
Velophis went home (don’t ask me how), Veldora immediately left to explore (wreak havoc) across the city of Rimuru, I went to join both Illya and Mikoto while Other Rimuru, that damn workaholic, went back to work.

I will never understand that man and his love for needless work.

Just make a clone. It’s that easy!

… Actually, he’s the type to make a clone, send it to work, and when it complains about work, he would send it on a vacation and do the work himself in the end.

Well, I don’t need to think about it. He’s a slime and he has [Raphael], so it’ll be fine.




I'm bored now.

Author! Time skip!

(A/N: No.)

Alrig- Wait wot.

(A/N: Jk. Time skippu~!)

I open my eyes to find myself in a bed. The morning sun is shining through the curtains covering the window of what seems to be a guest room. I look down at my naked form before my gaze turns towards Mikoto’s similarly naked form.

Suddenly, regret fills my body and soul.

Goddamnit Author… you time skipped too far…

Mikoto- “Mnn…”

Mikoto starts showing signs of waking up. Her eyes flutter open, revealing her eyes that slightly glow as bluish-white electricity dances within. I will never grow tired of watching those eyes.

She looks at me.

I look at her.

I narrow my eyes.

Rimuru- “… Fuck it.”

I pounce on her.

Mikoto- “Aah! Rimuru! Wait! We did it all night last night!”

Rimuru- “I don’t care! Blame Author for making me miss it!”

Mikoto- “Wait, it’s the Author’s fault!? Aahn~!”

I stopped time with [Azathoth] so I could enjoy her for a little longer.

A few hours later in stopped time, I finally had my fill and resumed time again.

Rimuru- “I've had enough. I'm satisfied.”

Mikoto- “Is that a motherfucking Jojo reference…?”

Those were Mikoto’s last words before she fell into unconsciousness with semen pouring out of her two lower holes.

Yes, two. I used both of them.

I cleaned her up and tucked her in before kissing her forehead and leaving for Other Rimuru’s office again.

I'm probably only going to stay here for today before going back to my world, maybe tomorrow too.

So I might as well have a little more fun.


I kick open the door again.

Rimuru- “Heyo!”

Other Rimuru- “Oh hi Mark.”

Other Rimuru looks up from the papers in front of him. He’s currently in his human form. Surprisingly, Shion is standing there next to him, probably doing “secretary” stuff.

I ignore the slash marks on the walls that weren’t there yesterday.

Rimuru- “Hello Shion. Anyway, Other Rimuru, what are you going to do with Shizue’s students and their imminent deaths?”

Other Rimuru- “Stop calling me Othe- Wait, Shizu’s students are going to die!?”

Shizue told Rimuru about having students and even being a teacher at Freedom Academy before she died. Other Rimuru knows that she first had two students, Hinata and Yuuki, before taking up a teaching position a few years later and teaching a group of five kids.

But other than that… not much else.

So I sat down and explained about the S Class kids and their Magicule Overload condition.

Rimuru- “… And since they have no outlet for such a mass of magicules due to their young age, they will eventually ‘burn up’ and die.”

Other Rimuru- “…”

Other Rimuru just sat in his seat, staring up at the ceiling with a stunned expression. Shion left the room a while ago as she realised this was a serious talk between Other Rimuru and me.

Seeing as she was really courteous about it and I felt a little sorry, I gave her a meat bun that may or may not give her the [Cook] Unique Skill.

Tee Hee~

Other Rimuru looks down from the ceiling into my eyes and asks me a question with a serious, almost pleading voice.

Other Rimuru- “They can be saved, right?”

The thought that I might be lying about this never even crosses his mind. Shizu is important to both of us, and he knows that I wouldn’t joke about something like this.

Rimuru- “Of course! I solved it by fusing them with Greater Spirits. Of course, attracting a Greater Spirit isn't easy, so I just ate a bunch of Lesser Spirits and mashed them together into an Artificial Spirit. Problem solved.”

I say with a casual shrug of my shoulders. Other Rimuru leans back in his seat after releasing a sigh of relief.

Other Rimuru- “That’s good… as long as there’s a chance… unless they’re set to die very soon?”

