Next day…

I wake up with a yawn. I am currently in my bed at home, stretching my body as I prepare for a new day.

No, I don’t need sleep. It’s just a habit from when I was human. I can't physically sleep, unfortunately, so I just fall into a controlled pseudo hibernation state that simulates sleep. At first, I needed Illya’s help, but now I can do it myself.

If there’s any benefit to this, now I always wake up anytime I want, so I can’t sleep in!





I-it’s a good thing… right?

I look to my left. There, lying next to me loosely covered in her blanket is…

No one.

Instead, I look to my right. There, lying next to me loosely covered in her blanket is Mikoto, still sleeping. She’s dressed in her yellow pyjamas with lots of gekota faces imprinted on it all over. It’s her favourite pyjama.

I don’t have pyjamas of my own, actually. This is because… I sleep naked.

Before anyone jumps to conclusions, let me just say that I only sleep in my slime form.

And the reason for THAT is because I always like sleeping with Mikoto. I mean who wouldn’t like sleeping with their waifus in hope that they might hug you in their sleep? That way you can feel their body and maybe even touch them here and there, causing them to have lewd dreams and then-

Mikoto- “Mmmmm…”

Mikoto shuffles slightly in her sleep.

It seems I’d better stop this train of thought before she smites me with her electricity.

She’s so cute though…

Anyway, I don’t use my human form when I sleep because of that one time Mikoto woke up with me next to her in my human form. She fainted and didn’t wake up until hours later. So it’s more like a self-imposed rule.

I swear though, once Mikoto gets used to both of us sleeping together while I'm in my human form, I'm gonna lewd her.

(A/N: *Cries tears of blood* I'M SO JEALOUS.)

Anyway, last night, I saw Fuze dancing like nobody’s business. He wasn’t doing anything explicit, just normal dancing. Even so, it burned my eyes and scarred my soul.


I had to ask Illya to heal me.

Anyway, I then proceeded to knock him out, much to the gratitude of everyone else in the nightclub. I threw him into a random hotel room (after paying for it) and left him there.

Now it’s a new day and I think I should finally sit down and talk with him.

So, after my morning routine of turning into my human form and dressing up, waking Mikoto up (thankfully she’s not a heavy sleeper), eating breakfast with her and talking a bit while cuddling, I teleport away-

Mikoto- “Oh no you don’t!”

I feel a tug on my collar as I was pulled into a full-on tongue-war kiss. She’s been getting more aggressive lately, as much as she feels embarrassed about it.

I ended up staying with her for an extra hour.

As for where Illya went, well now she sleeps with Shizu. Apparently, she doesn’t like sleeping with me and Mikoto anymore since she doesn’t want to be around us when we snuggle with each other.

I didn’t catch the exact reason why, but she said something about being too jealous of Mikoto.

So now Shizu and Illya sleep together, cuddling each other in their sleep.

It’s some good yuri material.

Right right, Fuze.

After that extra hour of just hanging out with Mikoto, I find Fuze who is already awake and eating his own breakfast in the hotel I dropped him off at.

Not one to take a man away from his food, I wait for him to finish.

I guess I have no choice but to go back home and snuggle more with my waifu~.

He quickly finished eating and was just cleaning up when I suddenly teleport in front of him and slam down another plate of food.

Rimuru- “Take your time.”

I teleport back home. I haven’t had enough of snuggling.

Fuze, confused as hecc, decided to just eat what I gave him. The food in Avalon is just that good. Just as he was finishing again, I slammed another plate down in front of him.

I need snuggles.

This happened a total of five times before he really couldn’t eat anymore.

I felt sorry for him, so I wrote a rune on him that helped speed up his digestion. His slight stomach ache calmed down at that.

But I've put it off long enough, so I steeled my nerves and regretfully pulled myself away from snuggling with my waifu so I can deal with this.

And so, Fuze and I find ourselves in a meeting room. This meeting room used to be a core part of discussions, but with the advance of Avalon, all conversations happened through [Thought Communication] or were just handed off to Clone Rimuru.

Mostly the latter.

Don’t get me wrong, everyone hangs out together at parties, celebrations and the like for good old fun. It’s just that bigger gatherings about work and stuff weren’t needed for a while.

Thus, this meeting room wasn’t used for a while. There’s a literal inch of dust on the table.





Consuming all the dirt with [Azathoth] before turning it into energy and harmlessly expelling it into the air, I gesture for Fuze to enter the now clean room.

Fuze- “Right, I came here as soon as I could once I heard the report. I need to ask you this… What happened to Farmus’ army? And what are your plans for the country that is on the brink of a civil war?”

