Chapter 382

Aunt Liu on one side looked at Zhang Tiezhu and said, "well, Tiezhu, get rid of poverty in these three years, get rich in five years, and get well-off in seven years. Our speed is very fast. What else can you be unhappy about? We all want to thank you!"

Zhao Li also said, "yes, Tiezhu, you can take everyone from planting tomatoes to planting all kinds of vegetables, native chickens, native ducks, aquatic products and even ginseng in the vegetable field. You are the best. How can you say such a thing?"

Zhang Tiezhu looked at everyone at this time, clapped his hands on his heart and said: "All this money is small money! Our eyes must not focus on the small money in front of us! Our Taohua village needs to develop with a qualitative leap! We have to start looking at good projects! I don't read much about Zhang Tiezhu. I haven't come up with a suitable money-making project yet. I just know that it's not good to take everyone to grow land and raise chickens!"

"Hey! Don't worry, Tiezhu, let's do our job well. We all know your heart is good, but it's not urgent. This good project can't be met, and the government doesn't have any good project plans these days..." Wang Degui and several people from the village branch advised Zhang Tiezhu at this time.

"Everyone's village has a hard project. Dongkan village has its own mine, Yangshu village has its own freshwater breeding base, and Shanfu village also has its own specialty garlic. What do we have in Taohua village now? There is no landmark project construction at all! Such development is too slow!" Zhang Tiezhu said at this time that the only thing that impressed everyone in Taohua village was the lobster and vegetables. As for the characteristic projects in the village, there was really nothing.

When Zhang Tiezhu said this, he told several elders of the village committee that he was at a loss.

"It's impossible for our village to say there is no money. How much money is there in the village account?" Zhang Tiezhu asked Zhao Li in front of him at this time.

"The total amount of money in the village plus the money in the account today is six million yuan. In addition, the vegetables in the land have not been out yet, and there is still a large amount of ketchup in the warehouse. It is estimated that there will be about two million yuan waiting for Tongxing group to recover them all!" Zhao Li said to Zhang Tiezhu.

"That is to say, the amount of money available in our village is now eight million, isn't it?" Zhang Tiezhu asked at this time.

"Yes, iron pillar!" Zhao Li replied.

"We have eight million now. I Zhang Tiezhu kept the eight million. I didn't put a penny into my pocket. What's this for? We just want to do something for the village. Now we hold the eight million and stare at it. We can't think of anything. Can you say that I'm not worried?" At this time, Zhang Tiezhu said to the people in front of him.

"Hey! Tiezhu, you need to be careful about this investment! This is a project that the government does not guarantee. If we spend money on the project, it will be risky. It's good for us to develop smoothly according to the current situation. Don't take such risks!" Lao Deng and several Village branch cadres said to Zhang Tiezhu at this time.

"Yes, Tiezhu, let's keep the money until there are some stable projects. Don't you think it's good for us to grow vegetables and raise chickens to make money steadily? So much money is hard money. What can we do if the investment fails?" Aunt Liu also said to Zhang Tiezhu at this time.

"Don't think so. As long as there are good projects in this investment and the reputation of our Taohua farm, we will certainly receive good profits. Now I'm thinking, what project can open the first shot of our Taohua village!" said Zhang Tiezhu at this time.

Today's Taohua village is well-known, but it only faces the town, county and city. Now Zhang Tiezhu has a wider and wider heart. He wants more people to know Taohua village and know Taohua village!

Taohua village should not only rush out of the mountain, but also out of the county, out of the urban area and provincial capital, and go to the world!

But the premise is, what kind of project is needed to start this first successful shot? This is really a problem!

"Iron pillar, let's take it easy. The economy is not very prosperous these days. It doesn't preserve the value of anything, or our agricultural and sideline products. We should eat every day. It's better to be stable. Let's talk about the investment later!" several people in the village committee at this time said with a little worry.

"No, I agree with Tiezhu. Tiezhu, as long as you are optimistic about the project, uncle Yao, I will be the first to support you! Young people, of course, should have their own ideas. Our generation is old and only knows the old way of raising chickens in this kind of land, but our traditional old peasant thought of complacency must not be added to the thought of your younger generation, which is to build socialism In the new countryside, we still have to implement the thinking concept of your young people! "Uncle Yao expressed his support for Zhang Tiezhu at this time!

