When Chen Xi got up in the morning, he rubbed his head. Seeing the bright sunshine in the sky, he realized that this was a new day.

Looking at the color of the sky, Chen Xi felt a little dizzy. What did he see, the golden sky?

In most cases, the sky is blue sky and white clouds, and the whole sky will not be occupied by full golden yellow.

After looking more, he found that the sunshine in the sky was different from yesterday. Gold gave people a strange feeling.

He narrowed his eyes and tried to look at the sun. Suddenly, his eyes were attracted by a luminous group below. When he looked, there was also a sun on the horizon.

Two suns?

Chen Xi thought he saw something wrong and saw an illusion.

He looked back and washed his face. A minute later, he looked up at the sky. There were still two suns in the sky.

Standing by the window, he looked uncertain. He saw a sun rising in the distance, and there was a sun in the sky, that is, two suns in the sky!

The sun in the sky is golden, so the whole sky is stained with gold by golden light, which makes people unable to adapt.

What's that?

Many people were confused, and Chen Xi trembled with fear and thought of supernatural events.

The sun won't be involved in supernatural events, will it?

He quickly turned on his mobile phone and logged in to the supernatural legend forum to watch the news.

"The Egyptian pyramids rise from the ground and become a golden sun shining on the world. It's incredible!"

"Not long after the end of the second copy, the golden sun and the sun were both in the sky. Is this the third supernatural recovery?"

The headlines on the news should explode as much as possible. Chen Xi found that these were news from two different regions. One was a news report from Egypt, which described in detail the news of a golden sun rising at night in Egypt.

The second news is the news that happened in China. It means that there are two suns in the sky, a golden sun and a real sun.

According to Chen Xidian's news report in Huaxia District, the reporter uses a scientific perspective to explain that the golden sun is not a real sun. It is just a huge luminous body rising from the ground of a pyramid in Egypt. The reason for the rise is unknown. It is currently under investigation.

An environmental report is attached below, indicating that the ambient temperature in Huaxia district has not increased, indicating that the golden sun has no temperature and only plays the role of light.

At the bottom is a temporary news, which is the scientific research report of the astronomical telescope. The reporter explained from the cosmic scale that the real sun is still in the center of the solar system. Please don't panic.

After reading the news, Chen Xi took another look at the Egyptian news.

"At that time, my colleagues and I were shooting supernatural news outdoors. I heard that a group of people knelt down near the Egyptian pyramids. The scene was very strange. The following video was taken by foreign journalists at that time."

Chen Xi looked down and opened the video. He saw a tall earth pyramid standing there in the yellow sand.

The shape of the pyramid is a pyramid. There is no adhesion between the stones. It is built by the mutual superposition and bite of the stones. The appearance is weathered and old.

There was nothing strange about the pyramid at first, but with the concentration of a large group of people, strange pictures appeared in the video.

Seeing a group of men and women, old and young, middle-aged, kneeling together and praying in the low sky, the loud voice spread in the air.

The prayers were faint at first, but as time went on, they became more and more powerful, so that those who stood in the distance could hear them.

Those sounds are very strange. They are not Chinese pronunciation or English pronunciation. In short, no one knows what language they are,

It was the strange group of humans kneeling outside the pyramid that attracted the interest of the supernatural reporters, otherwise they would not have taken this video.

Chen Xi took a look at the video. The progress of the video was not long. In fact, it took three hours to shoot this video, and only two minutes after the reporter edited it.

At the beginning of the video, it is introduced that the group of people kneel down and jump the frame directly in the next second. After jumping to three hours, countless people kneel down around the pyramid. The prayer sound in the sky is like the biggest sound from the speaker. It can shock the dead with the sound. I really don't know how these reporters stick to it.

Chen Xi looked at the video and found that these reporters covered their ears, which was not as unbearable as expected.

Next to him, a reporter from another country whispered behind his back: "fortunately, I have played three games of supernatural games, and my physical quality has improved a lot, otherwise I can't stand."

Someone whispered, "yes, it's hard for front-line reporters to mix."

Chen Xi: "

Looking back on the video, the pyramid in the video burst into golden light, and countless fanatical believers lay on the ground, wondering what kind of expression they were doing.

Someone raised a knife and wiped it on his neck. The blood bloomed like flowers. There was a morbid beauty on his face, like a devout crazy believer ascending to the kingdom of death.

The people behind were also pious. Ignoring the blood column released by the wind, they took the bone removal knife, wiped their necks and passed it on one by one.

After a while, there was a large area of suicide in the video. Due to the harmonious relationship, some mosaics were attached to the picture.

"Hiss -" even the video recorder couldn't help taking a few breaths.

Here's the video. Skip the frame again and jump to ten minutes later.

The bottom of the pyramid has been stained with blood for some reason. A gray cloud appears over the pyramid, with demons dancing and ghosts.

Ghosts and shadows circled under the pyramid. Heavy earth and rock caused a collective sensation, and the whole pyramid floated.

The pyramid was lifted up by the dark ghosts, all the way up and into the sky until the pyramid was lifted into the air and turned into a small black spot.

Chen Xi was shocked to see this. It's ridiculous. The pyramid was lifted up into the sky by a group of ghosts. Didn't humans shoot it down by helicopter?

Chen Xi believes that human beings are definitely not so stupid. Looking at the following content, there are reports of helicopters.

"The Egyptian army has sent armed helicopters to attack, fighters to shoot with missiles, and anti-aircraft missile warnings.

However, the physical ghosts formed a circle outside and intercepted the missiles from a distance. No missile was close to the flying pyramid.

Helicopters and fighters fight the pyramid hand to hand. After entering a certain range, the pilot becomes the enemy, and then clean up the missiles... "

After reading this news, Chen Xi had mixed feelings. Unexpectedly, human thermal weapons were so unbearable in front of ghosts.

The comments in the comment area are also very popular. Many powers are discussing the pyramid and the IQ of ghosts.

"Hot weapons have no effect in front of ghosts. Human ghosts have human memories before they die. They know the danger of hot weapons. Although they don't know how to make hot weapons, they can bring this information to the supernatural forces. The supernatural forces are not stupid. They can develop ways to resist hot weapons. We have nothing to do but strengthen their powers."

"Nuclear weapons, we still have nuclear weapons!" Someone blushed and typed.