
In a mountain rock, Yan Changqing, director of the Chinese psychic Bureau, was manipulating the rock to practice his rock powers. When he heard the phone, he manipulated the stone with his mind into a very soft stone finger, which was as soft as a human finger.

He used that finger to click on the mobile phone screen, swipe to the right and click hands-free.

"Hey, when will you be back?"

"Director, I'll show you the completion ceremony of the magic lighthouse in Western Shaanxi Province later."

"What? Western Shaanxi Province? I'm in the capital. I think you'd better go back to the capital and build it in front of me. "

"No, I'm one step away. If you wait a few seconds, you can see the light column of the magic lighthouse rising to the sky, and then you will see a huge net spreading out. If you see these two, it means that the magic lighthouse has been successfully established."

"You're funny." The director can't laugh or cry. What does this goods want.

Originally, the Secretary suspected that Chen Xi was treacherous and became a running dog of the United States, but after listening to what he said just now, Chen Xi could normally joke with him, not like treason.

But there is no absolute thing. Did the level 5 power Yan promise to betray differently? He hasn't disappeared so far. No one knows where he has gone.

When he thought about Yan Chengyan's madness, a white light flashed across the sky and into his eyes.


He calculated in his mind that it was about the eighth second of hanging up the phone. Was it the light column that Chen Xi said.

However, Western Shaanxi Province is far away from the capital. The provincial capital is about 900 kilometers away from the capital. No matter how bright the light column is, it is impossible for others to see it in the capital.

Although I don't believe it in my heart, looking at the light column getting bigger and bigger, and a huge blue net extending over the capital from a distance, and spreading bigger and bigger, it vaguely means to dominate the world.

"What is this?" Yan Changqing was really shocked this time. His mouth was wide open and he could put down a big egg.

"The light column looks not far. I should be able to get there." Yan Changqing jumped into the air at will, ran hundreds of meters in a few steps and came to a helicopter.

This is its royal helicopter, which can quickly rush to all parts of the capital.

However, when he flew the helicopter to the light column, he saw that the light column had been hanging on the distant horizon. He could not get close to the white light column, and the distance had not changed.

"What's going on? Is it a mirage?" The director is fascinated.

He quickly took out his mobile phone to watch the supernatural news. The supernatural news must have exploded in such a shocking change.

When he glanced down, the local news reporters in Beijing were all "giant pillars of light appear in the horizon! "Night giant net...".

He quit and looked at the news in other places. He found that was seen everywhere in China.

Not only China, but other countries have seen the light column, but the time to see the blue giant net spreading into the sky is more than ten seconds slower than China.

"Is it really the ghost he made?" The director murmured.

He remembered that the place Chen Xi said was in Western Shaanxi Province. He looked through the news reports in Western Shaanxi Province. The news there was indeed more novel than that in Beijing.

People's titles also have light columns and huge nets. What's different is that people mark the actual location.

It's not fake news. It's the real place. The reporter also attached a picture of the strange giant tower.

The giant tower in the picture has 36 layers of arc-shaped stone slabs. A huge purple ball spews a huge laser to the sky. A huge blue network spreads in the sky and spreads far away.

"The light column is a mirage. What about this huge net?" Yan Changqing murmured.

He looked up at the sky. The pattern of the sky giant net in the suburbs of the capital was different from that in Western Shaanxi Province, and the pattern in the net had flashing light spots, like stars.


The director looked down at his cell phone, silently landed the plane, answered the phone and said, "hello."

"It's me, Chen Xi."

Chen Xi paused, as if trying to persuade the director in organizational language. He thought for a second and said, "director, the next thing may be shocking to you, but please listen patiently and trust me. We humans need magic to save ourselves. We really shouldn't touch more supernatural games... "

That night, the director flew a helicopter to the nearest airport and was ready to fly to Western Shaanxi Province overnight.

He felt that he had touched the force civilization of another world, and the excitement in his heart was very unspeakable.

I hope Chen Xi's so-called magic is true, otherwise the future of mankind is really confused.


The birth of the magic giant net this night naturally shocked the supernatural forces. Although it took only a minute for the giant net to spread across the earth, then the giant net flickered for a few minutes, then disappeared, and the light column disappeared, the supernatural creatures knew through the news that the birthplace of the light column was the outer suburb of a city in Western Shaanxi Province, China!

Supernatural creatures don't know what happened in China, but the huge network covering the whole world is really a miracle, comparable to the miracle of double sun!

What the hell is that huge net?

The supernatural creatures were so worried that they didn't receive any news about the huge network.

They prayed to God, but the "God" behind them was silent and did not answer their prayers.

Ghost world, formerly known as gray world.

Now the gray world has lit up all the colors. No place is gray. There are a large number of ghosts living in every city. Most of them are people who died in battle and resurrected into ghosts.

In troubled times, there are many dead people and many ghosts, and monsters and animal ghosts are also in it, so the number is quite considerable.

Moreover, in some places with strong Yin Qi, there are birth containers for generating small ghosts. The number of ghosts is many times more than that of human death.

A restaurant is set up in the middle of the downtown. There are all kinds of lights around. Only the window paper of this restaurant is red, and the lanterns are also burning red. It looks very annoying.

The black wine flag is flying outside. There are two floors inside. There are all kinds of big men sitting together. Most of them are ghost kings with Yin Qi range of 4.5 meters. In the real world, all powers have to shake three times.

If Chen Xi were here, he would see a familiar face - Luo mang!

Luo mang is one of Chen Xi's roommates. At the beginning, he was bold and reckless and joined the power of the ghost store manager. Now he is the human representative of the restaurant.

He was dressed in black, his face was thin, and he had a strong Yin Qi. The Yin Qi strength was four meters. He also had a group of more quality ghosts.

The long time with ghosts made his temperament very gloomy and no longer straight as before.

"What is that pillar of light?" Asked a ghost.

"I don't know, but western Shaanxi Province must go! We get to know each other. The restaurant can move and open a shop in the ghost world in an instant. I think something big has happened there. Let's have a look and take care of it. "

Luo mang sat there, his body was gloomy and said, "I just calculated a fate divination, which is a sign of change! This change is a great change to transform the earth, but the pyramid has been in the sky for a long time, and the next world change has not yet come, so this change is likely to be a change made by the earth's environment to protect aborigines. "

"Luo Mang's analysis makes sense." The ghosts looked at each other and nodded silently.

"Don't talk much nonsense. Go and have a look first."

The ghosts walked around wantonly, opened the wine door on the first floor, and came to the barren mountain close to the magic lighthouse.

It is desolate and mountainous. There is nothing unusual except a huge platform in front of it.

"It's strange that all buildings in the real world will reflect our ghost world. Why don't you see that strange stone tower?" There are ghosts.