Chapter 727

Chen daweiton was so frightened that he turned pale. Looking at Gao Zhong in front of him, he said, "don't touch my family. I know what to do. Please don't touch my family!"

Chen daweiton knew that he was afraid. He knew that Gao Zhong could really do anything. This bastard had no basic moral foundation at all. Since he investigated his family, it showed that he was moved!

Chen Dawei can be said to be a tough guy, but his family and children are really his weakness! In the face of Gao Zhong's words, Chen Dawei immediately softened down!

"Hehe, it's OK not to touch your family. I have no grievances with them, but your attitude makes me lose face! Viagra? Why do we invite you to get a project? So many words? I'll give you one last chance. Will you take the project or not?" Gao Zhong shouted at Chen Dawei at this time.

"I'll take... I'll take!" Chen Dawei finally lowered his head and said to Gao Zhong. He was afraid that his family would be threatened by Gao Zhong. Now facing Gao Zhong and Guo Yuncheng, Chen Dawei had to bow his head

"Hahaha, isn't that good? Get up, Viagra. Brother Gao Zhong is actually very talkative. Just follow him. Look at you. Isn't this asking for trouble?" Guo Yuncheng smiled at Chen Dawei and said, helping Chen Dawei up quickly!

At this time, Gao Zhong said to his men, "well, you go out first. There's nothing for you here!"

A dozen big men looked at Chen Dawei, and then turned around and left. Chen Dawei sat at the dinner table, wiped the blood on his head with tissue paper, and said, "brother Gao Zhong, you can ask me to do the project, but don't touch my family. I promise you!"

"Hehe, isn't that good? We have to take some extraordinary measures, and let's talk about the cost of the engineering team now!" Gao Zhong looked at Chen Dawei and said with a smile.

"The initial cost of such a project is 20 million, including labor cost, machinery use cost and various building materials! I have framed this price with President Guo before!" said Chen Dawei at the moment.

"I'll give you ten million yuan and you'll arrange everything for me!" Gao Zhong said to Chen Dawei at this time.

Chen Dawei was stunned when he heard this. He wiped the blood on his face, kneaded the paper ball into a ball, threw it on the ground and said, "brother Gao, aren't you playing with me? Now the project cost ten million. Where do you ask me to find someone to work for you? The cost of buying building materials is not enough!"

Gao Zhong looked at Chen Dawei, spit a cigarette on Chen Dawei's face and said, "that's your business. We'll give so much money for the project, but you still have to do it well for me! You can use low-quality building materials and workers' money. In short, I have only 10 million here!"

Chen Dawei looked at Gao Zhong in front of him and Guo Yuncheng on the other side. His face turned white at once! Isn't this playing with yourself?

Not only forced to help them start work, but now half of the salary has been deducted! Chen Dawei is angry and angry. It's obvious to pit himself!

Chen Dawei looks back at Guo Yuncheng. He knows that nothing can happen when talking with Gao Zhong. Now he can only talk with Guo Yuncheng!

Guo Yuncheng looked at Chen Dawei in front of him with a smile. He didn't speak. His eyes seemed to tell Chen Dawei that this project will eat you!

Chen Dawei said in his time: "President Guo, isn't that good? I work for you? You still let me lose money? Your winter group doesn't need money at all. Why play with me like this? “

"No one in the world dares to say that he is not bad for money, and no one will think that he has too much money! You have to do it, you have to do it! You know?" Guo Yuncheng said to Chen Dawei at the moment.

Chen Dawei didn't have time to say anything. It's obviously an underworld! I'm really forced. I'm not only forced to work for them, but also doing a loss making business! Chen Dawei, an iron man, is angry and wants to vomit blood!

At this time, Gao Zhong looked at Chen Dawei and said, "well, the construction will start tomorrow. Tomorrow I want to see the construction team and equipment enter the site. Tonight, those relocated households should be cleared out, but don't let me down. If you let me down, I'll let you down!"

Gao Zhong smiled and patted Chen Dawei on the shoulder. He left with Guo Yuncheng, leaving Chen Dawei sitting alone in the hotel, sighing and stunned!

Gao Zhong is an animal! Fat people used to be reasonable when they were in Jinlong group! But Gao Zhong is simply squeezing people to the extreme, despicable and shameless!

