Chapter 816

Zhang Tiezhu was trembling all the time. The Miao stockade and the medicine garden were missing. Now it was replaced by a pile of charred wood!

"Brother, it's dark!" Xiaoyue cried in horror. Looking at the scorched land, she ran to the stronghold, but she lost anyone in the stronghold.

"Big brother, where have they all gone? How did the stockade become like this?" at the moment, Xiaoyue cried in fear. She couldn't find her own people or her brother. Xiaoyueton cried loudly.

Zhang Tiezhu was also very shocked. He was really confused. Fortunately, after he smoked a cigarette, he stabilized his mood and calmed down!

Zhang Tiezhu vaguely felt that the villagers in the Miao stockade had encountered great difficulties this time. Xiaoyue's brother and these ethnic people were estimated to have been killed, but they didn't find the bodies of the people in the Miao stockade in a few miles!

Looking at Xiaoyue crying in front of him, Zhang Tiezhu hurriedly comforted Xiaoyue and said, "sister Xiaoyue, stop crying and calm down. Let's look around again! “

At this time, Zhang Tiezhu comforted Xiaoyue while looking for clues around the stockade. According to the analysis of the surrounding situation, Zhang Tiezhu first denied the possibility of fire in the stockade!

Because it's not a fire at all! Because the medicine garden is not affected by the fire, and all the herbs in the medicine garden are gone!

There is only one possibility! That is to say, the villagers of the Miao stockade were killed by evil people, burned the stockade and robbed the medicinal materials!

This is also the worst plan that Zhang Tiezhu can think of in his mind!

He dare not tell Xiaoyue. He is afraid that Xiaoyue is too sad and dare not accept the blow!

”Xiaoyue, stop crying. Let's go to the medicine garden and have a look! "Zhang Tiezhu looked around warily, holding Xiaoyue's hand and looking at the medicine garden on this side.

All the herbs in the medicine garden are gone! And there are obvious traces of the shovel in the land! It is obvious that the stockade was burned artificially, and then a group of people robbed the herbs from Heifeng mountain!

”Big brother, these herbs are obviously dug up. Someone has been to Heifeng mountain! "Xiaoyue said to Zhang Tiezhu in a panic.

At this time, Xiaoyue has obviously felt that her people are now in danger!

"Who is it? Will know the secret of Heifeng mountain? No one has ever been to Heifeng mountain except me!" Zhang Tiezhu said with a frown.

Who leaked the secret of Heifeng mountain? Where did the villagers go?

At the moment, Zhang Tiezhu lowered his head and saw a trace of red blood on the green grass! The blood dried up and sprinkled on the grass and soil.

Zhang Tiezhu looked at the bloodstains in front of him. He was one head and two big!

It's over! Now it seems that there's no way. These people are really killed. It's obviously mottled blood!

"Brother Tiezhu, what is this? Is this blood?" Xiaoyue asked Zhang Tiezhu in front of her at this time.

Xiaoyue's face was pale and her voice trembled. The whole person was trembling. Zhang Tiezhu couldn't bear to look at Xiaoyue's big eyes with tears and tell Xiaoyue the truth!

Zhang Tiezhu hugged Xiaoyue. His eyes were red. He knew that the villagers of the Miao stronghold had been killed this time!

"Xiaoyue, don't be afraid, Xiaoyue..." Zhang Tiezhu said holding Xiaoyue in front of him at the moment.

"Big brother, what happened to my brother and his people? Tell me what happened!" Xiaoyue cried at the moment.

At this time, Xiaoyue's bamboo basket was opened in an instant. Pearl squeaked from the bamboo basket, climbed out, climbed all the way along the grass in front, came to a piece of dirt in front, smelled constantly, and made a sharp squeak!

Zhang Tiezhu let go of Xiaoyue and hurriedly followed pearl to this land. Zhang Tiezhu took out his medicine shovel and shoveled it down from the place where Pearl was crawling!

Zhang Tiezhu kept shouting no in his heart. Don't appear the scene in his mind, but when he went down with a shovel, he smelled a thick smell of blood, mixed with a stench!

Zhang Tiezhu was stunned. When he went down with this shovel, he dug out a gray man's palm!

"Ah!" Zhang Tiezhu was startled and took a step back behind him! Xiaoyue hurriedly followed him, so scared that she screamed.

While Pearl was on one side, she also made this squeaky scream! Zhang Tiezhu was confused for a long time. He continued to pick up the shovel in his hand and turned the soil out here with all his strength!

A whole body was presented in front of Zhang Tiezhu and Xiaoyue. The dead man was the black faced man who raised the black flower Python in the Miao stockade!

