Chen Xi first surrounded his soul breath to the three families and let them also touch his soul breath.

The three family members were slightly shocked and felt that Chen Xi was nearby, but when they looked back, they didn't see Chen Xi.

"What happened?" The three were confused at the same time.

Chen Xiaotang was confused for a few seconds and immediately contacted the ghost to talk to his brother. He learned that Chen Xi surrounded them with his soul and protected his family.

After being stained with the breath of soul, Chen Xi conducted another small experiment.

He controlled a ghost king to hate his father. After a few seconds of inquiry, he learned that the target of the ghost King's hatred was another uncle dancing in the square.

Success again!

The hill's eye stone in Chen Xi's hand is an object containing world rules. All people or things stained with Chen Xi's soul will transfer the sense of hatred to them. Its function level directly reaches the level of rules without any power.

The result of this transfer is very overbearing and unsolvable. It belongs to the peak power, which human beings can't touch and can only use.

Thinking of this, he was shocked. Isn't the power of the second real name the change of the rule level? Although he can't act on the world destroying creatures, that's the result of his use. If the second real name uses the anomaly ability, it should be able to give full play to the anomaly of the rule level perfectly.

Thinking of this, Chen Xi held a trace of awe for each world-class creature.

All creatures that can grow into world-class creatures have extraordinary abilities.

Back to the point, let's talk about Chen Xi's next call plan.

The world is so big that there are always some strange functional things. They are marked as special things by the world and crowned with special nouns and notes.

Chen Xi wants to fight with the world-class existence. The most important thing is to show his ability that they can't do anything about him.

Board the card table and become a card player, no longer a card group in their hands.

After transferring the target of hating his family, he used ghosts to monitor the safety of his family, and then left the planet.

When he left the planet, he used the ghosts that untied the restrictions of ghost symbols to check the target of hatred against Chen Xi. The direction of hatred was a stone thousands away near Chen Xi.

The target is different, but the location is still nearby.

Chen Xi is ready to summon items containing rules. This time, the goal is the invisibility cloak.

The cloak is made by a creature in the underworld who desperately steals a small rule in the underworld. People wearing it can be invisible and shuttle around the world. The degree of invisibility is absolutely invisible, but they can touch it.

With a short-term call, the search for the power of call failed, even if there was a real name.

"Absolutely invisible. It's no use even calling your real name." Chen Xi concluded afterwards and called again.

The summoned thing is absolute rebound damage, which can rebound all the damage harmful to him.

The rule comes from an uncivilized small world, which is well hidden and has not been discovered by the powerful existence of other worlds.

Chen Xi doesn't want to seize the rebound injury rule. That's because the rebound rule. Whoever seizes its existence will be rebounded by the same injury and beat himself half to death.

Chen Xi made use of this omniscient feature to make an information gap that the enemy did not know.

He summoned the world coordinates of the unknown small world by using the summoning technique, then used a small stone under his feet as a condition to summon the ordinary small stone of the small world, and then used the anti crossing ability to shuttle through the space channel.

This time, he crossed the alien world, not the same world. Therefore, after Chen Xi was dragged into the void by the summoning force, he immediately felt a very fierce look through the world wall. His strong gaze was so strong that he could face to face.

As soon as Chen Xi glanced, he saw that the stable order of the purple space channel collapsed, countless turbulence broke up, and a black red eye flashed in the void.

The next second, Chen Xi's destination was distorted by different forces, changing his destination and planning to introduce him to another world.

This time, Chen Xi no longer uses the abnormal magic of his heart to urge the summoning art, but uses his spiritual power instead.

His soul has evolved to its peak, which can be described as endless. At this level, it is easy to support a small summoning skill consumption.

The summoning technique changed by mental power is obviously faster than the summoning technique of abnormal magic. Chen Xi feels that his body is close to the established crossing port again.


The void burst open, and the black and red eyes passed through a mass of purple. A huge black seaweed leaf twisted and twisted back and forth like a tentacle. The terrible void turbulence could not hurt it, but could only drain along the smooth leaf surface.

There seems to be some inexplicable light and shadow in the void, which has a strange charm and makes people feel dizzy.

This is the magic of the spiritual department. It has infinite power to bewitch the spiritual power. Normal legendary souls have long been bewitched.

However, Chen Xi already has the soul strength of destroying the world, and he also has the top demagogic resistance of dark creatures. He continues to move forward against such demagogic power.

The seaweed like tentacle didn't seem to give up. It immediately stretched out at a high speed, as if it wanted to grasp his body.

Chen Xi's heart pounded and his hand tightly held Hill's eye stone. At this moment, he had no strong offensive power and could only place his hope on transferring hatred.

Crossing the world is short, only ten seconds, that is, in just three seconds, a seaweed endangering organisms flits through countless empty turbulence.


It was this move that made Chen Xi breathe a sigh of relief.

At the critical moment, the seaweed that can pierce the wall of the world poked into the void next to it because of the transfer of hatred.

Looking back on the previous second, the terrible eyes and bewitching power all acted on the void turbulence next to him.

Because the target of transferring hatred is too close to him, there is an illusion that he is really targeted.

In fact, the seaweed is staring at the target next door.

A few seconds later, the seaweed rolled up the soil, shuttled quickly from the void, and poked at the void turbulence trampled by Chen Xi's feet again.

So far, Chen Xi arrived in the unknown small world. His body hit the crack, his whole body was affected by some inexplicable force, and his body had new changes.

I don't know what the ghost is, but Chen Xi knows very well that this is the depths of the small world. If you destroy something, you will be hurt by rebound.

The deep twisted light is the force of rules. It stands quietly like a dim star and has no reaction to Chen Xi's arrival.