No. 4 swears. It's bloody today. I just hope No. 3's imagination doesn't explode too much.

Of course, he scolded. No. 4's eyes didn't dare to slack off. He stared at the three cards and quickly analyzed the little stories that the three cards could build.

"[butcher's knife] I can kill pigs with a butcher's knife!"

"[pig killing knife technique] it has been used to kill pigs for decades. It can cut dozens of square meat pieces of the same specification when the knife is lifted and lowered."

"[evil Qi] your hands are stained with too much blood. You have invisible evil Qi, which makes people of the same kind feel cold."

No. 4 is a little confused. It's all related to killing pigs. Is No. 3 a pig killer.

Then No. 3 took the card back into his robe sleeve. After three seconds, he took out a card filled with black fog and asked him to guess the card.

No. 4 takes a deep breath, the card surface starts to heat, and uses telepathy to see through each other's thoughts.

At the same time, the great devil Chen Xi mixed in.

Chen Xi uses bewitching technique to bewitch number four, suggesting that the Lord of nightmares is coming.

In the picture, a strong man who kills a pig stands in the vegetable market with a knife in his hand.

Pa Pa!

Two knives fell, and the pork was cut into more than a dozen square pieces of meat and given to several aunts in batches.

No. 4 watched quietly. He was a bystander and couldn't change his script. He became a vegetable buyer to test each other's script.

It is the effect of bewitching to change the other party's mind.

In other words, the last time he played against No. 1 woman, he actually walked into bed. Hey, it's incredible.

That's definitely not what telepathy can do. Telepathy can't let him go. Hey, hey.

Why can he feel... Well, that's the wonderful feeling?

It's full of doubts. There's a big problem with number one!

When the small tent of No. 4 was put up unconsciously, a pig head meat suddenly appeared on the table.

The pig head came from nowhere. Even the boss selling pork didn't notice it. He didn't realize something was wrong until someone asked him how to sell pig head meat.

There's no process of selling pig heads in his script.

But pig head is also meat. In order not to reveal its stuffing, sell it!

"How much money did you bring? I'll sell it to you at a low price." Shouted number three.

No. 4 Mulan, he saw the pig's eyes. It was a red and black pupil. It was very strange, which reminded him of bad things.

It's him, the devil number five, who likes to torture people and have nightmares!

No. 4 is trembling and extremely unstable, which makes telepathy difficult.

If number one gives him a sense of pleasure, then number five is a nightmare. As long as he sees his eyes, he unconsciously remembers the dark outline of his eyes.

Evil eyes and endless nightmares came on my face.

He choked his neck subconsciously and felt it difficult to breathe.

Fortunately, he played so many supernatural games and had rich experience that he didn't make jokes about strangling himself on the spot.

When his face turned purple, he suddenly recovered and let go of his hands.

"No. 4, I'm so afraid of killing pigs. Ha ha, you're impotent! Ha ha ha! " The third laughed in a long voice.

No. 4's face was black and his fists burst.

No. 2 wants to comfort No. 4 and persuade No. 4 not to be affected by No. 3, but he can't speak and can only stare.


Hearing the word impotence, number four was furious.

That damn woman, fuck her next round!

There is also that terrible shadow. It is the fifth who is playing tricks. He must be an abnormal participant and traitor!

Think so, the three minute guessing time of No. 4 has come, and now it's five minutes of thinking time.

Under the pressure of seaweed eyeball monster, No. 4 didn't see much before. He only saw No. 3 killing pigs, showing "butcher knife" and "pig killing knife", and didn't see the terrible picture of "evil spirit".

So which card should he choose?

On the other side, Chen Xi has withdrawn his bewitching technique.

Chen Xigang just used bewitching to simulate the image of seaweed eye monster. He found that when he simulated seaweed eye monster, the bewitching effect increased by more than two or three.

Looking at the violent emotional reaction of No. 4, Chen Xi can even feel the strong negative emotions emanating from him. It can be seen how terrible the image of seaweed eyeball monster is.

Sometimes, the terrible thing about creatures is that the image itself has infinite fear elements. It makes people fear at a glance.

This is a power beyond the bewitching technique. No, or the image of seaweed eye monster itself has the bewitching effect, but the bewitching technique enhances this effect, which makes No. 4 really have sequelae and palpitations.

Chen Xi suddenly thought of how the seaweed eyeball monster would take revenge on him. You know, when playing the midnight fierce pen, Chen Xi gave it an exception. It must hate him. Maybe what Hu Jing said before he died was the seaweed eyeball monster.

When Chen Xi was worried, No. 4 gave the answer: "pig killing knife!"

"Number four, this is my punishment for you. You can howl as much as you like." No. 3 laughed.

The next second, the black fog on the card surface disappeared, and there was a black figure in it. His face was ferocious, and his hands emitted smoke like red gas.

The answer is evil spirit!

Number four - three!

No. 3 + 1 point!

"Ah, damn it, I'll take revenge on you!" Number four broke his other leg and screamed.

"No. 4, I will help you revenge. Who do you want to target? I'll help you target him in the next level!" Number two quickly set out his position.

"No. 5, it's all the ghosts of No. 5. He was interfering with me just now. He is definitely an abnormal participant. He is a traitor. I want to expose No. 5!" Number four roared and took out his ID card.

It will be the sixth round of the first level. No. 4 hasn't played yet, so the next dice must swing to No. 4.

Telepathy is useless in the card playing stage. Now is a good time to expose number five.

In addition, even if the disclosure fails, it doesn't matter. Telepathy can be replenished in the next level.

With such an idea, number four officially showed the observer identity card and shouted to Chen Xi, "I want to expose you! Number five! "

As No. 5, Chen Xi sneered, calmly and quietly let the light of the identity card sweep from beginning to end.

One second later, a line of blood color font appears on ID card No. 4:

"No. 4 failed to expose. No. 5 is a human player. You will not be able to use telepathy in this level. Restore in the next level."

The others saw the change of No. 4 identity card, calm face and different thoughts.

No. 4 saw the blood character of the identity card and collapsed. Some gods whispered: "how is it possible that No. 5 is not an abnormal participant, so he is not a traitor. Is it player No. 1..."

The observer privilege of No. 4 can sense the existence of bewitching. He thinks that the traitor and the abnormal player are the same person, so no. 4 subconsciously positioned No. 5 as a normal player after he knew that the disclosure failed.

"Number one is an abnormal player and a traitor. I should get rid of the traitor."

"But player No. 5 is so targeted at me..."

No. 4's face changed and finally locked the target - No. 1!

He thought that the image of the nightmare was written down by the traitor secretly. When he started telepathy, he messed up the image of the nightmare, so no. 1 was more hateful than No. 5.

When the dice turn, stop and the number of points is 4.

"I choose number one!" No. 4 tangled for more than 30 seconds and threw out three conventional cards.