Chen Xi did not enter the game and continued to observe the progress of the supernatural game.

He came back 18 hours after the fourth supernatural recovery.

According to the inspection of the global magic observation system by the local psychic bureaus, the number of people entering the last psychic game is about 10000.

By the way, the original intention of the global magic observation system is to control the world and eliminate all supernatural disasters. After all, some ordinary people don't want to be magicians. They have to keep the seedlings of human beings or they will become extinct.

In addition to not directly monitoring the internal situation of other people's homes, the global magic observation system has carried out all-round coverage monitoring on schools, barren mountains, streets, underpasses, underwater and other public places. Therefore, the data of "10000 people" come from public places.

Most of the first supernatural games in life are very low-level supernatural game sites. They can be outdoors, so the data can not represent all people.

Chen Xi predicted that 20000 people participated in the game. In the current magic age, those who dare to play the game should have the strength of a mage.

What is the level of strength of the Archmage?

That is to say, it is quite powerful to fill the mountains and split the sea. Some mages can even live in outer space and open the era of space migration.

It's only 18 hours. Keep waiting. Chen Xi doesn't think that those mages will die in a small supernatural game.

In other words, Chen Xi found that someone in the chat room re purchased the life extension crystal, the price soared, the RMB rose to 10 billion, and supported the magic crystal transaction.

Magic crystal is a crystal that absorbs magic. It is a new type of energy. It can be placed at the key of magic technology sports car as energy. It runs fast and can run side by side with an airliner every second.

"Brother, I remember you have several life renewal crystals. You can sell some." Sugar said.

"Don't try to be so cheap. We don't lack that money." Chen Xi nodded his sister's forehead. The latter puffed his face and covered his forehead to make faces.

The other side.

The ghost King controlled by Chen Xi has come to the surface of the ghost world. When it falls to the surface, it still can't see anything. The fog is diffuse in front, and I don't know what's ahead.

The ghost King's ship complained endlessly. It's really despicable to take out the ghost King's face every time you meet such a deadly face detection job.

Complaining is complaining. The red ghost symbol in the depths of the soul still relentlessly let it move forward and search for the survivors of this area.

The speed of the ghost ship was very fast. It swept among the mountains and searched one high mountain after another. It found that the familiar mountains in the past had changed.

In some places, the river widens, the distance between mountains widens, and new landforms are born.

"Is this really a replica of the earth? How does it feel that it has changed a lot in recent years?" Murmured the ghost ship.

The ghost ship came to a big city. The whole city was immersed in the water. It was once the base of the king of the ghost ship, but now it is empty. There are no ghosts or traces of other humans in it, as if the whole human world has no soul.

The ghost ship king can't believe that the ghost world has become like this. Isn't the ghost world the destination of its soul? Why is it like this.

It doesn't believe in evil. It flies on the land at high speed again, but it finds that the road ahead is getting longer and longer. It takes five to six times to reach the next city.

The next city is still without any living creatures. The whole city is like dead silence, just as the supernatural world has just been opened there. It is terribly cold, without half a ghost, and the streets are empty.

"The color of the ghost world is still there. It has not degenerated into a gray world. Why have they all disappeared?" The ghost ship muttered to itself.

Perhaps this is one of the phenomena of sudden changes in the ghost world. All ghosts have disappeared. Humans are curious to spy inside. As a result, they don't know where to go.

Chen Xi, who lives on the earth, learned the latest information about the ghost ship with the ghost catching order. He immediately transmitted the information to the Internet and sent a copy to the Chinese psychic Bureau.

After receiving a letter from Chen Xi, Huaxia supernatural Bureau immediately asked him to confirm his identity, and then sent the news to the official website of the authoritative and public supernatural Bureau.

Soon, people all over the world know the latest ghost world intelligence through the Internet.

"There are no ghosts in the ghost world. Have they been caught, or have they survived?"

"Supernatural recovery, the land area of the ghost world has become larger, which is not equal to the area of our earth. It may be becoming a new world."

"I'm just worried about whether those humans are dead or not."

"Countries commented that the second echelons who originally planned to enter the ghost world stopped one after another and waited for further observation before deciding whether to enter the ghost world to inquire about intelligence."

"Only I care about master Chen's sudden return. I feel that master Chen has gone to the depths of the universe to experience and become stronger. Knowing that the earth is difficult, he will return to the city in an instant."

"So who is the first mage today?"

The comments on the Internet exploded and the whole network was hotly debated, but the building was crooked, which made Chen Xi feel speechless.

Soon, he received the news that he was about to participate in the parliament of the global mage alliance to discuss the event of the fourth supernatural recovery.

In the early years, the mage conference was broadcast live on the Internet. Now everyone has the ability to teleport. Half an hour later, Chen Xi attended the mage Conference on a mountain in China.

At the mage assembly, all mages took their seats, including relaxed and casual shirt clothes and solemn robe clothes. Everyone has a variety of clothes, which can be called the double combination of modern painting style and ancient painting style.

Chen Xi looked around. There were some old acquaintances inside, such as several old faces in the strategy group of the supernatural Bureau.

Before coming here, he used abnormal magic to use strong shaping magic to change his external image into Chen Xi's original shape, and then assisted by magic to show his original appearance.

Otherwise, people can't see his face at all. They will feel a little creepy. They always think Chen Xi is a ghost.

After a short cold noise, time was tight, and everyone spoke freely, saying some incisive understanding that could not be found in online comments, and telling the major changes of the fourth supernatural recovery.

First of all, the biggest change in the fourth supernatural recovery is the ghost world.

The earth changes less, only the Yin Qi increases, and there is a channel to connect the ghost world in the sky (i.e. the supernatural sun).

The mountains and rivers of the ghost world have changed dramatically, the local ghost residents have disappeared, and the human team who went inside has no news, which has to make people think more.

"The last supernatural game is also the focus. Its horror is to go back to the past and save our companions. Presumably, our mages who can participate in the meeting have played supernatural games more or less."

Speaking of this, the chief director of the Chinese Supernatural Bureau, who was sitting in the chief, said earnestly: "maybe when we played the Supernatural Game for the first time, a group of people died, and some of the living people became ghosts."

After talking for a while, the Secretary raised a rebuttal because he had no evidence.

Chen Xi secretly put the memory stone in his wide sleeve to recall the scene when he first played supernatural games.