Rimuru- “Nah, they’ve still got at least a couple of years. You’re golden.”

Other Rimuru- “Okay, that’s good, that’s good…”

A relieved smile spreads on his lips and he closes his eyes. He’s probably talking to [Raphael] about what he should do. Should he leave now, or should he stay and look for more information on spirits?

Rimuru- “*Ahem* Now, I have a little request for you…”

I nervously shift in my seat. I'm not sure if he’ll accept after all.

Other Rimuru- “Hmm? What’s up?”

Rimuru- “Uhh… Can you let me deal with them?”

I say while pointing towards myself.

Other Rimuru- “…”

Rimuru- “… *Gulp*…”

Other Rimuru’s golden eyes bore down on me.

Please, I'm begging you…

Don’t ask…

His eyes narrow.

Other Rimuru- “… What were you planning to do to them?”

Shit! He asked!

Rimuru- “…”

Other Rimuru- “…”

Rimuru- “… Well…”

Other Rimuru- “…”

Rimuru- “… You ever heard of this game called Warframe?”

There are some similarities in the entertainment of My Earth and Satoru Mikami’s Earth, at least from my memories. For example, they both have Dragonball and Naruto. But Satoru’s Earth doesn’t have One Piece.

They also both have Warframe.

Other Rimuru’s eyes widen in the realisation of what I'm planning to do. [Raphael] is probably filling him in on the theorised details that will most likely be completely correct.

Damn you [Raphael]!

Other Rimuru- “… No.”

Rimuru- “Okay, so Warframe is this game where-“

Other Rimuru- “I know about the game. I'm saying “No, you will not be giving kids who haven’t even hit their teenager years overpowered weapons of war”.”

(A/N: Spoilers for the Warframe game ahead.)

Rimuru- “Oh come on! It’ll be amazing! They are young children with uncontrolled power! It’s exactly the same as the Tenno in the game! That power can be channelled into the Warframes, giving them a power boost and also solving their rampaging energy problems!”

(A/N: I’ll explain all this in the Author Notes at the end of the chapter for those who haven’t played the game and who don’t understand what is going on. Just skip all this if you don’t want spoilers for the game.)

Other Rimuru- “Still no.”

Rimuru- “Giving them spirits will make them powerhouses anyway. Might as well give them something unique!”

Other Rimuru- “Nope.”

Rimuru- “Please?”

I use Illya’s puppy eyes technique.

Other Rimuru turns around and hurls.






Name: Rimuru

Race: Origin Slime

Protection: Crest of Space

Title: Highest Tier Spirit, Leader of the Monsters, Onii-chan, King of Avalon, Master of Headpats, Procrastinator King, The Nutcracker, socially awkward cringe slightly chuuni slime, True Dragon Slayer, Sensei, World's Strongest, Overpowered to a stupid degree, Mikoto's Equal, Non-Virgin

???: [Codex: Illyasviel]

Ultimate Skills: [Yahweh, God of Creation], [Odin, God of Runes], [Azathoth, God of Void (Alternative)]

Equipment: Yamato - Genesis


A/N: Obvious spoilers for the game. If you don’t care, just read, I tried to make it understandable even for those who never heard the game before.




Okay, for those who don’t know, Warframes are (to put it simply) weapons of war. They are humanoid machines controlled by Tenno Operators, young children who survived an accident that gave them access to Void Energy.

There’s a whole lot of lore shenanigans that don’t need to be said here, if you’re interested, just go read the wiki.

Basically, what MC plans to do is let the S Class students connect and use Warframes. Instead of Void Energy, simple magicules will be used. With a suitable outlet, the kids no longer have to worry about the magicule overload.

The reason Other Rimuru didn’t want to let MC go with this plan is because Warframes are POWERFUL. In the game, they are strong sure, but they have been toned down for game purposes.

In the lore, Tenno and their Warframes could wipe out entire armies SOLO. 

And knowing MC, he’ll take those Warframes, and dial them up to 11. MC will make those Warframes able to go head to head with Demon Lords.

Let me know if I missed anything.