Chapter 515

"Are all the things you told me true?" Xu sanbolton said with trembling all over his body. His face was pale, his breath was short, and his hand holding the fence was shaking constantly.

"Admit your fate, sanbo. No one can help you. Now the secretary is afraid that the scandal of his son's trouble in the central hotel will be shaken out, so he will deal with you directly. Now I can't help you! Hey!" Xu Qing said to Xu sanbo at this time.

"It's over, it's over, you see, how many years will I be sentenced for this crime..." Xu sanbo said pale at the moment.

"You are a felony, at least... More than eight years... Less than 15 years. At the same time, the people of the procuratorate also said today that you should review your unidentified property. Your villa and some unidentified property will be confiscated..." Xu Qing said reluctantly at this time.

At that time, Xu sanbo's head seemed to explode. He sat in the detention room with a decadent face and lost his mind

"It's over, it's really over..." Xu sanbo looked at the ceiling dully. Eight to fifteen years... When he came out, he was nearly old, and his property had to be sealed up

Xu sanbo feels that all his efforts in this life have suddenly come to naught. He is now worse than tietou. Tietou can at least have a home in Taohua village, but he has nothing now... This is his greed!

Things have come to this point. Now Xu sanbo can only accept his life

As this cousin, Xu Qing has no choice but to personally try Xu sanbo in this court

"Brother, I ask you to give my crime as light as possible. I want to come out early. I don't want to die in this prison..." Xu sanbo said, looking at Xu Qing in front of him with tears.

"I really can't help it... At that time, so many eyes are watching in the court, and you are still the main defendant of this case. What do you want me to do? Now it's not just you, but I can't protect myself. If Jinlong group knows that I'm related to you, I'll be miserable. Wu Dechang will tell them, alas!" Xu Qing's mind is also swollen at the moment.

Xu sanbo looked at the ceiling above his head in disappointment. His eyes were lax. He felt that his hope was like a soap bubble

The next day, the court in Xishui town began to try the crimes of Xu sanbo and Li Ming. At the moment, Zhang Tiezhu, fat man and Jinlong group all went to Xishui town to participate in the trial.

Wu Qianqian also went with her. She was very happy to hear that Xu sanbo and Li Ming had got their due end. At the same time, she also cleared her Central Hotel!

The trial lasted nearly three hours. The acts of Xu sanbo and Li Ming constituted a serious criminal crime. As the mayor, he drugged the hotel in Xishui Town, framed others, and tampered with construction equipment at the construction site of Taohua village, resulting in an accident in the project. The principal offender Xu sanbo was sentenced to 10 years' imprisonment, The accomplice Li Ming was sentenced to five years. They were expelled from the party and removed from their own posts!

And since Xu sanbo became mayor of Xishui Town, his income is seriously out of comparison with his living conditions. For Xu sanbo's personal property of unknown origin, the procuratorate will conduct further investigation and seal up some property of unknown origin!

At the same time, tietou participated in a series of events directed by Xu sanbo and Li Ming. As the first perpetrator, his behavior has violated the law. However, due to his significant meritorious performance, he repented in time and reported and exposed the principal and accomplices with a correct attitude. After coordination, the party also promised not to investigate criminal responsibility, so he paid a deposit of 100000 yuan and will not be investigated for criminal responsibility temporarily!

For the sealed Central Hotel, the court also proved that the central hotel is completely innocent. It will be returned to the party Wu Qianqian within three months after the trial. All losses will be borne by the health bureau!

After hearing the result of the trial, everyone burst into thunderous applause. The result of the trial was also what everyone wanted. Not only did Xu sanbo and Li Ming receive severe punishment by law, but also tietou was not criminally punished. The most gratifying thing is that the central hotel has restored its reputation of innocence, Now within three months, the people of the Health Bureau will personally unpack and return it to Wu Qianqian, and apologize face to face in Xishui town!

The judge at the moment is Xu Qing. After watching his cousin's trial, he felt very unhappy. However, under the pressure of the scene and the instructions above, he can only present the most fair and just cut-off results to the people in front of him. He wants to help, but he can't help!

