Chen Xi has read the rules about willow catkins and green smoke.

The rules of the game are as follows:

"Supernatural Game Time: nine o'clock in the morning.

Location: Indoor

Material: one wicker per person, incense burner.

Opening conditions: put incense burner in the town building at 12:00 p.m. and light a wicker every hour( One person.)

Before 9 o'clock, gather three to seven people, close the curtains and open only one gap.

Put a incense burner, fill a circle of yellow paper money, and sprinkle chicken blood on the yellow paper money.

Light the wicker and insert it into the censer.

If the nine o'clock sunlight shines on the censer through the gap of the curtain, the wickers will emit green smoke and surround you, which is equal to the official opening of the supernatural game.

[play]: the first pass is to plant willows. Please plant wickers in the dreamland.

The second level, mirage, pest attack, please protect the wicker.

The third level, enter the gray world to find the soul willow.

[precautions]: please don't leave the room for the first and second levels. The third level will enter the gray world, and the fourth level is the power level.

There are at least three players and at most seven. "

Of course, this is the rule I read a few days ago.

Chen Ximing thought of receiving a letter from the psychic bureau at four o'clock in the middle of the night.

"Strange, have you gathered so early?" Chen Xi is speechless. He is playing meditation. He doesn't want to gather and take people so early.

When you open your mobile phone, the caller is Lao Bi. The message reads: "the rules of 'catkins and green smoke' have changed. Pay attention to re reading the rules. The task of taking new people this morning remains unchanged and continue to take people to play games."

Chen Xi was stunned and the rules changed again. This was the second time he saw the change of the rules of the supernatural game.

"Is it because the seaweed eye monster was injured, so the rules of the supernatural Games began to change?" Chen Xi couldn't help guessing.

Then Chen Xi landed on the supernatural legend forum, opened the post of willow catkins and green smoke, and found two new rules.

"It opens at 9 o'clock every Sunday, and the maximum number of players rises to nine."

"The second and third levels add troublemakers."

After reading the rules, Chen Xi felt that the difficulty increased.

The most important thing is the rule of troublemakers. The witch Chen Xi met last time was a troublemaker with high IQ, which left a deep impression on him.

Of course, there are always troublemakers, such as the bamboo essence I met last time.

But there are few games that give clear tips like "catkins and green smoke".

"Lao Bi, the difficulty of the game has obviously become difficult. Why do you bring new people?" Chen Xi texted.

"Chen Xi, you haven't been to Internet cafes lately. Global conscription, more and more people play supernatural games, the vast majority of supernatural games have begun to be updated, and only the difficult supernatural games have not updated the rules. "

"You should review the rules of other games. Many games have become difficult. There is not only a time limit, but also an increase in the maximum number of games. This is another measure for the website to deal with the surge in the number of people."

After reading Lao Bi's speech, Chen Xi suddenly realized.

He has been addicted to magic recently. Except for taking out and buying women's clothes for mu Chenxi, he really hasn't touched the Internet at other times.

This is a very strange thing. Modern people who obviously feel dying without the Internet forget to surf the Internet after indulging in magic.

Is the feeling brought by magic too happy to forget the happiness of surfing the Internet?

Chen Xi didn't know, so he took out his mobile phone to read the online news and saw a lot of conscription videos and conscription news.

"There are a large number of supernatural conscripts in the United States and in European countries. The era of global national conscription has come, and the supernatural legend forum has entered the public's field of vision. What kind of supernatural website is it that has led countless countries to bow down?"

"Supernatural legend forum" was established on December 25, 2012, which is the day of the end of the world. On that day, mankind did not usher in the end, but ushered in the first establishment of the supernatural legend forum. The first edition of the forum belongs to Huaxia. There are only very primary supernatural games in it. The effect of body enhancement is very weak. It didn't start until later... "

"There are only midnight paper boats left in the entry-level supernatural games. The entry-level midnight fierce pen has not returned yet. A large number of ordinary three-level supernatural game rules have changed, the mortality has increased sharply, and the difficulty is not simple. Should new people stop?"

Obviously, global conscription and supernatural games have become well-known.

Few people played before. Now tens of millions of soldiers play every day. How heavy the burden is.

If Chen Xi were a game producer, he would certainly improve the difficulty, set a threshold and reduce the number of people playing games.

But if the difficulty is too high, it will destroy all players, so it can't be adjusted too hard.

Now Chen Xi can't figure out the rules of supernatural games. The rules of supernatural games can be updated. So "they" set up supernatural games for another purpose?

Chen Xi recalled all the previous questions and threw them to Lao Bi.

Lao Bi is one of the members of the strategy group of the supernatural Bureau. He often lives in the front line. He must know the front-line intelligence.

"The purpose behind the Supernatural Game?" Lao Bi saw this problem and smiled.

"Brother, to be honest, the supernatural game is hosted by a mysterious force.

We humans are players. They are game makers.

As for why there are supernatural games, our senior management doesn't quite understand.

But I can tell you that the relationship chain behind the supernatural game is very large, which is far from what humans can see.

Now we can only see that local monster forces, ghosts and supernatural games are related.

We can't comment on the deeper relationship, because those unknown beings may be observing humans through supernatural games, or they may want to get new life through supernatural recovery. I can't say more about what will happen.

We have no strength now. We can only act as players, so we will become stronger within the rules.

As for what will happen in the future, let us worry about the future. Now it is the right way to make the noise stronger. " Lao Bi explained nervously.

As a mole ant, how do you know what an elephant thinks? This is the answer given by Lao Bi to Chen Xi.

After knowing this information, Chen Xi realized the confusion of the long way ahead again.

Ahead, an unknown.

The rules of the Supernatural Game change. It is conceivable that there must be some key information in it, but human beings are too weak. Even if they know that there are ghosts in the supernatural game, they have to play hard.

After all, most people want to become stronger. Those who don't want to become stronger will be bullied by ghosts after supernatural recovery. Moreover, when people in other countries become stronger, they can suppress other countries in disguise and even complete global reunification.

No country will foolishly remain strong. A country that remains strong has only one result, that is, falling behind will be beaten.

Summing up the news just got, Chen Xi got two important messages - "observation" and "freshman".

Chen Xi took out his supernatural pen and thought of the seaweed eyeball strange scene. He also thought of the identity card "nightmare master". He couldn't help feeling a little cool behind his back.

In this way, Chen Xi continued to meditate with a complex state of mind.