Ramiris- “You’re a slime!?”

(A/N: Always has been. *Cocks gun*)

Ramiris screams from her position on Jarvis’ shoulder.

Rimuru- “Uhm… I guess? Well, technically, I was born as a slime, but I evolved into a high ranking spirit. But I'm still a slime. I guess I'm a Spirit Slime?”

Ramiris just continues to stare at me with a look of pure confusion.

Hey! Blame Veldanava! I swear, he was high as fuck when he was dealing with the slime race!

Except when he was making slime girls. I've seen them wandering around Avalon, and they look like normal human girls except they’re slime. Veldanava may be a drug addict, but he is also a man of culture.


I-I mean he’s a bad dragon! Thankfully he’s dead! Yeah!

Feeling the threat of death retreat, I breathe a silent sigh of relief.

Scary intuition.

Ramiris- “Anyways, I'm going inside.”

Ramiris shakes her head, deciding to not think about it before flying off of Jarvis’ shoulder and begins heading inside.

The massive doors open, revealing, as expected, another room. Judging from the massive round table in the centre, that room should be where the Walpurgis will take place.

Ramiris- “Remember, only two attendants.”

Ramiris says as she waves over her shoulder before the doors close again, Ramiris, Jarvis and Treyni already inside.

Mikoto is the Demon Lord, and Shizu and I are the attendants. That leaves Illya as the odd one out, to which Ramiris pointed out that she can't come with us.

But Ramiris doesn’t know that technically, she can.

Rimuru- “Right, come on Illya.”

Illya- “Umu!”

She snatches my slime body out of Mikoto’s hands and hugs me tightly in her arms.

Mikoto- “Oy!”

Illya pokes her tongue out at Mikoto before turning into streams of light and entering my body.


Without anyone to hold me, I fall and hit the ground, my body making like an egg on a frying pan as it kisses the rather clean floor.

Is that mint I taste? I'm joking. I can't taste in my slime form.

Rimuru- “Ow.”

It didn’t actually hurt, it’s more like a habitual reaction. Which is weird, since you would think I would’ve left reactions like that behind with my human body.

Illya- :3

I can feel your smug aura, Illya. You did that on purpose!

I get picked up by Shizu who looks at me with her curious golden cat eyes before shifting me to a comfortable position in her arms.

Mikoto holds out her arms towards Shizu, silently asking her to hand me over, to which Shizu contemplates for a second… and then turns around, walking towards the door Ramiris disappeared through.

Mikoto- “Hey! Give Rimuru back!”

Shizu- “No.”

Mikoto- “Please!?”

Shizu- “No.”

Mikoto- “Why?”

Shizu- “…”

Mikoto- “…”

Shizu- “… Because I want to hold him.”

Mikoto- “Well I want to hold him too!”

Shizu- “But you already held him.”

Mikoto- “W-Well…”

Hmm, well, she’s got you there.

Not able to find a valid argument, Mikoto turns to me with trembling lips and slightly glistening eyes. She looks like a child whose favourite toy was just taken away.

Fucking hell, that’s cute.

In the end, both Shizu and Mikoto ceased their childish argument and come to an agreement.

They’ll BOTH hold me… I wish.

Instead, Shizu just dropped me to the floor, and both Mikoto and Shizu walked through the doors without looking back.

… WHY!? I want to be carried! That was I can silently feel their chests! But now I can't!

Illya- ‘… pu… huhu…’

Stop laughing!

Bouncing after the two, I enter the room to find Mikoto sitting down at the round table. Shizu silently stands behind her.

I would’ve kicked open the door screaming “whassup fuckers!?” if I were in my human form.

Anyway, on the other side of the table is Ramiris and the red-haired guy. Instantly, I can guess who he is.

It’s Mr Krabs from Spongebob-


It’s Guy Crimson, The Lord of Darkness (chuuni name), one of, if not the first Demon Lord to ever exist and sole leader of the Ice Continent to the far north.

He also seems to have been the first one to arrive.

