Chapter 231 Other Rimuru is breaking down

Rimuru- “Right! We don’t need this anymore.”

I wave my hands and the circle I was working on for the past ten minutes disappears.




I probably could’ve just waved my hands and willed the circle to appear… why am I such a dumbass…

Rimuru- “*Sniff*”

Other Rimuru- “… Hey… are you okay?”

Other Rimuru asks with a concerned face.

Rimuru- “Yeah, I'm fine… it’s just… I hate this fucking author sometimes…”

I answer with a strained voice.

Other Rimuru- “Who?”

Rimuru- “Not important…”

I wipe the tears from my eyes and take a deep breath.

Rimuru- “Let’s just get started.”


I snap my fingers and watched the magic happen.





Oooookay, that wasn’t supposed to happen.

I look at Other Rimuru’s body that is lying limp on the floor, slowly turning into a sky blue coloured puddle of slime.

Oh my god, did I fucking kill him!?

Wait, no, I still sense his soul. It hasn’t detached from his body or anything, so he didn’t die… although it’s pretty close.

I hack into the World System again using [Codex: Illyasviel] and access the “System Logs”, for more information.

Right, let’s take a little look here…

<<Individual Rimuru Tempest’s Unique Skill [Great Sage] has evolved into Ultimate Skill [Raphael, Lord of Wisdom].>>

Yeah, that’s what my snap did. All is good so far…

<<ERROR. Individual Rimuru Tempest has not reached the requirements for Ultimate Skill [Raphael, Lord of Wisdom].>>

Oh, that’s not good.

<<ERROR. ERROR. ERROR. ERROR. Attempting to rectify… ERROR. Individual Rimuru Tempest has obtained [Raphael, Lord of Wisdom] via World System. ERROR. Individual Rimuru Tempest has not reached the requirements for Ultimate Skill [Raphael, Lord of Wisdom]. ERROR.>>

Hmm… I hacked the World System and gave Other Rimuru [Raphael], and the world doesn’t see a problem with that. Must be some sort of backdoor Veldanava put in.

Regardless, Other Rimuru isn't qualified to have [Raphael]… or any Ultimate Skill, for that matter.

I… kinda forgot that only Higher Existances like Saints, Demon Lords, Heroes and the like can hold Ultimate Skills. This is because Ultimate Skills control the very laws of the world, so those whose soul hasn’t been elevated into a Higher Existence through evolution are unable to hold such powerful skills.

Think of it like this.

A normal soul is like a normal glass cup. Skills are like water. Normal Skills are little drops, Extra Skills are teaspoons, and Unique Skills are like really big tablespoons.

Ultimate Skills are like buckets full of water.

A mortal soul can’t obtain an Ultimate Skill. It’s impossible. It’ll just overflow and just disappear. But on the other hand, if you force it…

The cup will break.

Rimuru- “Shit!”

Cracks start appearing in Other Rimuru’s soul. It’s barely perceptible, but [Codex: Illyasviel] originally specialises in the soul.

Illya- ‘Hmph! Baka Onii-chan!’

A familiar voice enters my mind.

Rimuru- ‘Illya! Ahh, I am so glad to hear your voice!’

Illya- ‘Seriously, Onii-chan, I'm always cleaning up after you.’

I just smile wryly.

Rimuru- ‘Sorry. Can I ask for your help again?’

Illya- “Yare yare. It can’t be helped.”

I hear Illya’s voice behind me, causing me to turn around. I see my dear little imouto standing there shrugging her shoulders with an “I can’t help it” smile.

The most surprising factor is that she is currently in her Dress of Heaven form.

Rimuru- “Cute as always…”

I say, giving her attire a critical eye. Illya pouts and tries to hide her blush.

Illya- “Mmu…”


Rimuru- “Ah shoot, now’s not the time.”

Illya steps forward with a more serious expression.

She raises her hand and begins to work.


Illya- “Right, I'm done. I'm heading back now. Shuna is cooking!”

And then she disappears.




Okay, that just happened.

Other Rimuru- “Fully revived!”

Other Rimuru jumps into the air and turns back into his human form.

Hmm… did he get taller?

He also got stronger too…

Hang on, did he-

Other Rimuru- “I’ll kill you, you son of a bitch!”

Other Rimuru jumps at me and starts pulling on my cheeks. Hard.

Other Rimuru- “That fucking hurt! I felt like I was going to die!”

Rimuru- “Okay, one, I'm sorry. And two, you really were going to die.”

