Hearing this sound, Chen Xi first thought of what the electronic female voice said before. It said that its energy was only 1%, and the power system was damaged by 98%.

Collecting energy is a level 1 priority. He knows that without energy, there is no possibility of repair.

So does the Qixing ship still have the speed to break away from the earth's gravity? This is what Chen Xi is very concerned about.

But now there is one more thing waiting for him to confirm. If he is not sure, he can't speak steadily.

"Qixing ship, can I control you?" Chen Xi tried to ask in a very gentle tone.

"Dear captain Chen, you only have temporary partial control power and obligation to protect your ship. You don't have sensitive power such as self destruction warship. Your power is..."

The voice of the Qixing ship echoed in Chen Xi's ear and explained the various rights and obligations of the temporary captain for Chen Xi.

Chen Xi listened silently, and his nervous body gradually eased down.

There are no animals or plants on the starship, which is a civilization of artificial intelligence. The origin of civilization was created by an intelligent life. Later, the interstellar warship led by artificial intelligence left the home star and began an interstellar journey. However, the Starship crashed in an interstellar war. It has never found a chance to repair the ship, and the energy is running out, I happened to meet the help of unknown civilization (here refers to summoning). After comprehensive consideration, I started the regulations of the temporary captain and came to the earth.

Therefore, the Qixing ship is full of robots, without bacteria, plants, animals and other life bodies.

Chen Xi is the temporary captain, who has the obligation to provide protection. He just calls the skill to save the Qixing ship and just completes his obligation, so he is the temporary captain, so he is stable for the time being.

Now Qixing ship does not need Chen Xi to take the initiative to repair. There are various micro robots in people's ship warehouse. They can collect energy, collect minerals and repair the ship body. They are fully automated and do not need Chen Xi's order.

In short, it is a fool's operation.

If Chen Xi wants to control a certain work of the Qixing ship, he only needs to say so. After people's artificial intelligence think about it and allow it, he will agree.

This feeling is like Chen Xi renting other people's things. They can't be destroyed, but they can be used.

"In this way, my duty is more like a vice captain, and the main captain is artificial intelligence." Chen Xi thought.

"But what should I pay if I suddenly get a star ship?" Chen Xi suddenly thought of the price of summoning.

It's a good thing to be able to spread the price evenly. Even if it's not fair, there's no pressure from more debt.

"If you rescue it from its predicament, it is equivalent to paying the reward it wants. You don't need to find any more gifts. Anyway, you can't give decent gifts." Dian Ling hummed a few words. He envied Chen Xi, but he could only talk about it.

"I said Chen Xi, take me to the Qixing ship." The temple Spirit said, and his mind had drifted to the warship.

As they spoke, a hatch opened under the black giant ship, and countless aircraft fell to the bottom of the sea.

Another 10 meter long aircraft came to Chen Xi in an instant and lowered a hatch to show the internal space of the aircraft.

The aircraft itself presents a popular type, like a flying shuttle, with an open hatch in the middle, which can carry goods, and its appearance is smooth, and no welding trace can be seen anywhere.

"Welcome aboard, Captain!" The aircraft made an incomprehensible sound.

Others didn't understand, but Chen Xi had a call contract. Naturally, he understood each other's consciousness. He looked at the internal space of the aircraft and felt that there was no danger, so he boldly boarded the cabin.

Although they are afraid, they are mostly curious, because it is easy for such a huge interstellar warship to destroy the earth, so everyone boarded the plane with the mentality of being slaughtered.

Inside the flight cabin, there is nothing superfluous inside, just a large empty cabin with smooth and bright floor.

They are artificial intelligence civilization. There is no concept of "seat" here. Chen Xi and others naturally stand and wait.

With the hatch slowly closed, there was a strange sound inside. Except that the floor was opaque, the other walls became transparent walls, and you could see the rolling Black Sea around.

In this long sea, countless searchlights shine down from the sky, illuminating the black ocean with some white and bright colors.

Chen Xi looked up at the sky. How huge the star ship was. The sky of the whole night was covered by it.

"Now the human satellite should see it." Chen Xi thought so and felt that he really called something wonderful this time.

The speed of the aircraft is very fast. Just think a little. Chen Xi's aircraft has flown into the open hatch under the warship.

"Welcome captain Chen to the Qixing ship!"

After Chen Xi got off the ship, a small round white robot had been waiting for a long time. It jumped next to Chen Xi's feet. It was milky white all over. There was no trace of suture or so-called eyes. It was like a small egg, the size of a standard basketball.

The top of its forehead shines gently, and then a projection screen pops up. The projection can be suspended out of thin air and visualized without any screen.

Chen Xi's eyes moved and found that he could read the data table in the projection up and down with his eyesight without scrolling the screen with his fingers.

"This is the ship's data report. Please have a look at it by Captain Chen..."

Chen Xi looked at all kinds of foreign words in front of him, as if he saw the book of heaven, and his eyes were dark.

"Sorry, I can't understand your language." Chen Xi said bluntly.

"Please submit the language pack to the captain. The ship can parse and translate it into the common language of the planet, or wait for the ship to parse the local language. The time is expected to be 5 seconds( Automatic conversion of earth time) "said the little white ball.

When Chen Xi heard the three words of the language pack, he was confused because he couldn't get it out.

But how do people analyze star ships?

Five seconds later, without Chen Xi thinking about it, the projection light screen text of the small ball instantly became a Chinese interface.

"The earth network has been analyzed. Through various text data, it is speculated that the language used by the captain is Chinese. At present, it has been automatically changed to Chinese..."

After hearing the news, Chen Xi began to sweat behind him.

What does that mean?

It means that people have invaded the earth's network and have a look at all the information on the network!

But so what? This star ship has been so big that it still has the means of sailing at the speed of light, so it's no problem to destroy the earth.

Chen Xi can only pretend not to know and live in peace.

In fact, Chen Xi can't figure out the thinking of higher civilization. Maybe people haven't considered strangling the earth at all.

Just like elephants passing by, they don't deliberately think about what ants are thinking.


The earth, the Internet, social platforms of major countries.

"A Russian Space Agency: a giant UFO in the Arctic Ocean, a spaceship suspected of landing in outer space!" The space agency has pictures and truth. The melon eating people at the bottom of the comment area tremble. They want to have the ability to move in an instant. First go to the Arctic Ocean to see the truth, and then run away.

"Your life is young, the supernatural recovery is coming in an all-round way, and the giant warship is about to smash the earth!" This is a rumor.

"[real hammer] 'satellite high-definition image. JPG', we can see that there is a black in the Arctic Ocean, all the clouds in that area are squeezed away, and there is also a piece of evidence that the tidal effect of a certain northern Russian coast becomes stronger in half an hour, so we can be 100% sure that this is a giant spacecraft, that is, an alien visit!"

"Before there was a supernatural era, there was a magic era, and now we have ushered in the era of science and technology?"

"Supernatural: what, hasn't the earth been ruled by our ghosts?"

"Magic: sorry, I just want to say that horses sell skin..."

"Science: Excuse me, excuse me."