Chapter 445

The fat man in front of Xu sanbo was so angry that he couldn't say a word. He gnashed his teeth and said, "yes! Even if we have a holiday, we can charge as much as we should. Double me. What does that mean?"

"Hehe, do we have no cost in doing business? Uncle Xu doesn't need money! And when you and my brother Zhang Tiezhu were doing ginseng business, the price difference between ginseng was more than double? I think you should know it! Ha ha!" the fat man said to Xu sanbo in front of you at this time.

Although the ginseng trade between Xu sanbo and Zhang Tiezhu has ended now, before this iron pillar sold his ginseng to Xu sanbo at a low price. To put it bluntly, it was to give him a face. As for this price, how many times the error!

Xu sanbo has no choice when the fat man says so! I don't know how to get back to fat man.

The director was sitting in the car now, and the driver beside him sounded his horn a few times, looking a little worried.

Director Wang said, "Hey! What's the matter with you? Are you ready? I'm waiting to sing!"

The fat man quickly turned back, smiled and said to Director Wang: "well, director, let's go now. Xu Bo said that all the consumption tonight is his. Let's go now!"

At this time, the director smiled and nodded. Xu sanbo around him was angry and his face was iron green. This iron head followed Xu sanbo all day today. He was constantly checking out with a handbag!

"Uncle Xu, we have spent nearly 20000 this day. The director still hasn't done anything for us! This..." the iron head said to Xu sanbo at the moment.

"Even if this guy doesn't do anything, we can't offend him. Unexpectedly, this guy doesn't do anything for us. Forget it. For the time being, let's be a wronghead today. I'll call the Secretary directly tomorrow!" Xu sanbo said angrily at this time.

It was a day of eating, singing and bathing. Director Wang became friends with the fat man. Xu sanbo spent more than 20000 money all day. It didn't work at all. When Xu sanbo returned to his home at night, he was angry with his teeth!

Early the next morning, Xu sanbo called the Secretary and reported the situation of the director of the public security bureau to the secretary.

The Secretary didn't say anything. Instead, he scolded Xu sanbo and said what Xu sanbo did and that comrades from the county helped you. You've entertained some expenses and yelled here. Xu sanbo should handle everything about his son's beating. If you can't decide, don't call yourself in the future!

Xu sanbo is really at a loss. The Secretary can't offend the director because of his own business, but on the other hand, he has to explain himself. What can he take to straighten out the fat man now?

Xu sanbo felt that he had stumbled this time!

He thought too much. When the Public Security Bureau came to Xishui town this time, he wanted to help himself get rid of the fat man, but now it's good. He didn't succeed at all. What he tossed about was a belly of fire.

It seems that the fat man is not so easy to handle. He has to think of other ways to count on Director Wang. It's unreliable at all.

Now, director Wang nominally came to Xishui town to help him investigate the Jinlong group, but in fact, he was tossing himself in disguise in order to have done the Wu Dechang thing!

Xu sanbo now knows it well, but he can't say it. After all, this thing is what he did. Sooner or later, there will be retribution for what he did. Now the retribution is coming. The director came to Xishui town and not only didn't accomplish anything, but made the fat man become friends with him. Xu sanbo has no way at all.

At this time, the fat man was in danger in Xishui town. Xu sanbo's plan for the fat man failed. The only one who was hurt was Wu Qianqian. The central hotel was sealed up by Xu sanbo and the people at the health station.

However, Zhang Tiezhu promised Wu Qianqian that after the peach blossom farm was completed, a catering center would be established here, and Wu Qianqian would be responsible at that time.

At this time, in Taohua village, the project is in full swing. The brothers in Taohua village are not idle for a moment. The patrolling brothers take a hand on the construction site every day to help the masters of the engineering team do something together.

Zhang Tiezhu watches on the construction site every day and pays close attention to every detail of the project. He is afraid that something will happen, because Zhang Tiezhu attaches great importance to the project!

When he said the idea of the project transformation, many people were sneering at him, but the more people were not optimistic about what they did, the more Zhang Tiezhu wanted to do well!

And both Xu Ying and Zhang Yanran help themselves regardless of their own interests. They have to explain to others anyway!

