Specializing in summoning, Chen Xi is serious this time and is determined to embark on the road of summoner, so the summoned things will be more and more powerful, and the risk rate will be higher and higher.

Maybe one day, he summoned a tentacle monster that devoured the earth, and then his life ended.

The above is what he is worried about. Therefore, he is very careful when calling. Many times, he emphasizes that the summoned object is characterized by "weak" and "no means of attack".

Now Chen Xi wants to gradually improve the calling feature words, from weak to medium, from medium to strong.

So he has an immature plan to divide the summoner stage into three stages.

In the first stage, use the summoning technique to obtain the power to sling the local supernatural forces on the earth.

In the second stage, at this point, the low-level summoners could not meet Chen Xi's requirements, and his eyes looked at the medium summoners.

Medium summoners are very easy to cause great damage to the environment, so space is a good summoning environment.

Use summoning to strengthen the body, adapt to the space environment, and then play summoning in space.

Even if the planet mountain is razed to the ground by the summoner, he is not empty. He can perform all kinds of bold and crazy Summoning Skills.

In the third stage, Chen Xi in this stage is very powerful. Normal summoners can't meet him, and higher summoners are so strange and powerful. If it's not necessary, the summoning art can come to an end temporarily.

At this time, Chen Xi can cross the world, browse the local customs of Nile, see the miracle giant tree of the miracle of life in the tree world, and see the rock creatures composed of stones in the rock world.

Of course, the third stage is the ideal stage. The goal is too far. Chen Xi doesn't expect him to reach that realm.

After knowing Chen Xi's plan, Mu Chen Xi did not make complaints about him, but nodded his head. "Legend Summoner is a invincible occupation for short life. Careful, good, can prolong life."

Chen Xi was startled when he heard this: "do you curse me like this?"

"I'm not wrong. The summoner is a very powerful profession in our Nile continent. The legendary Summoner is equivalent to the strength of the Dharma God, and even much more powerful than the Dharma God.

At the same time, summoners are occupations with high mortality. Many summoners give up playing summoning when they play to the elementary level and use their energy to other occupations.

Only a few summoners are not afraid of death. They study summoning deeply. Their strength is all advancing rapidly. One person can challenge the whole country alone.

However, their fate is to die young and early. They will always die for various inexplicable reasons within a year or two when their strength reaches its peak. Even the legendary Summoner can't escape this fate. "

When Mu Chenxi said this, his face was expressionless, as if he were stating a fact unrelated to her.

Hearing this, Chen Xi felt cold, as if he saw his end.

Yes, it was because of this concern that he limited his calling feature words and tried to lock the summon at the level of primary summon.

He thought of the miracle leaf. The miracle leaf is a higher summoner. A black cobweb randomly brought on the back of the leaf has an unparalleled bewitching effect. It can be seen that higher summoning is very dangerous.

But the benefit is linked to the risk. Since he decides to become stronger, there is no fear.

"It doesn't matter, as long as you can feel the strong feeling and play across the world, even if it's only a year or two." Chen Xi's adventurous spirit is burning like a flame, very hot.

Mu Chenxi looked into his eyes and had a dazzling feeling.

She doesn't object to Chen Xi playing summoning. What she said just now is not to fight, but to stimulate the general.

This is not true. Chen Xi has completely ignited his summoning enthusiasm.

"Do you know the reverse summoning skill? I want to... Borrow your summoning skill to go home, but I'm not now. I think when I have strength in the future, I'll send me back to the other world with your strength." Mu Chenxi thought about it and began to show off his careful thoughts.

She wanted to go home for revenge. This meaning has been clearly revealed. Chen Xi guessed her meaning without her explanation.

"Reverse summoning?"

Chen Xi recalled the calling knowledge in "don't play calling", but he didn't have this knowledge.

"Sorry, No."

Miss Mu didn't give up. "There's no counter call. You can explore by yourself. The life of the legendary Summoner is very short. The road of exploration is not all. You just take his convenient road. And you also want to cross the alien world, right? Summoning is so powerful that you can summon almost anything. It's not difficult to summon items that cross the alien world... "

"You're right. We don't have to reverse summoning. Having items that meet the conditions for crossing the alien world is also one of the methods." Chen Xi's eyes were slightly bright and his ideas were broadened.

It was a long night. Chen Xi and miss Mu discussed the short-term calling policy. He planned the short-term policy. Mu Chenxi improved some small details according to his foreign knowledge, and supplemented matters such as meditation, practice magic modeling, etc.

The two reached a tacit understanding. One was responsible for teaching magic and the other was responsible for studying summoning until they found a way to cross the alien world.

The next morning, Chen Xi went home to see his family and had lunch.

When he saw that Chen Xiaotang had painted the whole mountain full of vitality, his father and mother were full of spirit, and he was relieved.

"Son, I heard that eight people died in the strategy group?" Dad is eating and his heart is not on the table.

He has lived here for more than ten days. His white hair has changed back to black hair and his spirit is excellent. However, every time he sees those supernatural news, he is very bored and afraid of having his son's name on the death list.

"Six people died, but Lao Bi and I survived. Two of them were ordinary people. You can rest assured that you will organize a long holiday for me and I will travel abroad. " Chen Xi smiled and put three pieces of meat in the bowls of father, mother and sister.

"That's nice. You have to have a good rest and don't wear yourself out." Parents are a little relieved.

The younger sister looked worried. She felt that her brother's smile was a little fake, like a fake smile doll on the canvas.

After dinner, Chen Xiaotang followed Chen Xi like a little follower. He looked left and West. He wanted to ask his brother, but he couldn't say it.

Before leaving, Chen Xi took his sister to a nearby convenience store to buy some packets of sugar, stuffed it into her hand, rubbed her head and said, "I'm gone. I'll come back to see you when I'm free."

Xiaotang rubbed his head with his head and said, "brother, where are you going?"

"America." Chen Xi said.

He has the identity of the strategy group, and he is a person who specially approves long holiday tourism. Passports and other things are specially handled. They have been handled yesterday and can leave the country today.

"What are you doing in America?"

Chen Xiaotang holds a candy bag. Originally, she could be very happy with sugar, but now she always feels that my brother's trip is very dangerous and shouldn't go abroad.

"Go and play."

Chen Xi didn't want to tell the truth. A black car came next to him. He walked out of the convenience store and waved behind him: "go, bye."

Chen Xiaotang still wants to ask something, but his brother has got on the special bus of the supernatural branch. The car roared and raised dust. He didn't give her a chance to ask anything.

"Safety first." Little sugar murmured.

She stood still for a long time, turned back to the mountain, took out the drawing board, took out the brush to draw, and a layer of light appeared on the drawing board.

Rustling, the border tree swayed, as if sensing the breath of a certain life to be born.

The border tree looked under him. The painting had no reference. It was just a simple painting, but it had a feeling of newborn birth.
