Chapter 368

"Wow! Brother tie Zhu, you are really great? How do you know?" said Du Juan in surprise.

"Hey, hey, I guess. Do you think so?" Zhang Tiezhu said with a smile.

"Yes, I just took out a local chicken from the chicken coop today. Brother Tiezhu is very tired recently. I'll mend your body. Brother Tiezhu, you must have secretly opened the lid of the pot when you got up. You're covering me!" at this time, the cuckoo doesn't believe Zhang Tiezhu.

"Ha ha, that's not necessary. I just got up!" Zhang Tiezhu said with a smile.

At this time, Zhang Tiezhu looked at the little linen pocket in Du Juan's hand and concentrated. Du Juan's pocket became transparent in an instant!

Zhang Tiezhu said with a smile, "cuckoo, your little pocket contains five potatoes and two vegetables, isn't it?"

At this time, Du Juan was stunned. He had just gone to the field to pick up the vegetables this morning. He hadn't unpacked them in the sack pocket. How could brother tie Zhu be so divine that he could guess?

"Ah! Really! Brother tie Zhu, how do you know?" the cuckoo asked in surprise!

"Nothing, nothing. Brother Tiezhu guessed it by feeling. Ha ha, be sure!" Zhang Tiezhu said with a smile. He was very happy. Now he has a special function. He couldn't help but want to go around the village!

"Cuckoo, this chicken needs to be stewed for a while. I'll go out for a round. Ha, wait for me to have dinner at noon!" Zhang Tiezhu said to cuckoo with a smile. I can't help but go out for a round. Let's have a look at the wonders of this special function!

"Well, brother Tiezhu, come back early and drink chicken soup!" Du Juan nodded and said to Zhang Tiezhu.

Zhang Tiezhu happily went out for a turn. He just came to the east of the village and saw Lao Li, the pig killer, quarreling with his wife.

Lao Li's wife put her hands on her hips and scolded Lao Li: "why is there no money? Where did you hide the money for killing pigs and selling meat? It's wrong at all!"

"Oh, I gave you all the money. I didn't hide it at all. You're in charge of the accounts. How can you frame me for hiding the money? You crazy woman is really..." Lao Li said helplessly.

Lao Li is a pig butcher in the village. He usually has a disadvantage and an advantage. He is used to his wife. He gives every penny to his wife. Recently, he likes to buy lottery tickets in the town. From time to time, he hides some private money. For this matter, the couple don't quarrel less.

No, there was another quarrel at noon at the entrance of the village.

Zhang Tiezhu glanced at Lao Li with a smile and said, "aunt, don't look, the 400 yuan is hidden in the socks at Lao Li's pants feet!"

"Ah! Tiezhu... How do you know?" Lao Li wanted to continue to cheat his wife at this time, but when Zhang Tiezhu said this, his face turned white and looked at Zhang Tiezhu in front of him in surprise!

"You old man, you're not honest. You're lying to me!" Lao Li's wife said angrily at this time, rolled up Lao Li's trouser legs, and then saw Lao Li hide the 400 yuan in his socks and take it out!

"Look! The money is still hidden in the socks. Now it's really against you. Hide private money! Tell me it's not hidden!" Lao Li's wife said angrily at this time.

"Oh, my wife, i... I don't want to hide some and go to the town to buy lottery tickets and win more money?" Lao Li said embarrassed when he saw that his trick had been exposed.

"Thanks to iron pillar's sharp eyes, otherwise you would really be confused today. Look! I bought such a long lottery ticket and spent a lot of money. I didn't even bring a fart back! Why do you buy that thing? You? Go home and kneel on the washboard!" said Lao Li's wife at this time.

"Oh, hey! Iron pillar, your eyes are really sharp. Now you're still suffering from Uncle Li!" Lao Li said with a sad face at this time.

"Hahaha! It's not my sharp eyes, but Lao Li. Aunt Li is right. You, don't always indulge in the lottery. It's true to live honestly. It's better to buy less lottery tickets!" Zhang Tiezhu advised Lao Li with a smile.

"Hey, OK, iron pillar, I'll listen to you, but this woman makes me kneel on the washboard. How can I fix it?" Lao Li said helplessly at this time. Although Lao Li usually holds a pig killing knife, he is a tough man with a big waist and round. When he saw his wife, he looked like a loser.