At this time, foreman Chen Dawei came to the shed at the foot of the back mountain and said to Zhang Tiezhu, "Tiezhu, don't worry. Look, the viewing zoo on that side has been completed. There is still a catering center and hunting area in the back mountain. Now it's almost the same. The project will be completed in less than a month!"

"Thank you, brother Chen. The progress of this project is one month faster than we expected. It's really troublesome for you!" Zhang Tiezhu said with a smile and sent a cigarette to Chen Dawei.

"The villagers of Taohua village cooperate with us in everything. The progress of the project is so fast. Seriously, I envy the Taohua village. Everyone is united and the village will make great achievements in the future!" Chen Dawei said with a smile.

Zhang Tiezhu smiled and chatted with Chen Dawei. Looking at the current situation on the back mountain, according to the design of this sweet drawing, it is divided into three parts. One is the free hunting area. The barbed wire fence for isolation and security protection is now under construction, and the zoo viewing area on the other side has been completed. As for the last characteristic hotel on the villa, it is also laying a foundation, It will be finished soon!

This was originally a noisy back mountain, but now it has been transformed into a farmhouse ecological manor. It has beautiful scenery and pleasant scenery, which makes people relaxed and happy just looking at it.

In addition to the canal on this side and the sparkling water surface, fishing boats will be rented to guests from outside at that time, so that guests can freely fish and cast nets on the canal, enjoy the beautiful scenery of the canal and the back mountain, and experience the farmhouse life. Everything is as wonderful as imagined.

Zhang tiezhudun felt that his idea was correct. The money he invested in was not in vain!

"Brother Tiezhu!" at this time, a sweet voice came from behind. Zhang Tiezhu suddenly looked back and saw the cuckoo standing behind him with two sheep horn braids, smiling sweetly at himself.

"Ouch! Cuckoo, what are you doing?" Zhang Tiezhu looked back at cuckoo and said with a smile.

"Brother Tiezhu, I'm going to give you a little gift!" Du Juan said to Zhang Tiezhu with a smile. She carried her two little hands behind her and hid them from Zhang Tiezhu!

"Oh! What is it? Let me see it quickly!" at this time, Zhang Tiezhu smiled at Du Juan and walked out of the shed!

"Brother Tiezhu, guess that!" cuckoo said to Zhang Tiezhu with a smile.

Zhang Tiezhu thought at this time and said, "cuckoo, what a big thing can you grasp with such a small hand? I guess it's a gadget?"

At this time, the cuckoo smiled and said, "well, let me show you!"

At this time, the cuckoo smiled and spread out her white hands in front of Zhang Tiezhu, holding a necklace in both hands!

The necklace is a string of mulberry wood on the tree. Each one is very beautiful, and then the string is buckled with a moment of white boar teeth! This necklace is full of wildness and very beautiful.

The boar's teeth were on the boar that Zhang Tiezhu killed when he got drunk on the back mountain last time. At that time, Zhang Tiezhu stabbed the boar's sharp teeth into the wolf's stomach!

When the boar teeth were found in the back mountain, they didn't care much. They directly threw them to the cuckoo. Who knows that the little girl was so intentional and knitted a beautiful necklace for herself with the boar teeth!

”How beautiful, cuckoo, did you make this? "Zhang Tiezhu was very surprised and asked the cuckoo in front of him.

"Of course, I spent all night making it. Brother Tiezhu, do you like it?" the cuckoo asked Zhang Tiezhu at the moment.

Zhang Tiezhu looked at the white boar teeth. The edges and corners were exquisitely polished by the cuckoo. The mulberry wood on this side also saw that it had been finely polished. The dark mulberry wood strings with the white boar teeth looked very good!

Zhang Tiezhu grabbed the necklace, smiled at the cuckoo and said, "it's so beautiful! Cuckoo, thank you. I like it very much!"

"En en, tie Zhu, put it on and show me!" Du Juan said with a smile and asked Zhang tie Zhu to lower his head and take this necklace to see for himself.

Zhang Tiezhu looked at the cuckoo in front of him and smiled. He quickly bent down and lowered his head, allowing the cuckoo to hang the necklace around his neck!

Zhang Tiezhu's necklace with white boar teeth is very heroic and valiant. The necklace is full of wildness, and it is the boar killed by Zhang Tiezhu himself, which represents a symbol of courage. It smashed Zhang Tiezhu's neck. It seems to be a wild and rebellious nature!