Using [Azathoth], I look back in time to find that he has been sitting here since yesterday. YESTERDAY. What the fuck!?

Of course, I made sure to do it discreetly in a way that Guy can't sense it. No one needs to know that a slime has a time related Ultimate Skill.

I bounce into the room, acting like a normal slime and look towards both Shizu and Mikoto.

They don’t react. They don’t even look at me.

Why? I thought they really wanted to carry me. Don’t tell me they’re waiting for me to choose one over the other?




Oh god, they are doing that, aren't they?

Well regardless of what happens, I would always choose Mikoto. It’s my duty as her boyfriend as well as fear for what she will do if I don’t choose her.

Mostly the former, but the latter is also concerning.

So I jump onto Mikoto’s lap, to which she sends Shizu a victorious smirk while the latter pouts.

I'm sorry Shizu, but Mikoto’s thighs are better.

Ramiris and Guy are making small talk while Treyni and Jarvis stand dutifully behind the former, completely still and silent as if they’ve been doing this for years.

Ramiris is very excited, talking loudly and bragging about her new attendants, showing them off to her long time friend.

Guy lacks her enthusiasm, but you can tell he thinks very well of Ramiris.

I also see him looking in our direction with curiosity, a sort of childish interest. He’s mainly looking at Mikoto since he should be aware that she is the new Demon Lord since she kind of hacked the Demon Lord communication network.

This is both good and bad.

It’s good because that means he isn't aware of what I really am and what I'm capable of, and bad because… well… it’s Guy Crimson. The chances of something good happening due to his attention isn't very high.

Well, at least he isn't looking at her with any other kind of emotion like hostility or lust. Because if he did, consequences be damned, I'm screwing the plan and jumping his ass right here and now.

In any case, he seems to be playing some kind of game. His control over his power is very fine. Thousands of years of existence will do that to you.

Basically, he’s keeping his aura at around the level of a Demon Lord Seed. Beyond that, he’s letting his aura go wild, making it seem like he has little to no control over it.

This gives the impression that he’s inexperienced and weak when in reality he’s tricking people into thinking that he’s strong, but not that strong. Basically, he’s making people look at him and go “… yeah… I can take him” when in reality he can wipe the floor with them.

But with Illya fused with me, my senses were dialled up to 100 and just a quick peek can tell me his general strength. And I gotta say… I'm a bit impressed.

If it were before I got [Azathoth] [Yahweh] [Odin] and Illya was still [Manas: Illyasviel], then he could have given me some trouble.

I would’ve won since I can just make Anti-Guy Crimson weapons and fire them all at him like Gilgamesh. An easy win.

But if I didn’t do anything to counter him directly, he would’ve won.

Mikoto, as she is now, would also have a hard fight against him. In a life or death battle, it would end in a tie. If she got lucky, she would get away with her life, if not, she would die with Guy living.

Well, I guess I’m going to be making Anti-Guy weapons for her after this is done.


Name: Rimuru

Race: Origin Slime

Protection: Crest of Space

Title: Highest Tier Spirit, Leader of the Monsters, Onii-chan, King of Avalon, Master of Headpats, Procrastinator King, The Nutcracker, socially awkward cringe slightly chuuni slime, True Dragon Slayer, Sensei, World's Strongest, Overpowered to a stupid degree, Mikoto's Equal

???: [Codex: Illyasviel]

Ultimate Skills: [Yahweh, God of Creation], [Odin, God of Runes], [Azathoth, God of Void (Alternative)]

Equipment: Yamato - Genesis


A/N: You have to remember that Guy is technically the strongest in the world. He's been alive since Veldanava and has done nothing but pursue strength all that time. Or rather, he has been pursuing the Strongest Skill (I think) that will make hijm the Be All, End All person.

Also, this is if both Mikoto and Guy go all out, no holds barred. 

Which would end up destroying the world AND THEN SOME, so... yeah.

PLEASE NOTE that this is only my opinion, I could be wrong, so take this info with a grain of salt.

Let me know if I missed anything.
