Chapter 616

At this time, Guo Yuncheng sat next to Chen Degao, looked at a police car behind him, and asked Chen Degao: "secretary, the people in the old city can make a lot of noise. We only bring people with a police car. If it really makes trouble, I'm afraid..."

"What are you afraid of? Who am I? I'm the parent official of the county. Is there any royal law? What can they do for a group of people? It's just a protest at most. If there are any extreme actions, they can be arrested!" Chen Degao said to Guo Yuncheng at this time.

Chen Degao thought that he was at least a secretary and a parent official of the county. He came forward and said a few words to the people. Can he not give this face?

At the moment, Chen Degao came to the central intersection of the old city and stopped. As soon as they got off the bus, they felt that the atmosphere was very unusual!

The streets of the old city are filled with people holding banners, shouting protests and refusing demolition. They are very excited with flags one by one. They see the government's car coming and shout slogans louder and louder!

At this time, Chen Degao looked at the people in front of him and was surprised. The situation in front of him was really not simple. These people were much more excited than they thought.

This past demolition, the people's anger is three minutes of heat, and then the government takes a gentle policy and goes up to talk to these people. This matter has passed. As long as the money is not bad, there will be no problem!

At the moment, Chen Degao, using his previous work experience and holding the microphone, walked into the place where the people gathered and shouted to the people in front of him: "Hello, everyone, I'm Chen Degao, Secretary of the county Party committee. I'm here to talk about the demolition. Everyone must be reluctant to live here, because everyone has lived for decades and has feelings! But ah, our county needs development, everyone..."

"If we don't go, we won't move, and the county Party Secretary won't give face when he comes. Why should we move? Don't say it, we just don't move!" before Chen Degao finished his words, people began to protest one after another. The voice of opposition was higher than another!

At this time, Chen Degao looked at the people in front of him and immediately frowned and shouted to the people in front: "Calm down and listen to me. I can understand your feelings for your land, but our county needs to develop. We all want to live in a more prosperous county. This winter group has provided us with this opportunity. I hope you can cooperate. As long as you are willing to move, I will talk with winter group on behalf of the people about the demolition money. I will let you know Each of you is satisfied, okay? "

At this time, after Chen Degao's words, he thought this was effective. Who knows that the people still protested as usual!

The leader was even more angry and shouted at Chen Degao, "what does that mean, secretary? Who said we would move out if I paid one million for your wife! Can't you sell it?"

"Yes! That's good!" the crowd said one after another. At this time, Chen Degao listened to the bastard's words in front of him. His face turned green at once. The people in the old city are really not so easy to deal with!

The outspoken bird in front of him was even more rude to himself. At this time, the people shouted loudly at Chen Degao in front of him. For a moment, the atmosphere was uncontrollable!

Chen de was so angry that he turned pale and said to the policeman in front of him, "this! This leading guy, let me control him!"

Chen Degao was at least the Secretary of the county and was on the same level as the county head. He was scolded by a leading neighborhood in the old city. It was time for these policemen to go up and catch people!

At this time, the leading guy was pressed by several policemen. At this time, the guy immediately began a fierce resistance!

When the policeman moved, the people's anger immediately came up and pushed with the policeman!

"Don't touch me, who dares to touch me?" at this time, the leading guy in front of him shouted. The people behind him surrounded Chen Degao with the broom and bench!

At this time, the police looked at hundreds of neighbors in front of them and surrounded themselves. The situation was very serious. They stood aside one after another and protected Chen Degao behind them!

"Why should we move? We won't move! If you dare to move one of us today, we'll fight to the death. If you really can't, we'll write to Kyoto and tell the central government that we won't move even if you pay $10 million for this land!" At the moment, the leader shouted, and a group of people behind him began to coax with this guy.

At this time, the situation is slowly expanding. Chen Degao looks at the people's anger. The county Party secretary is even more embarrassed with a microphone. It is difficult to calm the people's anger. Several policemen around him are not enough. For fear that something big will happen, Chen Degao immediately backed out!