"Ah! It's big black! Big black brother! Woo! Big black brother is dead!" Xiaoyue cried, knelt on her knees and looked at the big black body in front of her. It was like tears!

Zhang tiezhudun looked at the big black body for a long time, and the whole person was stunned! Zhang Tiezhu looked at the big black body carefully. There was a bullet mark in the middle of his head and eyebrow!

This iron pillar turned big black over! I saw the big black back of the head with a big hole in the mouth of the bowl!

Zhang Tiezhu's heart is cold immediately! Xiaoyue is scared to sit on the ground. At the moment, Zhang Tiezhu covers Xiaoyue's eyes! This is so terrible that this iron pillar can't bear to look directly at it!

The wound on the big black head obviously reminds Zhang Tiezhu of Gao Zhong. This shot is magically similar to the original Gao Zhong. They were shot to death and hit their head. There was a bullet sized wound in the center of their eyebrows, and then a big blood hole big at the mouth of the bowl burst out because of the rotation of the bullet!

Thinking about the gunshot wound, Zhang Tiezhu couldn't help thinking of Xiao Wang! Who has a gun in this nearby town or village?

Except Xiao Wang! Zhang Tiezhu really didn't think of anyone who could always be equipped with a gun!

"Dahei was shot! Someone must have brought a gun to Heifeng mountain nearby. There are only a few people with a gun!" said Zhang Tiezhu at this time.

But now it can only be regarded as Zhang Tiezhu's guess. Although Xiao Wang has a gun! But how could he know the secret of Heifeng mountain?

Could it be Xiao Wang?

"Brother! I want to find my brother, Wuwu! Where are you, brother?" Xiaoyue cried at this time. The heartbreaking cry disturbed the thoughts of this iron pillar. She hurriedly continued to work on this side with a medicine shovel!

With the guidance of pearl, Zhang Tiezhu kept digging on that side with a medicine shovel, and finally dug out the body of Xiaoyue's brother!

Looking at the head of the Miao stockade in front of him, he was as black as Da Hei. He had a gunshot wound on his head and closed his eyes forever!

At this time, Xiaoyue saw her brother and lay in front of her. She burst into tears and knelt in front of her brother's body. Xiaoyue really didn't expect that her brother would say goodbye to herself in such a short time!

I just went down the mountain, but I became Yin and Yang farewell with my brother! Xiaoyuedun time is full of tears. Zhang Tiezhu looks at Xiaoyue and doesn't know how to comfort her!

He knew that no matter what he said, he would not calm Xiaoyue's inner trauma! After all, the patriarch is Xiaoyue's only relative in the world and her only brother!

"Brother Tiezhu... Woo, who killed my brother? I want revenge, I want revenge for my brother!" Xiaoyue cried at the moment, and pearl on one side also made an angry squeak!

Zhang Tiezhu looked at the clan leader who fell to the ground. He held his fist tightly for a while and said to Xiaoyue, "these people are really cruel and ruthless. They went up the mountain with guns to rob medicinal materials and killed the people in the Miao stockade. Xiaoyue, don't worry. Brother Tiezhu will avenge you!"

Xiaoyue cried and said, "brother Tiezhu, my home is gone! Now my brother is gone... Wuwu, what should I do..."

Zhang Tiezhu took Xiaoyue's hand and said to Xiaoyue, "good sister, don't worry. Go back to Taohua village with me. Taohua village is your eternal home. I'll treat you as your own sister. Don't look. Your brother is dead... All the people are in trouble. Let's go!"

At this time, Zhang Tiezhu said to Xiaoyue, but Xiaoyue at the moment is full of tears, holding his brother's body and crying for a long time!

"Xiaoyue! Forget it, your brother won't wake up again. Be strong. We must find out this matter and avenge your brother!" Zhang Tiezhu said to Xiaoyue at the moment.

Xiaoyue looked at Zhang Tiezhu in front of her and raised her face. Her face was full of tears.

Zhang Tiezhu looked at poor Xiaoyue and wiped away the tears on Xiaoyue's face.

”Big brother, why is this... Why? What did we Bai Miao do wrong? Why did someone kill us and rob our medicinal materials... Woo woo! I'm really sad now... "Xiaoyue cried to Zhang Tiezhu in front of her.

Zhang Tiezhu sighed, hugged Xiaoyue and said, "it's okay, don't be afraid, and I, don't worry, Xiaoyue, I will explain this to you, and I will find out the behind the scenes! Brother Tiezhu will not spare him at that time!"