that somehow has a mosaic blur over it.

I'm not joking. Even my [Universal Sense] can't see past it. Judging by how intensely Illya is staring at it, she probably can't too.

We look at each other before nodding with wise expressions.

We shall ignore this and chalk it up to more anime bullshit.

I take away the coconut drink my clone brought back from his holiday and start sipping.

I frown.

Rimuru- “I forgot that I don’t like coconut…”

I'm sure some people love it, I just don’t personally like the taste.

Teleporting it away to a random spatial coordinate, I turn to look at everyone else surrounding me, still sleeping peacefully.

Hmm… I guess I should deal with Bryce once and for all.

(Third Person POV)

Meanwhile, far away, a certain Demon Lord with platinum pink twin-tailed hair is sitting on a chair, swinging her legs. She is in a bedroom, but it’s rather small for a place inside the rather majestic castle that it’s located in.

Milim- “I’m so booored nanoda!”

She is currently pretending to be mind-controlled by Clayman to snoop for information about his backer. Unfortunately, she doesn’t know that Rimuru already took care of his backer AKA Yuuki.

Right now, she has some time to herself without Clayman around or any surveillance. He has no clue that the mind-controlling item in his possession that he used on Milim had no effect whatsoever.


Milim looks down towards her stomach.

Milim- “And I'm hungry too… I miss Avalon… I wonder how Gaia is doing… I bet my bestie is doing something fun nanoda… UGHHHH! So bored!”

Out of nowhere, a coconut drink appears out of midair and lands right into Milim’s hands. She looks at it with shining eyes.

Milim- “You’re the best, Rimuru!”



Rimuru- “*Sniff* I bet someone was talking shit about me. Probably some great evil plotting behind my back.”

I feel a judging stare behind me, but I ignore it and focus on the soul I have stored in my [Belzebuth] stomach.

It’s Bryce’s soul.

Using [Belzebuth], I CAN consume him and get everything he has, but I have a better idea.

Only using [Belzebuth] a bit, I only “eat” one thing. His main Unique Skill. Now, with that skill in my arsenal, I speak out a single word.

Rimuru- “[Deprive].”

Instantly, everything was stripped from Bryce’s soul, although without his Storm Crest, there’s not much left. Just some lower-ranked skills I already have like [Magic Sense].

There’s only one thing I really want from him, in fact. Unique Skill [Investigator], a skill Illya thinks contains a fragment of the Origin Skill [Akashic Records].

But that’s for later.

After I gave Bryce a taste of his own medicine, I look at it one last time, my golden eyes glowing with silent fury and coldness. If I had one regret…

I would’ve liked to see what expression he would’ve had if he knew what I just did. Unfortunately, he’s just a soul, a broken one at that. Really unfortunate…

And so, looking away without any expression, I exert my [Manas] and crush his soul. The man named Bryce is no more, forever prevented from reincarnating again.

After that, I remove [Deprive] and discard it. I have no use for such a skill, nor do I want something that originated from that man.

I turn around to look at Illya who is currently looking at me with stars in her eyes.

Illya- “Onii-chan is so cool!”

Rimuru- “…”

I'm flattered, honestly. But… I'm a little uncomfortable with that stare. Maybe because I based her off of Illya from the Nasuverse? I mean, the Nasuverse is just a universe filled with Edge, Edge, and more fucking Edge. And I gotta say, I was pretty edgy.

(A/N: You mean cringe?)

More time passes as Illya calms down.

Eventually, she takes [Investigator] and examines it.

Illya- “Yup! It’s got an Ultimate Skill fragment!”

Rimuru- “Really!?”

I'm genuinely surprised. I mean, even Illya wasn’t sure and it was only a guess, but now that it’s certain…

Rimuru- “… Illya… can you fuse with it?”

Nodding her head, she got to work-

Ilya- “Done.”

Please Illya, slow down. My monologue can't keep up with you.

<<[Manas: Illyasviel] has fused with Unique Skill [Investigat-…>>





Illya- “Onii-chan! This is amazing!”

<<Onii-chan! This is amazing!>>





Hearing Illya’s voice from beside me and in my head as a mechanical voice is a bit weird.

Illya- “I have control over the World System!”

<<I have control over the World System!>>





I need to lie down…

(Time skippu~!)

Rimuru- “Ok, so let me get this straight. You fused with [Investigator].”

Illya- “Yes.”

Rimuru- “The Ultimate Skill fragment was indeed the Origin Skill [Akashic Records]?”

Illya- “Yes.”

Rimuru- “And that fragment boosted you to something above a Manas, and you called yourself a Codex?”

Illya- “Yes.”

Rimuru- “And you said that this gave you control over the World System and the Voice of the World as a consequence?”

Illya- “Yes.”

Rimuru- “And now you’re theoretically omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent?”

Illya- “Yes.”

Rimuru- “And I can also become omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent by fusing with you?”

Illya- “Yes!”




I sit up on the couch from my laying position (what? You thought I was joking when I said I needed to lay down?) and say the only word on my mind at the moment.

Rimuru- “Bruh.”

Illya just smiled.

And then, with a wave of her hands, the magic happened.

<<Ultimate Skill [Ahura Mazda, Lord of Creation] has evolved into [Yahweh, God of Creation]. Ultimate Skill [Scathach, Lord of Runes] has evolved into [Odin, God of Runes]. Unique Skill [Spatial Ruler] and Ultimate Skill [Belzebuth, Lord of Gluttony] has evolved into Ultimate Skill [Azathoth, God of Void (Alternative)]. All other skills have been absorbed by [Codex: Illyasviel].>>

And so, I became overpowered to a stupid degree.


Name: Rimuru

Race: Origin Slime

Protection: Crest of Space

Title: Highest Tier Spirit, Leader of the Monsters, Onii-chan, King of Avalon, Master of Headpats, Procrastinator King, The Nutcracker, socially awkward cringe slightly chuuni slime, True Dragon Slayer, Sensei, World’s Strongest, Overpowered to a stupid degree

???: [Codex: Illyasviel]

Ultimate Skills: [Yahweh, God of Creation], [Odin, God of Runes], [Azathoth, God of Void (Alternative)]

Equipment: Yamato, Shizue's Anti-Magic Mask


AN: Origin Skills are just Ultimate Skills that Veldanava himself used (to my understanding at least).

Also, I got the Codex name idea from another fanfic called “that time I got reincarnated in a fantasy magic world”. A good fanfic but I think the author dropped it.

Let me know if I missed anything.