Chapter 540

It's only half a day. The turnover plus the hotel has reached 200000! According to this progress, this time it will be very fast!

It's just that Zhang Tiezhu and the villagers' committee didn't expect that the business would be so good. It's beyond their imagination. Everyone was busy at that time!

The yellow hair is tired. For a while, he collects tickets and checks them. For a while, he runs to the mountain on this side as a guide and a security guard to be responsible for the safety of the tourists.

Zhang Tiezhu looked at everyone's busy people. He also actively participated in it, helped everyone collect and check tickets together, and then taught the foreign tourists to use hunting gear.

Zhang Tiezhu ran back and forth. At this time, the sunspot was also tired and spit out his tongue. He watched the continuous tourists running towards the Peach Blossom Village, waiting in line for the use of the hunting gear. Everyone was busy and was about to collapse!

"No... no... brother tie Zhu, our business is... Top of his lungs. It's really... Too good for him. We have to hire people, and we have to hire people!" at the moment, the black man said with tired sweat. He was running from front to back. For a while, he helped everyone recycle hunting gear, while helping others guide the way.

The hunting gear was not prepared enough. The rental and sale was completed in a moment, which made the later tourists ready to go hunting and play. Now they can only stand aside and wait for those who go down the mountain to return the hunting gear, and then they can go up the mountain to continue hunting with the security team!

"Don't worry, don't worry, everyone line up, ha, line up, hunting gear is limited, hunting gear is limited!" at this time, uncle Yao shouted behind here with a big horn. Silly root and Huang Mao on one side arranged for the later tourists to line up!

Li Xiang also shouted with a horn: "don't worry, big guy. Today is the first day of the official opening of our peach blossom farm. There is a serious shortage of hunting gear. Please line up or it's really boring. You can come to our sightseeing area for a while!"

Looking at the lively scene in front of him, Zhang Tiezhu was happy and worried.

The happy thing is that there is such a good business on the first day of opening. The worry is that there are so many guests here, but many parts of the farm are not perfect. Now many guests are lining up, there is a shortage of hunting tools, and there is a big loophole in personnel management, that is, there is a serious shortage of manpower!

Zhang Tiezhu wrote down the current shortcomings of Taohua farm. The first is to let people work all night at night to process and manufacture hunting gear. The second is to re divide the nature of the work of the brothers of the security team. There must be professional guides, special people responsible for protecting the safety of tourists, and also be able to teach the use of hunting gear.

Zhang Tiezhu wrote down the existence of these points and thought that he would be busy all day today and slowly improve it tomorrow, because if the business goes on, he would unreasonably improve everything of Taohua farm, which will affect everyone's view of the farm in the future.

Zhang Tiezhu should grasp the enthusiasm of the masses and improve the farm step by step!

"Sunspot! Don't rest tonight. All the staff work overtime to make hunting gear for me, and arrange everyone to rest in turn tomorrow, okay?" Zhang Tiezhu said to the sunspot at the moment.

"I know brother Tiezhu, don't worry. I'll fight his lungs. Today, even if the brothers don't sleep, they have to make more hunting gear. So many people are waiting here for such a good business!" the sunspot smiled at Zhang Tiezhu.

The business of this peach blossom farm is so good that it is beyond the expectation of this iron pillar. Today alone, there are hundreds of vehicles coming and going, and the traffic is thousands of people!

The longfenglou hotel is full. The craftsmanship of the fifth uncle and Wu Qianqian's generous and decent hotel management make the service and food meet the standards of star hotels in the county, and the price is also appropriate. The game on the mountain and the vegetables grown in the field are the best ingredients!

It's also hard for the tourists to hunt down from the mountain. They came to the Longfeng building on the hillside, ordered some game, and served a pot of yellow rice wine. While eating and drinking, they looked at the beautiful scenery on the green mountains and waters. Soon, the people in the city praised the peach blossom farm one by one. It's really a good place for vacation and leisure!

At this time, the fat man stayed in Taohua village for a few days, accompanied Liu Yan, looked at the lively scene of Taohua village in front of him, and felt happy for Zhang Tiezhu.

Liu Yan looked at the tourists waiting in line to go to the hunting area on Taohua villa and said to the fat man, "look, how successful the iron pillar project is. This is also the money in the right way. Taohua village will surpass Xishui town in the future! If you don't come back, you have to go to that Xishui town and see how hot Taohua village is now!"