After hearing the trial, Zhang Tiezhu and the people in Taohua village laughed and clapped hands with each other to celebrate. Wu Qianqian on one side was also happy and tears were in her eyes. The Central Hotel finally restored its original reputation and did not spoil the signboard of hard management by herself and her father!

At this time, when Xu sanbo heard the result of the trial, his legs suddenly became soft and his face became pale. Looking at the people in front, his eyes were full of despair. At the end of the trial, he was supported by two bailiffs before he sat on the ground!

Li Ming cried bitterly and shouted at Xu sanbo: "you old dog day, I've been badly hurt by you. If I didn't listen to you at the beginning, how good it would be. Now it's up to you to implicate me..."

At this time, the people clapped their hands and cheered. They watched Xu sanbo and Li Ming being escorted into the car by the bailiff in the court.

After the trial, Zhang Tiezhu smiled and asked Wu Qianqian, "sister Qianqian, the central hotel will be returned to you soon. What should I do? Do you continue to open a hotel in Xishui town or?"

"No! My central hotel will be returned to my father to take care of, while I wholeheartedly go to our own hotel in Taohua village with you. Thank you so much, Tiezhu and fat man!" Wu Qianqian smiled at Zhang Tiezhu and fat man around her.

"Ha ha, why do you thank me? These two bastards should have retribution for a long time. If you want to thank, you should thank tietou!" the fat man said with a smile.

"Yes, thank you, tietou. If it weren't for tietou, these two guys don't know how many bad things to do. Tietou, thank you!" Wu Qianqian said to tietou.

Iron head was embarrassed when Wu Qianqian said this. He blushed and said, "Qianqian, to be honest, it was my fault that I drugged your central hotel. Since the central hotel was destroyed in my hand, now of course I want to return your innocence. Now please don't blame me!"

"Of course I won't blame you. As Tiezhu often says, who hasn't made a mistake? Just make a mistake and know how to correct it. Now we haven't investigated your business. Now come back to Taohua village with us!" Wu Qianqian said with a smile.

"Seeing that these two bastards have come to their rightful end, my heart is relieved at once. OK! We should go back to Taohua village and be busy with our own business. This is the end of the matter. Everyone is happy, ha ha!" Zhang Tiezhu said with a smile. The fight between him and fat man and Xu sanbo, along with the trial, Finally, it drew a perfect full stop and won a complete victory!

The fat man watched everyone happy about this one after another. The stone in his heart was finally put down. Xu sanbo has been looking for trouble for them in Xishui town. Now it's finally over! No one will hinder fat man and Zhang Tiezhu again. Fat man and Zhang Tiezhu also hugged each other!

"Brother, we've done enough! Now Taohua village is full of talents. Not only the best landlady in the town has gone to your Taohua village, but also the best iron head has followed you. Taohua village is now strong, and it's not red or difficult!" chubby said with a smile.

"Of course, you are a talent, but you prefer Xishui Town, ha ha!" Zhang Tiezhu said with a smile.

Although he and the fat man are in the village and the other in the town, the two brothers have their own careers and goals. Although they are in different places, their hearts have never been far away!

But now the fat man sees Zhang Tiezhu in front of him, but he is a little embarrassed and embarrassed. When he was with Zhang Tiezhu in the past, he could say anything and solve everything together. But this time, the fat man has a faint feeling that there is a slight distance between him and Zhang Tiezhu.

Because this is the new mayor who is about to take office, Wu Dechang! Next, the fat man will have a good deal with Wu Dechang for his career!

But it happened that Wu Dechang was once the one who almost helped the winter group sell Taohua village. Everyone in Taohua village didn't like Wu Dechang, especially Zhang Tiezhu!

The fat man didn't tell Zhang Tiezhu about it, nor did he say anything about the appointment of the new mayor. He was afraid of causing more trouble at that time.

"Fat man, let's go back first. The project is about to be completed in these two days. We have to go back and take good care of the ending, as well as the bonfire party we're going to hold. Don't forget to come and support our brothers at that time!" Zhang Tiezhu said to the fat man with a smile.

"Don't worry, iron pillar, I can forget everything, but yours! When you inform me that day, I will take my brothers with me! If you want someone, I will take someone, and if you want money, I will throw money!" the fat man said with a smile.