"Well, Aunt Li, forget it this time, otherwise Uncle Li will blame me for talking too much. In the future, just don't buy lottery tickets!" Zhang Tiezhu said with a smile. After solving the troublesome couple's problem, he turned back and walked towards the fat man's house.

The iron pillar was very happy. He didn't expect that his perspective eye was so powerful. The uncle in front of him could see the branches in the middle of the tree. He concentrated on looking at the leaves on the tree and could see the roots inside the leaves. With this perspective eye, he felt great!

At the moment, Zhang Tiezhu came to the door of the fat man's house. Before the door of the fat man was opened, Zhang Tiezhu's eyes passed through the door and saw Liu Yan cleaning and cooking in the house. The fat man was still sleeping.

"Ha ha, this dead fat man is really lazy. He got up early and the sun hit his ass!" at this time, Zhang Tiezhu smiled and knocked on the fat man's window.

"Oh, Tiezhu! You got up very early!" the fat man got up from bed and looked at Zhang Tiezhu in front of him bleary eyed.

"Of course! Fat man, I don't mix in the Jianghu anymore. Almost everything under the bed can be thrown away?" Zhang Tiezhu said with a smile. From the perspective, he saw two machetes and a red tassel gun under the fat man's bed!

At this time, the fat man immediately looked stunned and said to Zhang Tiezhu, "my darling, brother, how did you know there was a guy under my bed? I keep it a secret. Even Liu Yan sleeps with me every day, she doesn't know!"

"Ha ha, what can escape my eyes? Fat man, your brother also thinks it's too simple!" Zhang Tiezhu smiled at the fat man in front of him and thought of his own perspective eyes. I don't know what can't be seen.

"Ha ha, this man is in the Jianghu. He has been used to it for so long. It's safer to put some knives and guns under the bed!" the fat man grabbed his head and said with a smile.

"When are you thinking about these Jianghu affairs? Fat man, the following things need to be replaced. It's just agricultural tools. We Taohua village don't need these knives and guns, ha ha!" Zhang Tiezhu said to the fat man with a smile.

"That's what I said. It's very comfortable to live a stable life now, but it's too free. It's just that my hands are used to holding knives, guns and sticks. I don't feel comfortable holding this farm tool again!" the fat man said with a smile.

"Well, I'll get used to it slowly. Take your time!" Zhang Tiezhu said with a smile.

Xu Bo brought two more bags of ginseng seeds. Zhang Tiezhu and the fat man repaired a piece of the ground in front of the fat man's house, ploughed and weeded. The two brothers were busy with hoes for a while, and finally repaired the ground in front of the fat man's house.

"Oh, I'll go. I'm really tired. The two fields at the door of the house have been deserted for a long time. It's finally clean. Darling, I'm tired!" at this time, the fat man finished his work. He sat down on the edge of the ridge and threw the hoe aside.

Zhang Tiezhu smiled and said, "ha ha, fat man, you don't know you're tired when waving a machete. Now you're half tired when waving a hoe. If you say it, the brothers in the town must die of laughter!"

"It's all right, my big brother in Xishui Town, to tell you the truth, he's just going home to farm in a few months. It's a big joke. Hey, it's really busy. I'm sweating!" the fat man said with a bitter smile at this time.

But after finishing the work and scattering ginseng seeds in the ground with Zhang Tiezhu, I really have a sense of achievement. Although I am very tired, I still feel very full.

"You're tired, drink some water!" at this time, Liu Yan saw Zhang Tiezhu and fat man busy in the ground, and quickly brought two bowls of water to them.

"Oh, hey! My daughter-in-law is so sweet. My throat is so thirsty that it's almost smoking!" the fat man said with a smile. He took the water from Liu Yan and drank it with a goop goop as soon as he raised his neck!

"Cool!" the fat man said as soon as he wiped his mouth. Although he was tired after working in the field, this simple sense of fullness could still bring him happiness. Although he was so majestic in Xishui Town, his life was far less simple than that in Taohua village!

"Ha ha, such a day is the day for our brothers to enjoy their whole life slowly. The Jianghu is not suitable for us!" Zhang Tiezhu said to the fat man with a smile.

"Yes, it's better to be in the village! Now we don't have to worry about food and drink. The village has changed a lot. Ha ha, it's OK not to go back in this town!" the fat man said with a smile at this time.