Chapter 203 Are you SURE she isn’t the protagonist!?

After a few minutes of Clayman rolling on the floor while screaming into his hands, his teeth finally stop hurting enough to prevent him from thinking straight.

He slowly stands up onto his two feet, stumbling all the while and nearly falling over several times. Standing to the side I can see Milim just barely keeping a straight face, doing everything in her power to not laugh.

When Clayman punched Milim to assert his dominance (should’ve T-posed instead), I highly doubt he actually hurt her. In fact, if Milim didn’t do anything and just stood there without moving her head with his punch, I'm pretty sure Clayman would’ve gotten injured instead.

But even so, being punched for no reason would still piss anyone off, so I understand why she’s acting like this. In fact, if he acts like this often, it’s a wonder how Milim didn’t blow his whole estate up in anger.

Anyway, Clayman slowly stands back on his feet and glares at Mikoto who simply stood there with crossed arms, looking at him with unimpressed eyes. He points towards her with a shaky finger.

Clayman- “Y-You- *Ptui*”

He starts to say something but spits something out from his mouth midway. The object hits the carpeted floor and rolls a bit before coming to a halt.

It’s a tooth.

HIS tooth.

And it’s got blood on it too.

Clayman- “Y-You-! *Ptui*”

Another tooth flies through the air.

Milim- “Pfft!”

Milim slipped.

Clayman snaps his head in her direction and Milim immediately returns to her usual listless state. Not thinking about it anymore, he turns back to Mikoto and points at her.

Clayman- “How dare you! Do you realise what you’ve done!?”

Mikoto- “… I punched you?”

Mikoto says while innocently tilting her head.

Clayman glares at Ramiris who is laughing to herself before looking back at Mikoto.

Clayman- “I am Clayman, the Marionette Master! A Demon Lord! I am-“

Mikoto- “Yeah I know who you are.”

Mikoto interrupts Clayman in the middle of his bragging.

Clayman- “…”

Clayman froze mid-sentence.

Ignoring him, Mikoto looks over to Milim.

Mikoto- “Hey, Milim, you can stop pretending now.”

Clayman finally begins to react.

Clayman- “Hmph! It’s useless! She can't hear you! I have her under my ABSOLUTE control-“


Clayman flies through the air and hits the ground while holding his mouth with his hands again. Mikoto slowly lowers her fist, not even sparing a single glance in the poor man’s direction.

Milim’s body is practically vibrating as she struggles to hold back, her cheeks puffing up as she tries to prevent her laugh.

Milim- “… Pff…”

And that’s all that was needed.

Milim- “Fufu… Kukuku… Ahahahahahahaha!!”

Milim clutches her stomach and bends over as she laughs.

Clayman stops rolling on the floor and instead looks over at Milim in absolute shock and even slight horror.

Clayman- “H-How…!? *Ptui*”

Wanting to be included in this conversation, I start talking while ignoring the tooth.

… What? I was feeling left out from all of this! The plan is already thrown out the window, there’s no need to hide anymore.

And so, transforming myself back into my human form, I sit on the chair Mikoto was in previously with my arms behind my head.

Rimuru- “It’s because she’s not under your control. She never was.”

I say with a matter of fact tone.

This causes everyone in the room except Mikoto, Shizu and a still laughing Milim to look at me.

Rimuru- “… Whassup.”

Clayman- “Impossible! I-I used an Orb of Domination! It can control the minds of ANY being!”

Rimuru- “Correction, it can control the minds of any being EXCEPT Ultimate Existence, beings who hold Ultimate Skills.”

I feel so smug right now, around a third of the people in this room are looking at me with confused faces, most of them being the attendants, but still.

Feeling the need to explain (so I can flaunt my knowledge), I continue speaking.

Rimuru- “Ultimate Skills are skills above Unique Skills.  They control parts of the laws of the world itself, depending on their specialisation. Due to this, a simple mind-controlling device is pretty much useless against them. Well, unless you have a mental type Ultimate Skill…”

I say with a casual shrug of my shoulders.

Guy Crimson doesn’t look surprised at this info, neither does Ramiris, Milim, Dagruel, Deeno, Luminous and Roy Valentine, and even Leon. That makes sense, they either all have Ultimate Skills of their own or they’ve lived long enough to have at least heard of it.

Frey, Carrion (the winged guy wearing a lion mask), and other attendants in the room like Treyni and Jarvis all look either interested or shocked about this new info.

Especially Clayman. He is laying on his stomach on the floor, looking back between me and Milim with wide eyes and a gaping mouth.

Milim, of course, is still laughing.

And it was at this moment, Clayman knew… he fucked up.

Clayman knew that he immediately lost all leverage, he even provoked one of the strongest Demon Lords in existence (Milim).

He was, in essence, courting death.

Now, do you know that saying? About a cornered rat? How, when cornered, even a rat will fight back because they have nothing to lose?

That is Clayman’s situation right now.

His face twists into an ugly visage, rage and anger clouding his eyes that used to hold a calculative glean.

Clayman- “Yoouuuuuu…! *Ptui*”

He pushes up against the carpeted floor, disregarding the aching pain in his mouth. His magicules fluctuate and begin to grow wild.

Mikoto- “Oh no you don’t.”

But Mikoto is having none of that.

Sparks of harmless electricity dance across Clayman’s body. Mikoto waves her hand towards the side as if she’s pushing aside something bothersome.

Mikoto- “Go sit.”

His eyes widen in surprise before suddenly, he is flung backwards at speeds even modern-day jets would be hard-pressed to reach.


He slams into his designated seat, cracking the enchanted wood it is crafted from with nothing but sheer physical force. Electricity sparks across the chair as well, holding it in place, preventing it from flying away with Clayman from the impact.

The electricity dies down as Mikoto releases her hold over his clothes and body.

Rimuru- “Well, just calm down. You won't die for now. Rather, I'm curious what you had to say.”

I say while supporting my head with my arm, my elbow resting on the table in front of me.

My golden eyes glow slightly as I stare at Clayman, my mouth spreading into a smirk.

Rimuru- “Who knows, you might be able to talk your way out of this very deep hole you dug for yourself…”




Man, I must look so fucking badass.

Illya- ‘No.’

Hush. Let me have this…

Meanwhile, everyone else in the room is silent, still trying to process what the hell just happened and the casual power displayed by their new tea-colour haired Demon Lord peer when she flung Clayman away.




Nevermind, Mikoto is cooler.

Hey, Author! Are you SURE she isn't the protagonist!?


Name: Rimuru

Race: Origin Slime

Protection: Crest of Space

Title: Highest Tier Spirit, Leader of the Monsters, Onii-chan, King of Avalon, Master of Headpats, Procrastinator King, The Nutcracker, socially awkward cringe slightly chuuni slime, True Dragon Slayer, Sensei, World's Strongest, Overpowered to a stupid degree, Mikoto's Equal

???: [Codex: Illyasviel]

Ultimate Skills: [Yahweh, God of Creation], [Odin, God of Runes], [Azathoth, God of Void (Alternative)]

Equipment: Yamato - Genesis


MC: Hey, Author! Are you SURE she isn't the protagonist!?

A/N: ...

MC: Anwser me!

AN: ...

MC: Oy!

AN: ... Perhaps.

MC: ヽ(ಠ_ಠ)ノ Bruh wtf

Let me know if I missed anything.