Chen Xi looked at the magic sucking grass in his hand. There are two ways to grow grass. The first is an efficient method. It is not implanted into the body. When it needs to be used, tie it on the surface of the skin, and the root naturally absorbs the magic in the human body.

After absorbing light, pull out the roots and put them back into the magical soil to continue cultivation and recycling.

The second method is the most efficient method, and it is also a once and for all method. Take root in the human skin and absorb the magic in the body.

This magic sucking grass is a species with harsh growth. It can't absorb the air magic with its leaves. It can only insert its roots into the soil to absorb the magic inside. It has low efficiency. It doesn't like direct sunlight and only likes dark places.

After decades of careful cultivation and transformation by magicians, magic sucking grass can be planted on animal skin to absorb that magic.

Finally, the magic sucking grass can be rooted in the human skin, or even transplanted into the human body, and become an organ to absorb magic without affecting various biological cycles inside the human body.

Now the technology that puzzles everyone is that its reproductive ability is too low.

Reproductive ability is mostly related to environment, and may also be related to mating grass.

He first checked the function of this magic sucking grass. It was purple all over, and the roots of its lower body were white and crystalline, twisting like a snake.

Put it on the surface of the skin, the roots slip to the surface of the skin by themselves, and first secrete a liquid that melts the surface of the skin, so that people will not feel pain when rooted. At the same time, the skin will not feel pain when pulling roots. It has the function similar to platelets and accelerates the self-healing function of wounds. It can be called a good companion of mankind after the accumulation of several functions.

Chen Xi calmly watched it smear the mysterious liquid with its roots. Then the crystalline snake shaped beard opened its small mouth, exposed two sharp fangs, and inserted them on the surface of Chen Xi's skin. There was a sound of golden sting.

He was a little confused. After seeing that the magic sucking grass took root dozens of times, there was a sound of golden strike, but he couldn't insert a penny into his skin.

Close to the skin to see two eyes, even the fur is not broken, which shows how strong his skin is.

Magic sucking grass has failed dozens of times. It has given up taking root in human skin and tried to slip to the ground and take root in the soil.

His skin is over evolved, and the values are far higher than titanium steel in all aspects. His roots are too soft to insert into the skin,

He didn't give up. He picked up the purple grass and put it into his mouth. The skin there was soft.

The magic sucking grass naturally noticed that the skin here was much softer than that there, and immediately secreted some mysterious liquid and took root in the wristband.

However, after a few golden blows, he found that the grass still couldn't penetrate into his skin to absorb magic.

Is it all that hard?

Chen Xi is a little confused about how to make it absorb magic.

Wait, since you can't break the defense, you can break the defense for it yourself.

He patted his head and just fell into habitual thinking. It was foolish to wait for it to break the defense.

Chen Xi took a look at his fingers and pinched his arm muscles deeply with a broken bone. The sparks splashed and successfully pinched out a small bloodstain.

The bloodstain recovered quickly. In the blink of an eye, Chen Xi pinched his arm and carried the magic sucking grass near the work.

The magic sucking grass smelled the smell of blood. Several small snake like roots zigzagged forward like snakes. They swam to his wound, opened their mouths and white tusks, and plunged into the flesh and blood.

At this moment, he felt a resistance all over his body, trying to resist the power that magic was absorbed.

He knew that this was the onset of the body's self-protection mechanism. He quickly suppressed the self-protection mechanism in his body with his will, and the magic slowly rushed over. He felt that the magic in his body moved and rushed towards the White Snake whiskers of his hand muscles.

However, the speed of magic absorption is very slow. If the roots are inserted into the skin or even deeper into the blood, the speed of magic absorption will soar rapidly.

After testing that magic sucking grass really has the power to absorb magic, he pulled it out and put it back into someone else's special magic soil plate for quiet cultivation.

"Ten are too few. Buy more," Chen Xi said.

Pei Qing asked how many trees were stored in the village. After asking, he went out to clean up a wave of barter and harvested the only more than 1000 stocks in the village. The remaining stocks were used for the elderly in the village and could not be touched again.

He first planted one in the Tibetan Lake shell, and the other magic sucking herbs communicated with the sister of the earth world through ghosts, and asked her to find someone to summon the magic absorbing herb in his hand.

Why don't you ask your sister to call in person?

Because summoning is a dangerous skill, he doesn't want his sister to risk summoning. If the summoning process is switched by a dark existence and replaced with a strange creature, wouldn't it be GG.

Therefore, it is best to send some experimental objects to call, and scientists with volunteers are also good.

The other side.

His sister finally received his brother's first speech after crossing Nile.

It's a great joy to learn that Chen Xi has found a way to restrain the energy caused by too much magic in the body for human beings on earth in the fantasy world.

"Brother, why don't I call? The pigment fish won't be in danger."

"No, you have to find someone else to summon. You can't summon. Summoning is not what you think. There are many unknown creatures living in the space channel. They can affect the process of summoning. I can't believe it."

"Then I can remove the soul mark of my ghost, and then you command it with your ghost. I don't have to summon it myself. Isn't that enough?"

"But the pigment fish call array is on the moon. How do you transport that thing back and contact you in the future, so you have to send someone else to the moon in the end."

There is also a small spaceship built by Qixing ship on earth. It is a small sports car. It is very small and can only hold four people.

The earth scientists piloted the airship to the moon an hour later.

This is a senior order from the earth magic Science Association. The volunteers flying to the moon are front-line scientists who are not afraid of the risk of summoning. They are very enthusiastic. After Chen Xi found a way to restrain magic, everyone raised their necks and wanted to be the first to see magic sucking grass.

Some old scientists said that they were not afraid of the risk of summoning. Although Chen Xi emphasized the risk of summoning again and again, they were still not afraid of death, as if summoners had built a career for them.

Fortunately, the summoning skill has not spread, and the pigment fish summoning array fish is unique and can not be created by others. As long as he holds the pigment fish in his hand, the summoning skill will not destroy the earth.

Soon, four young scientists in spacesuits arrived at the call of the pigment fish. Some were excited to observe the pigment fish, and others took out scientific instruments to observe it.

Others took out their wands and said in a magical voice: