Then he carefully put it into the quilt and said confidently, "Cuihua, wait for me. Don't look down on others. I'll take a thousand yuan to your house tomorrow to propose marriage."

The next step is to wait patiently. The waiting time is like a year for Zhang Tiezhu.

Hungry, he dared not go too far for fear that the cornucopia would be stolen.

In the evening, I couldn't stand it. I picked a few tomatoes from the garden in the backyard to look for food.

Zhang Tiezhu ate while picking. After filling his stomach, he just wanted to go back. Suddenly he was in a hurry to urinate, so he untied his pants and hissed at a dying tomato vine below.

On this tomato vine, there are three small tomatoes the size of quail eggs, but he said, "I'll fertilize you and grow up."

After Shh, Zhang Tiedan came home and had a good sleep. He had a beautiful dream.

In his dream, he made a fortune and married Cuihua. He not only let Cuihua live in the best house in the village, but also let her help him give birth to several fat boys.

The next day, when he woke up, Zhang Tiedan couldn't wait to take out the urinal shaped cornucopia from the pile of old quilts, and looked inside. Except for a ten yuan note, it was empty.

"Where's the money!"

Zhang Tiezhu shook the cornucopia in his hand and looked again. It was still empty.


This time, Zhang Tiezhu was completely desperate and fell powerlessly to the ground.

I thought I had dug a cornucopia. I tried my best to borrow money and boasted in front of Cuihua.

What makes a fortune?

What is a three story house?

What married her?

It's all gone.

Can he really be a wild dog who can never lift his head in his life, as Cuihua said?

Ridiculous, ridiculous.

He looked at the urinal around him. Unexpectedly! He would really believe that there is a cornucopia in the world

The more you think about it, the more uncomfortable it is. It's like crying without tears.

In a rage, Zhang Tiezhu screwed up the urinal and threw it out.


A loud noise sounded in Taohua village, a white light flashed into the sky, and Zhang Tiezhu's eyes hurt.

"What's the end of the world?" Zhang Tiezhu was frightened. His heart beat very fast and his breath was short. He quickly withdrew several steps.

Soon, Zhang Tiezhu found that his eyes were dark and his surroundings were lifeless, as if he had entered an invisible space and isolated from the world.

"The cat has a cat. What's the matter? Am I going to die?" Zhang Tiezhu's legs softened and almost wet his pants.

"Boy, it's not so easy to want to die!" suddenly, an old man's voice came around, loud and dignified.

"Brother, bah, no! Don't scare me, sir. People will be scared to death!" Zhang Tiezhu said, looking around, but he didn't find a figure after looking around.

"Boy, you're not dead yet. Don't worry. You just occupied the time and entered the fairyland space. Don't be nervous." the old man's voice sounded again, which eased a lot this time.

"What, fairyland, I'm a mother!" Zhang Tiezhu felt like dying when he heard this.

Then he continued: "fairy master, you say, beauty, luxury car and Shuangfei? I'll burn them all to you. Don't scare me anymore, will you?"

"Hey, boy, it's interesting. I like it. Hahaha..." the old man is very satisfied with such an answer, but the smile makes people cool behind their backs.

"Hoo Hoo..."

Seeing the old man laughing, Zhang Tiezhu was relieved. After a few dry coughs, he asked carefully, "master immortal, you can see my poor jingling from my dress,

Dissatisfied with what you said, I have no father or mother. I am bullied every day. Even my first wife says I'm just a wild dog. Hey! "

Although Zhang Tiezhu didn't know why the immortal master suddenly appeared in front of him, he knew that pretending to be bitter was more effective than anything at this time.

"Boy, don't talk to me about this. It's no use. I've been in the fairy world for 3000 years. Today you released my soul. It's too late for me to thank you!" the immortal master was more happy at the meeting.

"Wocao, what the old people in the village said is true. It's really a treasure!" Zhang Tiezhu was refreshed after hearing the immortal master's words.

Soon, Zhang Tiezhu turned his head and hurriedly asked the other party, "thank me. Well, tell me, how are you going to thank me?

I've agreed with you. Don't flatter and flatter me. If you can, change me into a tens of thousands of yuan or a small foreign house. Hey, hey... "

"With your promise, is your request really so simple?" the immortal master shook his head gently and found that Zhang tiegen was too worthless. That's all.

The old immortal's words made Zhang Tiezhu speechless. After a slight pause, he seemed to think of something.

"Well, old fairy, can you teach me some skills, the best is the ability to make money." Zhang Tiezhu didn't think much. For him, if he can make money now, he can marry Cuihua as his wife.

"Don't you have the ability?"

"When did I have the ability?"

"Haven't you noticed some changes in your body recently?"

The old fairy's words made Zhang tiezhudun seem to understand something. He patted the back of the head and said with a smile: "Hey, it's really like that. I found that my urine can help plants grow."

However, Zhang Tiezhu soon felt something wrong and turned to the old fairy and asked, "even if my body has changed recently, what does that have to do with you?"

The old immortal knew that Zhang Tiezhu would ask this question, and touched his long beard and laughed. "Actually, before that, my millennium bug has already entered your body. I thought your boy would be bleeding because of seven holes, but I didn't expect your kid not to die but to absorb the essence of the Millennium Bug."

"What does this have to do with you?"

"Because the Millennium fairy bug has a heart to heart connection with me, I guide it step by step to let you rescue me. Only those who absorb the Millennium fairy bug can rescue me from this pot." the old fairy said very seriously, and there was no smell of lying.

"So it is. No wonder I recently found that my body is strong and powerful, relaxed and comfortable, as if I had changed a person." Zhang Tiezhu shook some heads, and then I understood what was going on.

Soon, Zhang Tiezhu found something wrong and said silently, "I said old fairy, you teach me something bad. Isn't this urine too authentic to help plants grow?"


After a burst of laughter, the old immortal replied slowly, "boy, because you have absorbed the essence of the millennium bug, so the urine and sweat from your body are all immortal, which is a normal phenomenon."