Chen Degao began to get angry with Guo Yuncheng around him: "how did you do this? How did it get so serious? Now the people refuse to go, and what I said doesn't work. You can do it yourself?"

"Secretary... I told you in advance that these people are very difficult to do. Now none of them are willing to move away, and the work is too difficult to do..." Guo Yuncheng looked at Chen De's high support and said.

Guo Yuncheng was really confused. Seeing that Chen Degao, Secretary of the county Party committee, didn't work, he felt that the time was cool!

"Forget it, we can't talk today. Let's go!" Chen de said angrily at this time. At this time, there are more and more people in the old urban area. If we entangle here again, I'm afraid something will happen!

Chen Degao immediately got on the bus and ignored it. Guo Yuncheng watched Chen Degao get on the bus. The people over there were ready to rush up to him. Guo Yuncheng was so frightened that he quickly followed the bus!

This matter has not been done. Even Chen De, the Secretary of the county Party committee, has raised his face. Now it doesn't matter what he says. Guo Yuncheng's heart is flustered and has no foundation at this time. This matter is related to his future!

"Xiao Guo, look, it's not that I don't help you. The people can't be persuaded by money now. They don't want money. Now they just don't want to move away. Tell me how to do this?" Chen de said angrily to Guo Yuncheng at the moment.

Chen Degao was also very upset. Today, as a county Party Secretary, he was embarrassed by this matter. Now the people refused to move away, this matter would have to be delayed. Not only could he not get the money, but if the project was delayed, he would get the documents himself, but the matter was not implemented. This is very troublesome!

Now Chen Degao can only exert pressure on Guo Yuncheng and said, "I can give you up to three days to find a way to deal with this matter. If it doesn't work, I'll waste this document on it. You can't do it for you, and I've lost someone!"

"No, no! Secretary, don't worry, don't worry, I'll do it well even if I work hard!" at the moment, Guo Yuncheng saw that the county Party secretary was angry and quickly stabilized Chen Degao first!

"I don't care what method you use and how much money you spend, you have to talk to these people for me. Even if it is forced demolition, the project should be carried out as scheduled. I only give you three days!" Chen Degao said to Guo Yuncheng in front of him at this time.

"OK, OK!" Guo Yuncheng could only nod his head.

Chen Degao went back to the county government, and Guo Yuncheng also went back to the company. At this time, Guo Yuncheng was depressed. He walked like a drowning dog with a tail. At that time, he had no spirit and energy at all!

At this time, Guo Yuncheng was disillusioned. He talked with the people in the project department in the past, but he couldn't talk down!

Now, even if he invited Chen Degao, the county Party Secretary, he still couldn't do it here. Instead, the county Party secretary was angry. Seeing that the things from the waterway have become a mess, Guo Yuncheng is very upset now!

At this time, Guo Yuncheng lit a cigarette and was scolding his mother. Suddenly, the door of the office rang!

At this time, Guo Yuncheng said: come in! At this time, people outside the door came in, but Wu Dechang came in!

At this time, Guo Yuncheng looked at Wu Dechang in front of him and said, "Mayor Wu? Why are you here?"

"Hehe, it's all right. Come to the county to see the property of Jinlong group. I stopped by to see my second uncle. I passed the winter group and came to see you. I heard that the winter group has made a big move recently to transform and demolish the old urban area and invest in a large shopping mall. Congratulations!" Wu Dechang smiled and said to Guo Yuncheng.

At this time, Guo Yuncheng was in a panic. Looking at Wu Dechang in front of him, he said, "Hey, congratulations? Now it's her mother's trouble. Now the people are unwilling to move away, and the Secretary's appearance is useless. If these neighbors refuse to go, how can we start the project? My head is getting tired!"

At the moment, Wu Dechang looked at Guo Yuncheng, smiled and said, "isn't it that the people won't move away? What a big thing?"