"Supernatural games? Never heard of it. " Another voice said.

"Ha ha, I haven't heard of it. Let's play a game tonight." The room chief smiled.

Chen Xi was stunned. The murmur in his ear was a little strange. He was not the one who had never heard of the supernatural game, but another roommate, Hu Jing.


Chen Xi turned the memory stone three times. The person who answered this sentence was clearly himself, not Hu Jing.

"Is my memory wrong?" Chen Xi murmured.

"No, it's a supernatural phenomenon. I can't believe it." Chen Xi shook his head and resolutely rejected the murmur in his ear.

The murmur in his ear remained the same, and the dialogue continued to go down. After Hu Jing spoke, Chen Xi's voice also sounded. The topic was actually very interested in supernatural games and said that he must take him with him.

After that, the three pulled up the reckless Luo Mang and began to play the game.

Chen Xi frowned and looked at the desolate land in front of him. It was gray. There were no ghosts and no Yin. There were magic factors in the air, but the number was very rare.

He carefully checked the things around him. There was no strange fluctuation, the particles in the air did not vibrate, his eardrum did not vibrate, and his brain did not seem to receive any strange information.

It's the soul!

His soul received this murmur!

Chen Xi deliberately didn't accept this kind of voice, but there was no way. The voice was always with him.

He wanted to use the anti summoning crossing technique to cross to another world, but before crossing, the eyes filled with the void were even naked, and seemed to be eager to eat him.

Damn it, you can't leave the universe where the earth is.

His breath changed quietly, and his powerful soul instantly calculated the patience of his eyes.

Soon, that guy is about to start. As long as Chen Xi's soul rises to the world-class level, he is a delicious food.

Once he left the earth and universe that gave birth to him, he caught Chen Xi in advance, and then waited for his soul to continue to rest.

As for why we haven't caught it yet, it's because the earth universe is the birthplace of Chen Xi.

In the place of birth, it has a good gain effect on the growth of soul.

Chen Xi didn't understand this kind of thing and left the earth, which made the man watching his existence a little impatient.

For a moment, the voice in their ears still echoed. No matter whether Chen Xi listened or not, they took great pains to have a dialogue.

Chen Xi accidentally listened to dozens of sentences and heard a very popular content - the process of the game changed when he lied!

After that, the four people all made a howling voice, which was very sad, as if there was another secret.

"Has my memory really been modified?" Chen Xi used the lightning method to go through it in his mind and in his soul. He didn't see any trace of modification.

No, it should be said that there are indeed traces of modification. Chen Xi recalled carefully and thought of the memory of the second real name. There were two different places from his memory.

This is a very hidden technique. Compared with the strange race who was born to master lightning, soul creatures from the dark abyss are naturally more familiar with the structure of soul than other creatures.

So what should I do now?

Chen Xi fell into the dilemma of weak thinking.

When he had no idea, he wanted to summon a magical conch with summoning again.

After all, he was so confused that he didn't know what to call. Is this the sorrow of the summoner.

The miraculous conch of the temple spirit slipped away by itself. It is said that he returned to the miraculous ocean, but none of the conch who summoned the miraculous Ocean last time responded to him.

This time, he expanded the scope of the call, directly defined the world as the unknown world, and then various characteristic sentences about the magical ocean.

After that, the summoning power began to cross the border, and soon the summoning power ended. The reason was that there was no relevant thing found.

"Still can't find the magic conch?" Chen Xi muttered to himself.

Since he couldn't find it, he had no choice but to take out an ordinary conch without life fluctuation from the Tibetan lake.

He touched it with his abnormal ability, and immediately there was an obvious opening on the surface of the conch, and then there was an echo from the gray conch.

The miraculous conch recovers after the abnormality. Chen Xi knows that it is injured and immediately asks it whether it cares with the call contract.

Such a simple greeting is not a problem, but the magic conch does not want to use communication methods other than normal questions, so he quickly replied: "as long as it is to answer questions, he can overdraw his life, but please ask questions immediately!"

Well, it's really a conch full of answers all the time. Chen Xixin told him about recent events, including interstellar migration, the fourth supernatural recovery, the core of the world, the last supernatural game, the death date of the summoner, etc.

After saying this, Chen Xi wanted to ask the conch how it should get out of trouble now.

Before he said anything, his mouth closed again.

By the way, last time I asked the magic conch how to get the strength to sling and beat dark creatures, I gave it a real name of tentacle monster.

The question is similar this time.

Why don't you ask the real name? It's a problem that puzzles a group of small conch.

But just in case, Chen Xi first summoned an ordinary small stone in the magical ocean with the power of summoning, and then toured the ocean with consciousness. Along the way, he asked a small conch whether he had solved the meaning of his real name.

Xiaohailuo responded with a roar and has not yet solved it. It's a mystery of the world. It's too difficult.

At the end of his summoning power, Chen Xi touched the magic conch with two cracks in front of him, tapped three times and asked, "magic conch, what is the meaning of each character of his real name?"

The magical conch's body makes a violent roar. What's strange is that the three people's murmurs in their ears play together with the sound of the waves. No one can cover anyone.

Chen Xi looked strange. After asking this question, he wanted to ask what the voice in his ear was and whether there was a solution.

But there was no next time. The magical conch clicked in Chen Xi's eyes, and a black crack appeared at the mouth of the conch.

Moreover, the cracks split from two to countless, and the sound of the waves hit more and more.

"No, I'm dead?" Chen Xi was stunned. He didn't know that the meaning of his real name was so great that the magical conch of the adult body collapsed directly.

"If you can't answer, don't answer." Chen Xijia said.

However, it didn't work. The shell of the magical conch cracked inch by inch, and gradually several gray shells fell to the ground and turned into a mass of powder.

It cracks in a spiral shape and breaks 90% of its hard shell in a few seconds.

Finally, when the last shell of the magic conch collapsed into powder, Chen Xi finally heard some sounds mixed in the sound of the waves. It was a very ethereal sound. It wouldn't feel like listening to light. But after all the magic conch disappeared, Chen Xi knew that what he heard just now was the light of the invisible knowledge of the magic conch, which was also its last sound.

It deduces the answer at the cost of life, and finally transmits the answer to Chen Xi's soul, which has become one of his core memories.