"Ouch! The business of this iron pillar is good. I'm naturally happy. This is also my hometown ha, but no matter how powerful the peach blossom village is, it's also a village. How can it compare with the town!" the fat man said with a cigarette in his mouth.

"You have money now. It would be nice if you used the money to invest in the villa with Tiezhu. I have to go to Xishui town. I'm worried all day!" Liu Yan said with her mouth.

"My silly daughter-in-law, that's my career. Everyone has their own aspirations. Tiezhu is iron hearted. In this peach blossom village, I'm not interested in things in the village. People, of course, I have to do what I'm interested in, right? Look, Tiezhu's career is stable now, and I'm also stable in Xishui town. I'm not with you anymore. I'll stay with you for a few more days!" At the moment, the fat man smiled and hugged Liu Yan.

"Hum! You are like this every time. You accompany me for two or three days and then go back to the town. I have become a little resentful wife in Taohua village. Whose daughter-in-law hasn't been to the door and stays in the village all day. You're not afraid that I'll run away with others one day?" Liu Yanbai looked at the fat man and joked with the fat man at the moment.

"Hei hei! Daughter-in-law! I don't believe it. If you really want to run, you'd have run away. In this peach blossom village, I'm still at ease. If there's any wild man to seduce you, or I'll kill my iron pillar brother immediately!" the fat man said with a smile.

"You know how to fight and kill. Iron pillar is not like you! I said we'd better get married early. After getting married, you'll move back to Taohua village. I'll keep all the money you gave me. Then we'll have a bigger house!" Liu Yan said, hugging the fat man.

"What? Live here? Didn't we agree? When I make a big profit in the past two years, let's go to the county or the urban area to buy a house. Why do we always think that in this peach blossom village, people have no goal at all, my silly daughter-in-law!" the fat man smiled and said to Liu Yan at this time.

"But I can't bear the villagers here... I've been here for so long, and I feel at home in Taohua village. I'm really not used to that county or urban area!" Liu Yan said to the fat man at this time.

"Well, let's stop bullshit, peach blossom village, come back when we provide for the aged!" the fat man said to Liu Yan with a smile. Holding Liu Yan is ready to be warm in this bed, but at the moment, the door outside is ringing!

"Who?" asked the fat man at the moment.

"Brother, it's me!" at this time, Gao Zhong's voice came from outside the door. Hearing that it was Gao Zhong, the fat man hurried to open the door.

"Grandma, what are you doing here?" the fat man muttered and opened the door.

Gao Zhong stood at the door with several younger brothers behind him. The fat man frowned when he saw the situation. At this time, Gao Zhong came with his younger brother and estimated what had happened in the town!

"What's the matter, Gao Zhong?" the fat man asked Gao Zhong in front of him.

"Brother, let's go out and talk!" Gao Zhong looked at Liu Yan and felt that it was not very convenient for her to talk here.

The fat man nodded and said to Liu Yan, "daughter-in-law, you wait for me here. I'll go out and talk about something!"

The fat man followed Gao Zhong and others to the open space in front of the house, lit a cigarette and asked, "what's up?"

"Brother, there is an accident in the town. Today, in hardware street, a group of our brothers were caught while collecting protection fees!" Gao Zhong said to the fat man at this time.

"What? What are you talking about? In Xishui Town, we will still be caught if we collect protection fees? Is he funny?" the fat man immediately said angrily. In Xishui Town, the director is his own person, and the mayor is also his own person. Now he collects protection fees, who else can't get along with him?

"No, the secretary sent the Discipline Inspection Commission of the county government to make a surprise inspection. Mayor Wu told me this morning and asked me to tell you that now the county Party secretary is staring at us very closely. We can't collect the protection fee for the time being!" Gao Zhong said to the fat man at this time.

"What? No protection fee? What about our brothers? Who caught our brothers and how many were caught?" the fat man asked Gao Zhong at this time.

"It was the Discipline Inspection Commission of the county that came down. Xiao Wang had no choice but to catch more than a dozen of our brothers. They were originally taken away by Wang. It's all right. Make an appearance and show them to the Discipline Inspection Commission of the county. They will release them as soon as they leave. It doesn't matter, but this time these guys in the county are determined to take our brothers to the county! Whoever doesn't give face, they will leave them In a word, it's the Secretary's instruction! "Gao Zhong frowned at the moment.