Chen daweiton's time is running out of articles of association. This time, he really lost his temper! But he doesn't have a temper at all, because after all, he has a family, and Gao Zhong has been eyeing his family

What should we do now? Chen Dawei is a big man. Tears are in his eyes for a while. Now the only person Chen Dawei can think of is Zhang Tiezhu

I'm afraid only Zhang Tiezhu can help himself!

At the moment, Gao Zhong and Guo Yuncheng came to the site to check the situation of the relocated households!

The demolition site is a mess. The people who refuse to move away are complaining one by one. The originally agreed cost is 200 thousand households, but now it has been reduced by half. Naturally, the people refuse to sign!

The result was very tragic. The family was smashed and beaten. Several households had a tough attitude. The house was directly poured with gasoline and almost burned the whole house!

The common people are crying bitterly. Now most of them have no choice but to sign and swallow their anger, but the remaining half is struggling!

At this time, Gao Zhong walked to the middle of the development area, holding a horn in his hand and shouted to the rest of the family: "You guys, we are Jinlong group. If you move out, you move out. Everyone must sign tonight. Otherwise, you won't get your money and your life will be lost. You'll have ten minutes to prepare. Whoever doesn't move out after ten minutes will burn the house immediately!"

At this time, Gao Zhong finished shouting, threw the horn aside and said to the little brother around him, "in ten minutes, I want to see that there are no nail households and no houses in this place!"

"OK, brother Gao, let's prepare gasoline now. If these bastards don't move, they'll stop us from getting rich and burn their house!" the younger brothers said one after another at the moment.

After about ten minutes, the remaining nail households still didn't agree to sign. Gao Zhong immediately gave orders to his people. In the hands of these people, they took the gasoline bottle and the torch and were ready to throw them on the houses of the people who refused to move away!

At the moment, Guo Yuncheng was frightened. He said to Gao Zhong in front of him, "brother Gao, is this... Too much? It's going to kill people. If it's going to be big, how can we start?"

"Hehe, do you think these people are not afraid of death? If it doesn't make a big deal, how can they move away? Where does our money come from?" Gao Zhong said to Guo Yuncheng at the moment.

At this time, Chen Degao's car drove over and a sudden brake stopped at the site. Chen Degao quickly got off and shouted to Gao Zhong, "stop, stop!"

Chen Degao looked at Gao Zhong's men holding a gasoline bottle to burn the house here. The whole person was in a panic for a while. Now, if this matter is serious, his first thing is to have an accident!

"Secretary?" Gao Zhong immediately asked his men to stop when he saw Chen Degao coming. When Guo Yuncheng saw Chen Degao coming, he quickly welcomed him.

"Secretary? What's the matter? Guo Yuncheng hurriedly asked.

"You guys, this is too fierce! You want me to have an accident? If this torch burns someone's house, if it's spread to the provincial capital, do I have to be a secretary? It's bullshit!" at this time, Chen Degao said to Gao Zhong and stopped Gao Zhong's behavior.

"But if we don't do this, these nail households will still hang on!" Gao Zhong said to Chen Degao.

"Pay attention to ways and methods in doing things! Now the leaders in this urban area pay close attention to the development of this land, and I wasted a lot of effort to win this document. If there is a big event on the demolition issue, the leaders will not only take this land, but also do me. Aren't you looking for death now?" Chen Degao scolded Guo Yuncheng and Gao Zhong!

"Sorry, secretary, President Guo and I just want to start work early!" Gao Zhong said quickly.

"And you're fooling around by privately reducing the money of the relocated households. Anyway, I don't care now. Don't cause me an accident. This land is very important. The leaders above keep an eye on it. You give me time to do it without an accident!" Chen Degao said immediately.

"Good secretary, don't worry. We won't mess around. We'll start construction tomorrow!" Gao Zhong said to Chen Degao and sent Chen Degao away.

Guo Yuncheng looked at Chen Degao leaving, shook his head and said to Gao Zhong, "brother Gao, what the Secretary said is very light, so that we can't take compulsory measures and drive away these relocated households. Isn't it difficult for us?"

"Don't worry, continue to do things my way, put away the gasoline for the time being, go straight up and cut off their water and electricity, and see how long they can last!" Gao Zhong said at this time, and began to fight a protracted war with these nail households!