Other Rimuru- “WHAT!?”

Rimuru- “Ow ow ow ow ow!”

A while later…

Rimuru- “So after checking what my little sister did, I can confirm that you have evolved into a True Demon Lord.”

Other Rimuru- “And [Great Sage] became [Raphael, Lord of Wisdom], right?”

Rimuru- “Yep. Oh, speaking of which…”


<<Individual Rimuru Tempest has obtained Unique Skill [Merciless]. Unique Skill [Merciless] and Unique Skill [Gluttony] have assimilated under the influence of Ultimate Skill [Raphael, Lord of Wisdom]. Ultimate Skill [Belzebuth, Lord of Gluttony] has been acquired.>>

Other Rimuru- “… I am so done with this shi-“

Rimuru- “*Ahem* Going with the glass cup soul analogy again, your soul, or the glass cup, started cracking because the bucket of water that is [Raphael] couldn’t be contained. Now that you evolved into a True Demon Lord, it’s like throwing the [Raphael] bucket of water… into an Olympic swimming pool.”

Other Rimuru- “Uh… right.”

Rimuru- “Well, the “bucket” analogy is just a general scope. Some Ultimate Skills are less, some are more. For example, God skills like my [Azathoth, God of Void] are like really big bathtubs of water. Origin Skills are a bit above that. If you name an Ultimate Skill and turn it into a Manas, it’ll turn into something like a water tank-“

Other Rimuru- “You can name your skills!?”

Rimuru- “Yeah. Only Ultimate Skills though.”

Other Rimuru pinches the bridge of his nose and takes a deep breath. He then looks down at his hands, closes them and opens them a few times, and then looks back up at me.

Other Rimuru- “Why am I a Demon Lord though?”

Rimuru- “Well, it was either that or taking away [Raphael] which is the opposite of what I wanted to do.”

Other Rimuru- “But I don’t wanna be a Demon Lord…”

Rimuru- “Oh relax! It’s not that bad. Being called a Demon Lord will ward certain greedy people away *cough* Farmus *cough*.”

Other Rimuru- “What? Did you say Farmus? Like, the Kingdom of Farmus?”

Rimuru- “No… maybe… Moving on.”

Other Rimuru- “Oi.”

Rimuru- “In any case, now that you’ve evolved, your subordinates have also grown a lot stronger. And with all the artificial souls pumped into you, your growth and their growth is insane. You can probably give Milim a good fight, to be honest…”

Yes, Illya can make souls now.

Other Rimuru- “Seriously? ‘That’ Milim!?”

Rimuru- “Yeah. You’ll still lose if she goes all out, but if you don’t make too many mistakes, you can hold out for a while. So if anyone pops up wanting to challenge you, you can just sic your subordinates on them. I always delegate my work to my subordinates, it’s nothing new.”

Other Rimuru >_>

He just stares at me.

I take out a meat bun and sit on a couch that I just made.

Rimuru- “So? How long until Veldora is free?”

I start nibbling on it.

Other Rimuru- “Uhm… a few days, a little less than a week.”

Other Rimuru replies while jumping onto the couch, turning into his slime from midair.

Other Rimuru- “Man, [Raphael] is overpowered! From over 100 years of analysing his seal to just under a week…”

I give him a meat bun.

He eats it.


Veldora- “Hahaha! I have returned!”

A deep voice bellows out, accompanying the rush of magicules.

There stands Veldora in his dragon form in all his glory. Thank goodness we’re in the Mirror Dimension, otherwise, his aura could be felt from all around the world.

Other Rimuru- “… I… I can’t…”

I think he’s breaking down…


Name: Rimuru

Race: Origin Slime

Protection: Crest of Space

Title: Highest Tier Spirit, Leader of the Monsters, Onii-chan, King of Avalon, Master of Headpats, Procrastinator King, The Nutcracker, socially awkward cringe slightly chuuni slime, True Dragon Slayer, Sensei, World's Strongest, Overpowered to a stupid degree, Mikoto's Equal, Non-Virgin

???: [Codex: Illyasviel]

Ultimate Skills: [Yahweh, God of Creation], [Odin, God of Runes], [Azathoth, God of Void (Alternative)]

Equipment: Yamato - Genesis


A/N: I'll call Other Rimuru a Nature Valley granola bar.

MC: Why?

AN: Because he's breaking down yo~

MC: Oh my fucking god...

Let me know if I missed anything.