Dara, found a new signal 47! He began to dig, and there was again the same button with the queen. But who is the queen? Then you will need to look at Google!

Dara was surprised to find that after he pulled out a button, the signal again came from this place but at a depth. Dara began to dig and immediately found five of the same buttons. One of which was bent. Dara checked the signal again he was ...

... Dara pulled out a lead bullet. It was awesome. This bullet seems to be from an old wick weapon. diameters of 20 mm. Oh, crap!

Apparently it was some kind of traveler maybe a spy disguised as a scientist? One way or another, he seems to have lost his suit with buttons here.

Dara began to check this place and nearby but he did not find anything. Maybe for the better? Best the enemy of the good.

Dara put the find in his pocket. Then, in a quiet place, he'll see what kind of hiding place there is. He did not want to share with Baraz and Barno. Then he and Fang will look. Maybe a wealthy Chinese collector will buy these coins. Usually, such Schraubthaler is bought immediately by collectors from the USA, and so who can buy from China?

Judging by the weight, the coins were stuffed, which means 7 buttons for $ 8700 or maybe more? Almost 61,000 dollars! This is really cool! Dara wanted to howl like a wolf! But he was afraid to attract attention! This is a huge pile of MONEY !!!! And money loves silence, the less people know, the better!

It's good that in Small-An, as draconian measures to completely ban the sale of coins were canceled three years ago, now Dara could safely sell what she found, just had to pay income tax.

And earlier, under the pretext of protecting monuments of cultural heritage, such finds were selected from diggers. They were told that such historical artifacts would be placed in a museum. But in fact, these artifacts disappeared. And then the country's elite exported them and placed them in their own mansions in Europe. Sometimes cultural heritage was presented to important officials from the EU or the United States to solve their affairs. Such as lobbying for financial assistance or grants.

And now everything was fair, found a treasure, received money, paid a tax, the state replenished the budget. Effective economy! Reforms started to work! Capitalism began to develop, and not its idiotic development path that led from socialism to late feudalism. It is sad to be in a more developed economic, political and social position under the empire, and instead of rapidly developing, having gained independence and full access to all natural resources with a total value of 5 trillion. dollars. To come to feudalism, with the loss of the social conquests of the 20th century and get to live in the 16th and sometimes 12th centuries ... lose the space, aviation and tank industries, electronic and slide into a primitive screwdriver assembly of parts and receive obviously outdated lines for the manufacture of licensed products 2010- 2015 years. Whereas on the street is already 2030! The Chinese launched a space station on Mars, the Japanese fly with a space station to Saturn, the Americans built a space elevator to the moon and are now building an elevator to Mars ... and Small-An in feudalism. Ass, what to say!

But Dara tried not to be upset about this, now is the time for change, reform in all directions, there is a hope that Small-An will regain its place in the world and move to capitalism with a human face.

Although the American economist Fpensis Fukuyama wrote at the beginning of the century 21, that any system has its own evolutionary period. However, with the advent of the Internet, this evolution proceeds in a more accelerated manner. If before it took 200 years to move from one era to another, now in the 21st century it took only 50-80 years. There are still 50 years left, and there will be a city garden! As the Russian poet Mayakovsky said. But wait, not 4 years, but only some 50 years! If you were the immortal Taoist, then this is 50 years fie! but for a person this is certainly a bit much!

One way or another, such soaps revolved in Dar's head.

He went to the fort along the road, not forgetting to check the land, sometimes just then, purely by chance, something might come across interesting.

Dara remembered the incident told by his familiar local historian - he somehow found a treasure, there were silver coins in a bucket! He was so overworked that he did not pay first attention to china. But it turned out that porcelain was more expensive than the coins themselves. Porcelain was both imperial there and porcelain by the Chinese Qing Dynasty, Ming. It was a lot of money. But then the time was different, and that craved one actually sacrificed everything to the state.

If he got those 25 percent, now he would have a fortune.