"Yes! Uncle Yao still supports me! Then I'll do it. When I think of a good project, I'm going to throw all the money in at once. At that time, the big guys of the village committee don't have any opinions?" Zhang Tiezhu immediately clapped his hands after listening to Uncle Yao's words.

"Tiezhu! Eight million! We've worked so hard for so long. We'll still have everyone's share of the money by the end of the year!" Lao Deng said while talking.

The money is divided according to the land area. At the end of the year, it is divided once a year. If Zhang Tiezhu spends the money on any project in advance, it will be a good profit. In case of loss... Lao Deng and several village committee people at this time see each other face to face and feel a little risky.

"You always think about that dividend. Can you keep your eyes a little farther?" Aunt Liu said angrily at this time, looking at Lao Deng and several elders in front of her.

"Well, it's understandable that they think so. The dividend is all right. Even if it's a loss, I Zhang Tiezhu will give it to you. Moreover, there is no village head now. If there is any good project, we should hold a unified and democratic meeting in our independently managed village. Please rest assured!" At this time, Zhang Tiezhu dispelled everyone's doubts.

"Well, Tiezhu, go back and have a rest first. When you think of a good project, we'll meet again to study what plan to adopt, and everyone will raise their hands to vote at that time." at this time, Zhao Li said to Zhang Tiezhu, thinking that Tiezhu had drunk too much tonight. This is also a lot. We have to hurry and let him have a rest first.

"It's all right! Then it's settled. Everything I do is for our village, our peach blossom village. We must have a special project of our own, so that people will think of our Peach Blossom Village as soon as they mention this project!" at this time, Zhang Tiezhu said with a smile and finished drinking the wine in the glass!

"Well, iron pillar, don't drink any more. If you drink more, my aunt will be angry. Now you have to ensure your body. This body is the capital of the revolution. Look how much you drink tonight?" Aunt Liu said as soon as she put away the wine bottle.

Xiaoli on one side quickly brought a cup of honey water to Zhang Tiezhu.

"Tiezhu, drink some honey water and be careful to scald!" at this time, Xiaoli carefully told Zhang Tiezhu and carefully blew the hot air in front of her until she watched Zhang Tiezhu drink the honey water in the cup with her own eyes.

"Thank you, Xiaoli. What I Zhang Tiezhu said today is by no means drunken. I have always put it in my heart. We Taohua village will definitely have our own projects. There will definitely be. I will bring everyone to get rich in an instant!" at this time, Zhang Tiezhu drank honey and patted his heart.

"Well, well, look at you. The saliva is flowing out!" Zhao Li on one side carefully wiped the saliva on the corner of her mouth with a towel to Zhang Tiezhu.

"I can do it, I can do it!" Zhang Tiezhu was still saying at this time. At this time, he only felt his chest warm. Today, taking advantage of the strength of wine, he expressed his determination and mentality in front of the big guys of the village committee.

"Well, Tiezhu, no matter what you do, we will certainly support you, but now, you can almost go back to rest, and we'll take you back together!" at this time, uncle Yao said to Zhang Tiezhu, looking at Zhang Tiezhu, it's almost like this. At this time, the big guys are not at ease!

"Don't worry, uncle Yao! I don't have anything at all! I'll go back by myself and be quiet by myself!" Zhang Tiezhu refused to say to the people in front. He insisted on walking back to Dujuan's house alone. On the way, he thought about it with the strength of wine and be quiet.

Seeing that Zhang Tiezhu insisted on going back by himself, they thought that the village would not lose its way, so they let Tiezhu go back alone.

Zhang Tiezhu drank a little too much, and his heart was also a burst of dry panic. He felt a little more comfortable until he walked out of the door of the village committee canteen.

Zhang Tiezhu leaned against the wall, walked out of the door of the village committee canteen, burped, shook his head, and walked towards the cuckoo's home.

Who knows, it was a breeze that slowly hit the door. Zhang Tiezhu drank a little too much wine today. With the breeze blowing, the strength of the wine ran towards his head! Zhang Tiezhu felt dizzy and swollen in a moment!