I knew it would be about this! Right, if information that I casually wiped out an entire human army gets to the public, things will turn south really quick. Humans will no longer find any trust or safety in myself or Avalon, and the Western Church that declared Avalon as non-hostile will also face serious questioning.

I promised Hinata to handle this to reduce any backlash for Avalon and the Church, and so I consulted Illya about it last night.

She said, “Just do what the Original Rimuru did.”

And so, I decided to spin up a tall, but believable, tale.

I open my mouth to answer Fuze when the door slammed open.


Hinata- “Rimuru!”

I blink rapidly at Hinata who entered the room, wondering how she found us. Did Illya tell her?

She looks at me with eyes that surprisingly has a hint of warmth in them before holding a hand over her heart and closing her eyes.

Hinata- “First of all, I would like to thank you for helping to resolve the situation between my teacher and myself.”

She didn’t specifically say “Shizu and myself” because Fuze is here with us.

She opens her eyes as her usual calculating look returns, but the hint of warmth remains.

Hinata- “Second, I would like to join you in your discussion as one of the Ten Great Saints of the Luminous Faith. This also involves the Church, after all.”

I absentmindedly nod my head while Fuze is still shocked at seeing Hinata Sakaguchi, one of the strongest humans alive.

She sits in one of the vacant chairs next to me as I open my mouth to explain my stance on the Farmus Kingdom.


The door gets slammed open again.

Rimuru- “Goddamn…”

I turn around to look who it is.

Gazel- “Rimuru!”

It’s Gazel Dwargo, the king of Dwargon. I haven’t seen him in a while!

But how did he find us!?

And when did he get here!?

Gazel- “I received a report from Vesta and Kaijin giving the general outline on what happened so I rushed over here as fast as I could with some of my Pegasus Knights.”

Vesta and Kaijin? Why would they send a report, especially without telling me? They must have told Clone Rimuru about it and asked for permission, and he agreed.

I hold up my hand and stop Gazel from talking.

Rimuru- “You want to join in on the discussion, right? It’s ok. Take a seat, I’ll start explaining.”

Gazel just nods his head and takes a random seat around the table.

I open my mouth-


Rimuru- “What the fuck…”

I whisper to myself as I turn around to look at the intruder-

Rimuru- “Who the hell are you!?”

Who is this guy!? I don’t recognise him!?

Erald- “I am Erald Grimwald, an Archduke of the Sorcerer's Dynasty Sarion!”

That gives me literally no clue as to who you are!

Erald- “I’m Elen’s father!”

Elen? Her? I guess I can see the resemblance… no I can’t. They both have blonde hair, but that’s it. But I remember someone like him in the series.

Erald- “I am here because my information states that Elen has a close relationship with the new Demon Lord!”

I close my eyes, sigh deeply, and rub the bridge of my nose.

Rimuru- “Just… take a seat.”

I gesture to one of the many empty seats around the table.

I open my mouth, pause, take a look at the door, and wait.






I slam my head on the table.

Illya- “Onii-chan! I brought everyone over because it seemed like a big discussion was about to take place!”

Benimaru, Hakurou, Soei, Shion, Shuna, Kurobe, Kaijin, Vesta, Gabil, Geld, Rigurd, Diablo, Carrera, Ultima, Testarossa, Ranga (he wasn’t in my shadow), Treyni, Shizu, Mikoto, Pikachu and Illya herself all walk in, quickly crowding the room.

(A/N: Did I miss anyone? Aside from Gobuta and the two Jeffs.)

I sigh.

Rimuru- “Does anyone want to say something before we begin?”

I asked just to get it out of the way so I don’t get interrupted again.

Fuze raises his hand.

Fuze- “Uhm, the digestion runes you placed on me… they’re a bit too effective.”



Name: Rimuru

Race: Origin Slime

Protection: Crest of Space

Title: Highest Tier Spirit, Leader of the Monsters, Onii-chan, King of Avalon, Master of Headpats, Procrastinator King, The Nutcracker, socially awkward cringe slightly chuuni slime, True Dragon Slayer, Sensei, World's Strongest, Overpowered to a stupid degree, Mikoto's Equal

???: [Codex: Illyasviel]

Ultimate Skills: [Yahweh, God of Creation], [Odin, God of Runes], [Azathoth, God of Void (Alternative)]

Equipment: Yamato - Genesis


A/N: As for where Gobuta, Goblin Jeff and Orc Jeff are, they are currently working hard restocking Gobuta's store. Goblin Jeff and Orc Jeff are working under Gobuta.

Oh, and there's Demon Jeff now too.


MC: What!? When!?

AN: When you named all the demons. YOU WERE THERE!

MC: Oh...

Let me know if I missed anything.